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Everything posted by Gregory

  1. So far, I don't believe Triton has raised any flags with the Admin here. The work they are doing appears to be totally original.
  2. Just a question for the experts here.. I remember reading somewhere that studding sails were only set in light wind conditions in order to make as much speed as possible under those conditions. However, some recent discussions about clipper ships, and also recalling numerous paintings of various ships with all sails set, with what appeared to be heavy seas and strong winds; sometimes with the ship heeled over as if it were going for America's Cup, made me wonder if such depictions were realistic. I does seem logical to me, that under strong winds and heavy seas, setting all that canvas would not be a good idea, but I'm willing to be educated..
  3. The Alert from Trident Model may not be too far in the future..
  4. Dave, I think the main basis for the criticizing of these books, is when they are suggested as a go-to refernce for new-comers who want a definitive source, without clarifying that he was documenting models as he found them.. I personally would not have a problem building a model and following Petersson rope for rope, because my target audience will never know the difference..
  5. At that scale, some of Chuck's built up blocks would really look good..
  6. There are several build logs for Lady Nelson. Here is one example with a link to the deck Planking.. Lady Nelson by vossiewulf Some people choose not to go with as much detail as in that log, and just go with straight planks dressed out with the waterway, and not the margin planks. Most kits do not include details like margin planks in the plans.
  7. Likewise, the Bluejacket America is POF...
  8. Sorry about my confusing the two..
  9. Definitely not a banned kit.. Master Korabel Is one of the site sponsors.. ______________________________________________________ I see I confused Falconet With Master Korabel.. Ooops! Brain fart.. I apologize..
  10. Exploring my notes led to page 1 of the Syren instructions from ModelExpo Syren Instructions authored by Chuck Passaro. It has some excellent details about the rabbeting strip, and also the actual " false Keel " that Mark gave a good description of.. A lot of kits do not include that feature which probably existed on 99% of these wooden ships.
  11. As an example, say the false keel, stem and stern post , etc. are 3/16" thick. The strip would then be 1/16" and centered on the edge of the false keel, leaving a groove ( rabbet ) of 1/16" on each side for fixing the planks. Here are more images from one of Chuck's builds that illustrates this better.. Of course, the bearding line and tapering the false keel to meet the stern post would be similar to the usual practice.
  12. The angle of the rabbet may not be as critical in modeling as it is in actual ship building.. Once a plank is in place, the angle is not apparent.. I prefer the easy way out of attaching a small strip along the false keel, which I learned from Chuck's models.
  13. I commented on the Halifax kit back in December. The kits also include some photo etched brass parts.. I have managed to put together the skeleton so far, and it went together very nicely. I don't see the problems with shape and fit that I experienced with the old Mamoli kits.
  14. Dusek is doing a nice job of resurrecting some of the Mamoli kits with some substantial improvements. They make very nice beginner kits..
  15. Have you seen these articles, here at MSW: Ship Model Framing and Planking
  16. That thread is where Chuck talks about his products and methods; while I was inspired to create a thread to talk about the quality of his service, and give others the opportunity to do so, without distracting from what is essentially Chuck's banner thread..
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