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Everything posted by Gregory

  1. Not sure this is a new idea, but here is what I came up with for making stronger pin rails. I use L shape stock. The bottom part, which provides a base for anchoring, is virtually invisible once mounted on the bulwark.
  2. In light of which, the frapping of gun tackle would seem appropriate on a model. No less so, than the neat coils laying on the deck, often seen on models. Would those coils represent actual practice on a working ship?
  3. Considering the un-friendliness as a modeling medium, I'm curious as to the background/tradition on the desire to use ebony in wood ship modeling.
  4. Might be able to help with more info... Any pictures?
  5. Nice pictures of the Max Emanuel model here.. Model The lines are virtually identical to the Mamoli Yacht Mary kit, but the details are much finer..
  6. I remember being a kid in the 50's, going to one of the local drug stores that sold plastic model kits, and looking at the pictures on the boxes. Particularly the small Constitution & Bounty. The $3.98 price tag was beyond my means at that time, but a passion was born.
  7. . When I have done this, I put drops of white glue on the shrouds, and then, lay a small piece of line across the drops of glue on the shrouds to form the ratline, wiggle it a bit from side to side to pick up the glue, and it will stay in place until the glue dries if not disturbed. I can make a pic, if this is not clear.
  8. Yes.. I think the vote was con=1, sensus = 0 ..
  9. I realized after re-reading a couple of times, that I may have not made my thoughts clear on this; being that, if this was not the practice at the time, why would a professional model builder do such a thing? My opinion was/is, that they would not. Leading me to believe the model is accurate..
  10. I just noticed the moveable cover on the galley stack.. I don't think i have seen that feature modeled before.. Photo
  11. It sure makes me wonder why a modeler would have put the traveler under the tiller. It doesn't even meet the oft repeated criteria of " it looks good " ..
  12. FWIW they appear on the Hull model also.. With rope.. Hull Model
  13. Meant to add, as popeye2sea mentioned, moving it forward very much would interfere with the foresail..
  14. There are several images in another thread.. This one has the main stay attaching near the fore mast..
  15. It would seem that Peterssen's problem would be with the models he chose to document, unless there is a reason to believe he did not accurately report what he observed. Seems a bit ironic, in that contemporary models are often the go-to authority in these discussions.
  16. Except for refinements and materials, everything is pretty much the same as it was hundreds of years ago..
  17. Do you have more information; pictures , of what you are referring to? I recently posted a tip about attaching hooks to blocks.. A little CA goes a long way..
  18. I'm pretty sure that convoluted is not the way to go. I don't have Lee's. Perhaps someone who does can check it for you. I have to imagine, for the sake of easy handling, it would start at a ring bolt near the stern and belay to a cleat near the stern.
  19. If I'm not mistaken, the Constitution has steps on the bowsprit. Seems like a convenient thing to have on a large ship..
  20. If you will notice, the number and set-up of those stays of your 50 gun ship, appears identical to Petersson's frigate. As far as belaying, taking the natural lead of the line to the closest pin, while avoiding interference with other lines, will probably not get you in trouble with any Admiral who may view your work.
  21. An excellent resource is Rigging Period Ship Models by Lennarth Peterson Here is a sample that covers your question.
  22. Amazon would probably be a good place to buy once you know the size & color you want.. I use stuff like this: https://smile.amazon.com/Gutermann-Natural-Cotton-Thread-3281-Yard/dp/B002762152/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1495740793&sr=8-1&keywords=Natural%2BSolids%2B3281&th=1 With a machine like the Domanoff, where you are limited to four strands, you may have to use your results ( 2,3,4 ) to make larger rope...
  23. Another excellent reference is "Historic Ship Models by Wolfram zu Mondfeld.. It should have some details regarding the rigging of the type you are working on.. Browse through some of the excellent build logs, and click through to the rigging parts. Trying to take you through this, question by question, is going to result in a virtual build log, using diagrams and technique that has already been provided. Here is a good start from a log I suggested to you earlier..
  24. Without any other references, the rigging plans with the kit should be adequate. When I search in the build logs, the first completed log I come across is: This would probably be a good place to start.. When I Google " Santa Maria model ship ' images, I get many hits with images that should provide a lot of information..
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