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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. THE HARBOR STAND. Today I made the stand for my Pegasus, I call it the Harbor Stand because I got the idea from @Snug Harbor Johnny. Thank you. Frist I cut up the pieces and router the edges. Then put some dowels for a little support. So then I stain it then two coats shellac sealer. Boom ship on a stand lol . So I took the ship off the stand to let everything dry up really well. And now I am off to study the plan to see what my next move is. Looking up way to seal the copper so I can at least touch it with out putting fingerprints all over it . It looks so cool really happy with it. Thank you everyone who's log I looked at and saw how to install things, then make my attempt lol Modeling is so much fun. Lol.
  2. Well the football game was a bust home team lost , lol. But I did finish the copper on my Pegasus. It has to be cleaned up, but I think I did ok. I am very happy with it.I even have a little copper left for the rudder, some day in the future 😀. So now that the copper is done I going to make the stand. @Snug Harbor Johnny made a wonderful stand for his ship, and I am going to copy his idea for my Pegasus, well I will try any way lol. Thanks so much for the likes and help so far. This is how she looks today later my friend's.
  3. Pulling up a chair my friend, looks like another fantastic idea coming to life, Good luck on your journey. Success
  4. Oh Thank you all, and @Bryan Woodsthank you. It scares me when when people say they following me because I have know idea what I am doing lol. And If I am doing it wrong lol. The copper on the star board side is going great. Now that I have learnt how to use the glue, how the plates lay, how to use a little stick to clean the glue. This is all I am going to do today, got some silly foot ball game to go watch lol. I am going for the home team lol. I must have look at every Pegasus log that we have here, and thought I can't do this. But it's kinda like put tiles on the wall. And I have done that lots over the years. I just have to do it a couple of times and then it's a matter of how much care I take to make it look good. But I do have a tendency to say " It'll Do" . Lol. We hit 45,000 members today, I have been watching it go up all week, lol been walking around the house saying 985. 986 lol then early this morning I screamed 45,000 yahoo. The first Mate says I lost it lol. But who cares lol. I am just happy that I was able to look at all these logs and give it a try . Oh yea game time lol later all. Thanks everyone.
  5. So I got up this morning and looked out side, yep still snow on the ground , so I ran down to the ship yard and finished the starboard side copper. For my first attempt at copper I think I did ok. This is the practice side. It will be displayed looking at the portside. It was fun doing the copper. I learnt lots from doing this side it not perfect but for me it is. I will try to do a better job on the portside. Now that I have done some coppering. The Super Phatic glue is I think fantastic. It cleans up with water, I had two place that I used super glue on and had to really scrub it off. So sticking to the Phatic glue. Thanks to everyone who liked it. On to the portside lol. Talk soon my friend's. .
  6. When I join MSW about 2 an a half years ago I looked at the Pegasus and said oh I got to build one of those copper bottom hull. Well I am into it, and it really is not that bad to do. This is how I am glueing them on. I am able to put two pieces on at a time. Frist I glue the pieces making sure to cover it all, then apply the Phatic glue to the hull. The glue gives me just enough time to slide it into place, you can feel it stiffing up so you have to be ready. After holding in place for a bit, I use my thumbs to rub off most of the glue. After I have applied about 10 or so peices I go back over it all with a damp magic eraser, this leave a white ish film that is easily removed by a paper towel. Most of the peices so far required very little cutting. But as I get to nearer to the water line I see there will be lots of cutting. I glued on a strip of wood at the water line, then painted it black. Then I took copper paint and painted just below the water line to hide any small spaces that I am sure will arise lol. So this is how she looks today, next post will be when I finish the starboard side lol who know when that will be , but I am still having the time of my life, modeler for ever lol. Thanks to all who have liked my boat. And Thanks to everyone at MSW and NRG who help me with my learning curve, I still have so much to learn, but hopefully I'll won't be going any were soon lol Take care my friends
  7. Coppering has many ways of applying. I have study the best I could, and came up with this plan.. Just follow the plan lol. So far I have 6 rows on. I decided to use Super Phatic glue for the copper, you kinda use it like contact cement. It is working well for me and they are sticking, for how long who knows lol. The best part it is water clean up , which helps. There are some more details at the top of the copper at the waterline I have to work out but I have plenty of time lol. So now it just a matter of following the pattern on the copper tiles till I get to the top. And much like my Ship in the Bottle experience once will be enough for the enjoyment of coppering lol. It is fun, just time consuming. So here is where the Pegasus is today
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/this-day-history-oct-21-1797-legendary-warship-uss-constitution-launched-boston Today's History lesson. I found it interesting Old Ironside !!
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