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Everything posted by yvesvidal

  1. Fantastic work on the torpedo tubes. Your model is coming along nicely and is very impressive. Yves
  2. SardonicMeow, You should offer a special add-on kit to the Model Shipways kit, with all the parts printed in 3D. The original kit would benefit greatly, from these very nice improvements that you are adding to your model. Yves
  3. A touch of deconstruction is always a nice thing, for satisfaction! Yves
  4. Sometimes, "perfection" is the ennemy of "great". From a foot away, your model looks terrific. Yves
  5. I am pulling a chair to admire your work. This is going to be very exciting. Yves
  6. Chris better start warming up his wood cutting laser.... He is going to be busy very soon!! Yves
  7. Nice rendering with your wood paste. The illusion is impeccable. Yves
  8. Thank you Blue Ensign. I am an ardent supporter and admirer of your fishing vessels build logs and really enjoy what you are doing. It may be a while before I resume the Emma Build, but we will get there. Yves
  9. Nice touch with the port holes and rivets. I think they add a lot of realism to the model. Yves
  10. I am no expert, but it does look really nice to me. Yves
  11. Very interesting kit and theme. I will be following closely. Yves
  12. https://www.themodellingnews.com/2020/10/das-new-boat-from-das-werk-u-boat-sm-u.html#more Yves
  13. You are not wasting any time. Your place is a real shipyard. You must be impatient to start the Trumpeter behemoth..... ;-) Yves
  14. Oh, I knew that a Liner enthusiast like you, would come to that point one day. I cannot wait to read your Build Log of the Trumpeter Titanic. Yves
  15. I am waiting for a professional photographer friend to come over and do some nice quality pictures, but he is struggling with the software of his Sony cameras or too scared to come to my place.... Go figure. In the meantime, here are a few low quality pictures I took of the finished model. I will try to add more pictures taken at night, as it is more dramatic. Yves
  16. I am trying to find a good place for all the spare parts I have. If anybody is interested,please drop me a Personal Message or take a look at this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Trumpeter-kit-U-552-1-48-Extra-and-Spare-parts-Interior/264894407130?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 I'd rather send these rare parts to someone who will do good use of them. Thanks Yves
  17. Just a couple of pictures to situate where we are at this stage, of what is called End of Phase 1. The hull has been entirely framed and the covering board have been installed. The texture of the basswood is really unctuous and I hope I will not make a disaster when planking it: The scale of 1/32 makes for a nice and beefy model. Here, you can see the famous well used to keep the fish fresh and alive, until the boat can be returned to the harbor. The hull has been "faired" but I will get back to it, before laying the first planks. I have never planked a hull, so this will be a new experience for me. In parallel to the nice set of instructions and plans provided by Model Shipways, I also purchased that little booklet that tells about the restoration of the Smack Emma Berry in Mystic Seaport. That book is illustrated of hand drawn sketch which are very well done. I may publish a couple, as we go along. Yves
  18. Miki, That was my first impression.... but then I saw a picture where the little cross was away from the pole.... and that created the confusion. I will fix that mistake. I am trying to find the picture that misled me.... Yves
  19. Well, I followed the Chuck Passaro's recipe (thank you Amateur) and came out with something which is more realistic than the plain fabric flag. Not perfect, but a lot more palatable: Slightly worn out by the harsh Atlantic weather.... Yves
  20. I realized that this thread has been idle for the past seven years..... 😴 Now that the Type VIIc submarine is almost completed, it may be time to resurrect this build log and do a smooth transition away from polystyrene and resin to the good old Basswood wood construction. Besides, there are not too many Emma C. Berry on this forum and this lovely fishing boat deserves more fame. Yves
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