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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Lou Sorry for the delay in replying mate. To answer your first question, I got the pins from Cornwall Model Boats, I think I paid just under £4 for 200, that would be about $6.00. The largest they do 0.8mm which is too small for your needs I think. I think your going the right way with your frames, if you sand the frame down to the guide line that would sufficient to start with, I wouldn't take any more off until all the frames are completed, at this stage less is best. Before you go any further with the frames may I suggest that you make the keel, this is really pivotal when dry fitting the frames. I have just had to re-do my No 1 frame for two reasons, firstly I took too much off and just like you found it to be skinny, secondly the top of the frame came in too much and was a mile out of line. As Grant said mate, be prepared to feed the waste box, I now have 1 keel and 3 frames in the box + 1 frame jig. It's a steep learning curve which we have all got to go through, I just hope it's not too painful. With regard to AOTs, there is a world of extra detail that we haven't got a chance of putting in, we just have to go for compromise and trust it doesn't look odd, and yes I'm going to pin all my double frames. Be Good mobbsie
  2. Hi Guys, Time really flies and boy am I due an update. Thanks for all the comments guys and for those that hit the like button. I've experienced a bit of aggro fitting the frames into my jig, the jig seemed to be too big and the frames flopped around inside when fitted. It turned out to be two things, firstly the top cut outs on the jig were deep and so did not hold the frames as it should, secondly my centre line on the jig was out of alignment, bearing in mind this was my first practice piece it's hardly surprising. I was also having a bit of trouble with my glue, it just wasn't holding the 9 parts of each frame together. Following advice from my build partners I changed the glue and although it's early days this new glue seems to be doing the job. The glue I was using was Ever Build 502 which stood me in good stead for the time I was building the Agamemnon, this glue only has a life of 12 months after the date of manufacture and unfortunately there is no date on it, anyway I got some Evo-Stik weatherproof wood adhesive, seems to be good stuff. The long and short of it is that a new Frame Jig was made, this time properly and it's now doing the business. Both Grant and I differ on this next area, it's only athetics, I wont go into what Grants doing but I am not putting treenails in the frames. Looking at AOT's there are bolts around the bottom section of each frame, I decided to use 0.7mm oval head brass pins for these bolts with 0.7mm flat head brass pins on the revers side. I decided to leave these brass colour, you know me, that's the look I like. Enough chat, I have a few pics showing you where I'm at, please, if you have any comments / remarks don't be afraid to ask or make suggestions. I'm here to learn. The first two pics are of the new jig These are the first 5 frames 0, A, B, C and D, 0 and D frames are doubles This is the 0 frame showing the bolts. This is the jig with the 5 completed frame in position So your right up to date now guys, destructive then constructive comments are always welcome. Be Good mobbsie
  3. Hi Lou, I love the colour of your frames mate and also the contrast with the chocks. Will you be putting treenails either side of the double frame chocks?, I chose to put 0.7mm brass oval head pins in mine following the pattern from AOT's, for the back frames I decided on 0.7mm brass flat head pins. Neither of these have been treated. It's the look I like. I can clearly see that I'm going to have to lift my game mate, that's a great piece of joinery. Be Good mobbsie
  4. Nicely done Bob, I also used wire for the Agamemnon and it works very well, it also makes it a lot easier to attach the netting. Good luck with that mate. Be Good
  5. That's great news mate, so apart from of a bit of fiddly stuff with the scroll saw all is well. How did you get over the problem of your disc sander overheating, I should imagine the remedy would be helpful to all disc sander owners no matter what the make. So there will be no stopping you from now on, it's a cautious all systems go. They don't call it a Rocket for nothing you know, surprising where they turn up. (It does look good though.) Be Good mobbsie
  6. That looks really impressive John. She has lovely lines to her mate. Be Good Mobbsie
  7. Jason that is one beautiful piece of deck planking. The bulwarks are coming along very nicely as well. She looking real good mate. Be Good mobbsie
  8. Hi Peter, That mate is an excellent catch, and what a nice addition. I must admit when I read Nag and Cattle I did wonder where you were going with this, very well done mate. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Hi Guys, Well I have finally taken some pics of the case and will post them now. Thank you one and all very much for your much appreciated support, comments, suggestion, remarks and help, not forgetting all those who hit the "like" button. As you will see I had to pull the sideboard away from the wall by 5 inches, thinking that would be enough the said case was positioned by two burley friends of mine and guess what, it stuck out by a further 2 inches. So there we are, these last few pics really do wrap this story up, hope you enjoyed the journey, hopefully I'll see you on the dark side, Popcorn is kindly supplied Sjors but you will need to bring your own torch. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Congrats on completing her mate, she is a fine looking ship and well made. :dancetl6: Be Proud, Very Proud. mobbsie
  11. Hi Christian Thanks for the suggestion mate, I have placed the 2 double frames I have onto position 12 and 8 on the keel and if anything the rabbets not high enough. I know their not frame 12 but their almost identical, I don't plan on making that frame just yet. The way I'm going is to make frames 0, A, B, C and D, I will then make up the rest of the doubles that's No's 12, 8 and 4, then fill in with the remaining singles, so it's going to be a while. Be Good mobbsie
  12. Hi Jan Welcome aboard mate, glad you dropped in. Sjors has the complete franchise on Popcorn machines in MSW, look out anybody who tries to muscle in, his empire is growing so it's impossible to know for sure just how many he has, I'm scared to ask. Be Good mobbsie
  13. Hi Christian, I have looked again at the drawings and have come to the same conclusion as before, there is a definite rise in the keel rabbet. I have taken a few pictures which hopefully will show you this rise. This is the whole Page The section with the rise is shown in the black box No1 is the keel and shows the end profile of the rabbet I hope Christian that you can now see that I have followed the drawings correctly. I can see where your coming from and it does look as though there is a difference, but as I'm building from the drawings I have to go with that. Hope that helps mate. I forgot to mention earlier that with Grants help and generosity I will be posting an update of my first complete double frame. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Don't start doubting yourself now mate, everybody knows what you are capable off and that's why we follow you, we love what you do, when you do it and how you do it. Leaves me nothing else to say other than "DO IT". :P Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, "Supreme Ruler of the Universe" has a certain ring about it don't you think, I don't want to say from an "active member" sounds a bit rude to me. :D Be Good mobbsie
  15. Thank you Sherry, that's really kind of you. I will try to make a decent job of it but fear my carpentry skills may not be upto the mark, I will however try my best, as we all do. Be Good mobbsie
  16. Hi Guys, Thank you so much for your very kind remarks and comments, and for all the likes, I do appreciate them all. Peter, Thanks mate, we do have a small group who are undertaking the same scratch build and it's the first for all of us, except Lou. Should anybody else wish to join us on the dark side they are more than welcome, so I hold my hand up and plead guilty mi' lord. The responsibility weighs very heavy on my shoulders, OH I feel it. John, I take that as a real compliment coming from you mate, to be honest I did enjoy building her but I wish I hadn't started, I got my display case for her today and my Granddaughters reaction was OMG it's Enormous, I have to say it is big, in fact it's too big for the house so if I can I will pas her on, if anybody has a crane to lift it they are welcome. Wes, Thanks buddy, I intend to carry on building mate just not damn great things like this, I just don't have the room at home, but hey we learn from our mistakes don't we. I will post some pictures of the case soon Be Good mobbsie
  17. Congrats on her completion Jack, she looks absolutely stunning. Your Admiral has to be one happy lady right now. :im Not Worthy: Be Good mobbsie
  18. Ditto to all the above Rusty. That's reaaaaaaaaaaaal nice. Be Good mobbsie
  19. That's a real bummer about the scroll saw mate, thankfully it was only a mechanical part and not a part of you, mechanics are so much easier to fix. At least you now have your systems sorted out and you know which way you are going, once you get your scroll saw back it'll be all systems go. Could you not take the saw into work and get your workshop to repair it, it may be a facility open to you or do you sail in a multi story office block.? Your method of gluing the chocks to one futtock scarph worked for me with the exception of the making of the chocks, I still made mine individually but that is a very minor point. One consolation mate is you have Rocket to fall back on. That's a very kind offer from Alan and one that could be considered mate. Be Good mobbsie
  20. Those guns are going to look quite formidable when their all put together mate, hope they fire more than cotton canon balls. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Hi Christian, Thanks for looking in mate, To answer your question regarding the keel rabbet, The rabbet starts to turn upwards from frame No 8, this follows the line of the frame No's 9, 10, 11 & 12. The Keel actually rises 1mm along it's length from 17mm to 18mm, the rabbet reflects this rise. Hope that answers your question without confusing you. Be Good mobbsie
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