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Everything posted by dvm27

  1. Love your updates Michael. Looking at the ebony (?) sheave blank in the last photo reminds me why I seldom turn ebony anymore. Lots of chip-outs.
  2. Congratulations on this milestone, Toni. Do you notice those lovely platform details disappearing before your eyes? You'll always have photos...
  3. Scoring in those reference lines before removing the paper is a great idea, Rusty.
  4. Respectfully, I would counter that your attention to details such as realistic fastening is exactly what award winning models should be about. Note the trend in aircraft and railroad modelling with regards to weathering and realistic finishes.
  5. Last year at Mystic we were given regular rope and instructed how to make eye-splices. I daresay not one in five did it correctly. It certainly took me a couple of tries to make a passable version. Well done!
  6. Wonderful start Rusty. Following in Chuck's footsteps is a tall order but you are certainly up to it.
  7. Beautiful, Remco. I love the beds you've created for the sails.
  8. It's always a pleasure to watch you work your magic with wood.
  9. Great jig, Remco. Sort of a variant of the gratings jig. It's hard to tell from the photo but I assume the blade width is the same width as the indexing strip?
  10. I don't wish to be critical, Alex, but I note a major problem with your model - you don't work fast enough to satiate my need for further updates! This could probably be remedied by quitting your day job (unless of course you are already retired and just a really slow builder : -).
  11. Excellent work, Ben, on a very tricky area! It's all a piece of cake from here.
  12. Welcome aboard Alan. First off, I'm so sorry for your loss.My own grand-twins survived as 25 week preemies but it was touch and go for weeks. I count my blessings every day. We're pleased you are happy with your Echo cross-section. You're making a terrific start. It's important to get the keel just right so we give you lots of extra material. When making frames, remember to leave just a bit of wood outside the line as fairing will get her where she needs to be. Over-fairing before installing a frame will throw the whole hull out of fair. When she's been fully framed please check the updates on our website to fully fit her out. I believe there's five at present.
  13. You've somehow managed to create paper gun barrels that look far superior to the cast ones. I'm beyond impressed!
  14. Lovely work, Ed. Are you strapping both sides? Talk about repetitive work!
  15. Lovely build, Nils. Reminds me of those builder's models made by the companies by professional ship model makers long ago.
  16. And flags too, Doris! What are they made of and how did you make them? They're exquisite!
  17. I love the realistic approach you've taken, Ed. I can't imaging how they would have laid out and executed these recessed straps on a full-sized vessel. Just getting the inside of a ship so large to fair smoothly must have been challenging. Druxey - do you know of a link to McCleary's ship model?
  18. They sell bronze wool pads at your local Home Depot, for example http://www.homedepot.com/p/Homax-Fine-Bronze-Wool-Pads-3-Pack-123100/100185012
  19. Masterful work, Gaetan, especialy all those narrow rebates.
  20. Magical, Doris! Beautifully proportioned belaying pins as well.
  21. Very informative text and beautiful work, as always. Your next to the last photo made me cringe just a bit though. Notice the position of your sweater relative to the stern timbers. I once took out a counter timber and associated fillers with my long sleeve shirt. That's why I only wear short sleeves in my workshop, no matter how cold it is!
  22. Like Druxey, my first plank on frame model was scrapped after a year because it was not up to spec. Your second version will no doubt be built on a better foundation and I guarantee you won't regret starting over.
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