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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. I've never found your painting technique to be lacking BE. I have just had good results using many applications of diluted acrylics (as per Ben). I've got your log bookmarked when it comes to cannon. There's a challenge for which you have set the standard. Happy (?) to report that no fish were harmed during the latest sortie. Water levels are so high up here one almost feels sorry for the poor things.
  2. Just a quick update. The inner bulwarks have been painted except in the Great Cabin where they were stained. I used 10 coats of diluted MS Bulwark Red somewhat modified to attain the red I was looking for (same as the gun ports). A coat of flat acrylic lacquer was applied as well: We'll now be turning our attention to the deck......but not before some (long delayed) domestic chores and a sortie to the hallowed fishing grounds are completed. I shall return with ....... ???????
  3. Thanks Buck.....yup, all high and dry. A few roads out and some weeks to go on runoff. You stay well ..... where ARE you? Robert- nice looking gal you have there!
  4. I can understand how this might work out fine. There really is not much of a relationship between what's happening at the bow vs. the stern. As Wayne says, this could be how it was actually done. Glad you brought it up as it gives us something to consider. For me, I couldn't stand the suspense of waiting to see how it's going to work out. I'll continue with the more traditional method of laying belts.
  5. Really sorry to hear about the health issues. You're doing the right thing in getting some down time and having them run a full battery of tests. They can do wonders these days. Hell, I'm about 5 years past my expiration date Stern is looking really fine. Check 16 times and make sure that angle is correct +/- 0 degrees!
  6. You've come a long way during this voyage. At this rate you'll be tying knots in 3/16" square stock soon!
  7. Can't wait to see the ladders. Love the comment about your mind finding the most difficult path from A to B. Sounds familiar.
  8. Picking up on Mobbsie's point, I love the transparency. At this scale the planking should be gossamer thin, of even thickness and reveal no spaces. You have won the Triple Crown, accomplishing all three. Magnificent. Now for my main question. Do you think you have enough filler on hand?
  9. Come on, Rich. You're allowed a little romantic license. They may have stopped a little something!
  10. Good to have you home. Rigging looks super. Sjors is almost finished? He must be building a half-hull admiralty version
  11. Thank you, Jason. The exterior planking is all kit-supplied basswood. Above the wales, the natural wood was stained with 40% Minwax Golden Oak (40/60 with Natural). Below the wales was just the Natural stain with a coat of poly.
  12. Thanks for all the overly kind comments. Welcome aboard Sam and Pete ----- and hello again, Kevin. Update time. The inboard planking has been completed up through the deck clamps. It's all basswood. Of some importance here is that the deck clamps, which will support some 30 odd beams for the quarter and fore decks, must be absolutely level to the deck and square to the centerline of the ship. This required some plank 'juggling' / customizing to get it all just right. Here, I've placed a deck beam temporarily in place to check everything along the way: The fore and quarter decks will be half planked allowing us to view this deck, but a lot of what we see will be covered. No matter, it needs to be right. Which brings me to a comment on this kit. Alignment (of everything) is important. We saw this with the stern and it certainly continues here. I'm still pretty new at this and, sometimes it tests my patience (or lack thereof). Here's an overall shot: Finally, a shot of the main cabin area. This is where Ben's favorite aspect, the cabin floor, will appear at some point. I shall now proceed to paint these inner bulwarks red to match the gun ports. The ports themselves, and some other areas need some touching up and the shop needs to be policed. The bulwarks in the Great Cabin will remain natural. Then it's time to switch gears and decide what's next. I could start setting up the margin planks in preparation for the Great Cabin floor ---- as per Ben! But with Summer here, maybe something mind numbing like work on the cannon. Or perhaps even some completely off-line detail. All depends on the fishing/flying weather. Let ya all know next time
  13. Good to hear from you! Just had a tornado and hail scoot by about 2 miles south. What a year!!!! Your approach to the planking is top notch, Robbyn. By doing a super job you'll give yourself options as to copper or not. Now those are the kinds of choices you want to be making. I look forward to your updates when you get back. Have a great trip!!!!!
  14. That's a veritable forest of lumber you have there. Beautiful, pristine work Bob.
  15. Sorry Ben.....that's still weeks away. Every time I pick up a board to plank the bulwarks the Great Outdoors calls. Almost done though
  16. Thanks for the size reference. It's easy to forget how small things are here. Well done!
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