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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Nice work all around. I can understand how those rat lines wore you down, considering the height you had to work at. Best wishes to Sjors, Anja as well as you and the Admiral for all the milestones! I thought Sjors was only to be 58 but I guess he's aged quickly this last year!
  2. OK Grant ---- you got me on that one. British subjects are pretty good in their native tongue. Being born in Brooklyn, I consider English as my second language Alas, both the friend and the Chapelle were apparently Shang-hai'd !
  3. Thanks for that excerpt Richard. I once had a copy of that book in my library but lent it to a friend. I still have his History of American Sailing Ships and enjoy re-reading it every now and again.
  4. The new case was worth every penny (or whatever you folks use for legal tender) you invested. The black base is a great idea. Now ---- as for Viking funerals.......I'll have none of it! Your Cutty Sark is a proud ship that has stood the test of time. Some respect, PLEASE!
  5. I'm with everyone on this. I generally plank from the wales on upward before I do the lower sections. It's there that I divide into belts. So leave what you have. Your first layer of planking merely serves as a solid underbase for your final planking giving you a smooth, evenly flowing base. So don't be afraid to use some filler if you need to....and sandpaper is your friend. Between the dvd's and the tutorials on here you'll master the technique that's best for you. Every one on here learns with each new build and (hopefully) gets better. Start that build log and don't be afraid to ask questions if you're unclear on anything. MSW can be a great resource.
  6. Welcome home. Sure hope that hand heals up ASAP. Like the recent movie says, there's 'A Million Ways to Die, in the West'.
  7. Yikes.....sorry to hear about the problem but you've made a nice recovery. I have to agree that, no matter how much it may irk me to get nothing done for a day, those 30 minute bursts can sometimes result in an 8 hour step backwards.
  8. What's a couple of years between friends. You can always post a picture of a California sunset.
  9. Agreed. It only takes that one piece to win the day. And I see you have a PC to keep track of your spare parts. Nice touch!
  10. As I recall I treated that as a letter, as opposed to a number, and placed it facing the bow. Worked out fine. Also, leaving the laser char on the outer edges at this point will actually help when it comes to fairing the bulkheads.
  11. I've got 3 boxes myself, each 48 x 12 x 8.......but they're full of scrap balsa and spruce for the airplanes --- not much use here!
  12. How about a plywood rim, maybe 1/8" thick? A little tricky but nothing you couldn't handle !!!!!!
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