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Everything posted by augie

  1. I probably missed it Wes but what wood/stain are you using for the deck? The contrast with the hatch structures is gorgeous.
  2. Like many aspects it's up to your personal preference but it is of utmost importance to try it out on a sample before going all out on the ship. And I encourage you to try out the whole process, through finishing, to see how it looks.
  3. I like that observation, Dave. Never thought of the reaction localizing due to bubbles. Make sense. Andy --- a hole or 3 poked will work as well with PVA. It's just a matter of penetration.
  4. I've noticed with Blacken It that, if you use it full strength, you (I) get some flaking. They recommend diluting it. I tried that. It takes longer but gives less of the flaking. I can't tell from the photo (nice table by the way) the size you're dealing with. CA will hold to poly if there is no stress involved. Of course piercing the poly with a sharp needle will allow the CA to penetrate and it will hold better still. If you really need strength, and the item is not too small, pin it with something like 28 gauge wire, then glue.
  5. Hello Mike - The only ship of this group of 9 I am familiar with is the North Carolina (1820). You've indeed picked a challenging project. I normally leave the scratch builders alone as I'll never attain that level of skill. But I'll be watching this one with great interest. Make it a great voyage!
  6. Thanks for the 'reminder' about painting the edge of the wales before installation. Just about there myself. That transom framing looks, well.......perfect.
  7. Deck looks great Jason. Glad you resolved that waterway issue with the thinner planking. Now you're ready for the fun stuff!
  8. Really sharp work Adam. I like that Hobbylite myself. And you can make it any consistency you like just by adding water.
  9. I think a 2B pencil is preferred by those who use this technique. It's always a good idea to check your exact finishing technique on some samples of the wood you'll be using before you actually get down to putting it on the ship itself. Can save you some surprises
  10. Sorry if I'm late to the party. It's nice to see a bireme under construction.......interesting vessels that I know little about. Welcome aboard MSW by the way. No better place to move up the learning curve quickly with the great bunch of knowledgeable folks on here (not to mention the tutorials). It takes courage to put your first build on here for all to see. But it is absolutely the best way to channel your enthusiasm and to stick with it. Trust me Looking forward to your continues progress!
  11. I'm with Popeye on the 3 frames at a time idea. I use a 12" sanding bar. Patience here or it bites you later. Looking good so far.
  12. You're getting there. Looking really good. I had forgotten just how slow planking goes. But I was quickly reminded these last few day. Soldier on, mate!
  13. I keep mine hanging on the walls. But there is usually one that I'm working on constantly and that sits on a 3 X 5 table next to the workbench. So they move around quite a bit. I agree with Mark, they are inspirational.
  14. Floyd- Technically, you could probably get by without it so long as you account for the narrowing of the space available at the bow by using drop planks? But my feeling is you should try to do the best looking planking job possible anyway even if you're going to either copper or paint the lower hull. It's just good policy. Plus, the lower hull might look so nice when you're done you have the opportunity to change your mind instead of the old 'woulda, coulda, shoulda'. Just my 2 cents.
  15. Overhead shot is showing a nice straight bulkhead former. Don't forget to plank the lower deck between bulkheads 16 and 20 before you get too far along. You don't want your crew going down the companionway and falling into the bilge
  16. You really shouldn't need any spiling above the wales. Use the bending jig Chuck shows to get the curvature you need around the bow. Again, take your time getting the gun ports nice, neat and sharp with that 1/32" inside relief and also the sweep ports. As someone once said on here, treat each plank as a modeling project. Edge bending and spiling will come into play below the wales.
  17. Congratulations on a safe maiden and final voyage. It's great to hear she arrived intact.
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