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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. getting caught up with your progress Michael is always a treat! you have amazing metal skills rigging looks great!
  2. wow! you've covered some ground........just caught up to all the bits you've added. she's a real modern art masterpiece! she's a splendid model Patrick......your doing some seriously super work
  3. an attempt I made was to stack 1/16 square strips on top of one another, then cut wafers with a miter saw {hobby}. way too much work in my opinion. your approach gives a better result
  4. nifty way to make gratings.....wonder if a scroll saw would fare better? I would have to look up the speed on mine......how fast is your band saw?
  5. I just caught up with your project Doris........I'm in awe! it's always a pleasure to look at your amazing work
  6. I just came in the scratch build forum.........what do I see?!?!?! you started your new project! very good beginning.......pretty much how I clone my hulls, but I use the kit parts panels as templates look'in good so far. it's OK if I watch? 👀
  7. it's there if you need it really like what you've done so far.
  8. thanks OC...........hope you can get the admiral on an even keel I'm not a water person either, but I'm getting used to it. thanks J..........yea....time I did something about it. I've had the dentures for a little over a week now........I still have to undergo a few adjustments. I like how I look though 😀 welcome ..........you haven't missed much
  9. not sure what happens when the sugar is too high, but if it's too low, it can cause those symptoms. we had a guy at work that was diabetic, and a few times, we had to pull him out from under the trailer, because he was hitting bottom.........get him into the break room and eat a candy bar. then his doctor changed his meds and he got all messed up........very easy to screw up the balance. you just have to find it and stick with it. true about bacon........fat is converted to carbs, but it's the wrong kind
  10. here in the states, we have some that fit in the palm of your hand........got digital readout and everything. they don't have them where you live?
  11. thanks Yves with luck I can finish the hull and get on with expending some of this elbow grease I've got stored up thanks for the likes gents!
  12. your not alone.........I haven't heard of a doctor in these parts, that makes house calls either. I think that service stopped quite some time ago....when they invented the ambulance. does she have to prick her finger? I know it can be rather hard to 'dial in'. I just hope she's better, so she can enjoy the holidays
  13. between all the holiday hub-bub, I've been able to add more to the hull planking. the opening is much smaller now........ the stern counter is closed in now and beginning to climb the rabbits. I've done minimal sanding, which is rare for me.......usually I can't stand how ugly it looks and knock down the high spots, as I go along. I've just done where the plank butts are, so it doesn't look like such a dog's body. between times of waiting for it to dry and doing things 'round here, I've been working on the dash for the helm room. I decided that there was too much to do with the other dash I had made........it was scaled to 1:33 ( the same scale as the Mary Ann, the Cux 87.......which was the template to build the trawler). I'm using the same design as the Nordkap......likely the same for this particular model too, seeing that they seem to be clones of each other {whichever came first...the chicken or the egg}. I'm still dealing with the shrinkage issue, having to make the parts, instead of using the kit parts. I started to fashion out the kick panel. a little further with the planking, the keel rabbits were put on.....figures I'd just get'em out of the way. the planking did lay down rather nicely....there are a few gaps, but rest assured that they are filled with cement. hopefully it will cut down on the use of filler. conforming the planking to follow the rabbit hasn't been too bad.......coming up with easy ways to accomplish this. darn planking is 1.8 mm thick........should be no problem sanding the hull and smoothing it out. it can be seen that I did some sanding to the counter by the stem.....my big block will do wonders I also ended up making another dash top.........I cemented it in place, but left it movable, so I can complete the work on the kick panel. I will have more later on........
  14. a few touch ups....it will look fine it's hard to look under the decks anyway. I'm using a brush on the Vendetta........to me it seems a bit too thick too. I guess I feel like I'm in the same boat........it's one of the pluses with wood.......at least the paint will sink into the wood. all you can do is double check the thickness of the paint, before you apply it. practice on the sprues beforehand. while it does seem too dark, if it's the color scheme, it can't be wrong. don't critique yourself to despair
  15. really nice there is a site that is devoted to the Titanic....might help you with the paint colors. well, I had one, but for some reason or another, it is gone.......domain problems {go figure}. I did post some of the charts and mixes for the colors used on her though. if your interested, you can find them here:
  16. not too much further to go........by far, scale planking is the better than full strip. it allows you to fashion and shape a short piece, rather than to figure out the entire strake she's looking good!
  17. hello Patrick.......thanks for the kind comment it's been crazy 'round here lately......haven't had the time to work on her as I would like, but I should have more on her soon. so glad you stopped by thanks again to all who hit the like button
  18. echoing the same sentiment my friend......hope the misses recovers well in time for the holiday. take care of her mate, the model can wait
  19. really like the head rigging.....as well as the shrouds . when the ratlines are added, they will really stand out nicely
  20. beautiful ship Zappto the rigging looks awesome.......very well done!
  21. great job matching up the camo you can see the guy wires clearly in those pictures. looks awesome Carl
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