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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. doesn't matter how long it takes Russ.........just as long as your enjoying what your building, and keeping the mind active nice bit 'o progress !
  2. glad to hear your home again..........rest up my friend! look forward in seeing you back at the table soon
  3. thanks all for the kind comments.......and to those who hit the like button. both of the boats are close to one another, as far as the progress goes....get the helms in order, and then begin to dec the halls. got some decal work in mind as well....more progress soon
  4. seeing how well you did with the ship's boats, you should have very little trouble with the props boats look nicely done.......I like the dory very well done indeed
  5. thanks Marc and Bug.........appreciate the kind word! I didn't do too much at the table yesterday.......I keep thinking that I need to get the clutter off of both tables though. I did a little 'mind modeling' to the trawler........but I did manage to take the Jingle Belle out of the closet, and got a chance to get a few shots of the new fleet. though only the two of them are left, the two hull designs kinda look odd to me. I then though that if I went and did the Rouse Simmons....it would still look the same. speaking of the Rouse Simmons.......I found a book on her and a few other schooners that took part on the tree trade in that time period. it's short, but I thought it was some good reading: https://books.google.com/books?id=jry5GQi1NOcC&pg=PA220&lpg=PA220&dq=george+L.+Wrenn+-+schooner&source=bl&ots=c-YZFMj4jg&sig=berv2SV-yMxvp2eEM-JWcpPbDYs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjH0e-ZuqXOAhXFVT4KHV_6DWYQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=george%20L.%20Wrenn%20-%20schooner&f=false I hope you can view it......I was looking up the George L. Wrenn when I found it. anyway.....here are the pictures I took of the two boats.......I hope you enjoy
  6. I looked into this build in the beginning....and never got back to watch them grow.........my loss they came out very beautiful......your sly though, gotta hand you that. you progressed the sloop with graceful lines.........and them.........WHAM!!!!........futuristic with the Ketch they are very well done Keith, I applaud the ideology you've based them on........I think instructions are a bore too
  7. looks to be a real neat project Keith one stack or two? I tried to run the spiral staircase around in my head.........do you have a game plan to form the side rails?
  8. looking really good Mark.....nice to see some fitting in there. are you going to plank the entire deck.......that would be the orlop deck {am I right?}
  9. thanks Dave. this all happened pretty fast...........I wonder if it's supposed to? thanks for the good word !
  10. had a great day with the grand kids! they enjoyed the model cars.......but they only took 1/2 hour to build. it was Tripp's birthday on Saturday, so we gave him his presents early.........they love legos. we got 'em a couple of the lego put together kit things.......Jurassic park. that took a while.....and then of course, to play with it after got home a bit later than expected......oh well >shrug< our son Kevin has officially moved out of the house. he still has some clothes here, but he can get 'em after getting organized in the new place. just us and Gibbs........we hear an echo { I told her to just lay some foam on the floor....it'll deaden the sound }
  11. thanks for the good word and the likes folks! it's still missing a few more aspects there. I'm planning on some type of railings, perhaps a small Sampson post....just a few things. I may get back earlier today, so all may not be lost. models are in the bag........I'm all ready..........are you honey................errrrrrrrrrrr,honey? does anyone remember the song 'slowpoke' ? :
  12. well........I didn't get all the time in the world, as I would have liked. the two days of this week was spent making plate holders for the admiral's hutch. given the size of the hutch, she needed plate holders that would fit three plates. I have never seen any like that.....so I made 'em....three of them. they came out pretty good.....if I do say so myself! I did get a little time in today. I had started to make this last week. I'm sure folks out there are wondering how they could get out on the bow. well........it all starts with the frame. actually, it's stuck to the table......CA does funny things after freeing from it's surly bonds, it got a little samding and then an outer frame. then the top got cemented on and I cut a door for it. the top created a channel for the door to slide in. I did the finish sanding and then these parts were painted. a hardware handle was made and fitted on the door, and the assembly was cemented in place on the roof of the bow cabin. it's very simple........the paint makes it look good, I think this is probably all I'm gonna get to do this week.........back to work after tomorrow. gonna go babysit the grandkids. it was to be for a couple of hours..........but now it has blossomed into most of the day. the boys are getting older, so I'll probably need some 80 proof nerve medicine when I get home. I say it purely in jest.........we hardly ever get to see them. for those who recall after the holidays, I bought a couple of snap tite model kits by Revell....the darn things are still in my closet. I'm going to bring them tomorrow....me 'n the boys are gonna put'em together .....and I hope they like it! dad will be VERY happy with me
  13. came back and hit the ground running! she planked up very quickly.........very nice job! glad to see you back!
  14. I used to use crayon to simulate the calking. the big drawback to this method, is that it does leave some residual crayon behind. this needs to be lightly scraped off the top surface before the plank is cemented in place. sanding it later blends the crayon into the deck and gives it a nice hue.......so it can be a plus. I was also thinking towards trying gray and brown hues for the calking, but since I changed over to using archive pens, I haven't looked into it to see how it would look. the deck looks great........well done Jerry!
  15. looking good Marc.......love the detail the anchors have. best part is........they're metal super!
  16. such wonderful progress Bug........the bow looks really ship shape. the decorations add so much to the overall detail. not sure if you ran this through your mind, but could you have scratch made the Hawseholes using thinner wood? they look to be 1/16 thick........perhaps 1/32...or even 1/64 would have given you the layered look you desired. the only reason I mention this, is for information......not a critique..........in the event that someone out there runs into the same problem. I could see you were bummed that this couldn't be done........this popped into my head as soon as I read your lament. I thought I'd simply throw it out there I would never distract from the work your doing on this build..........the change of the paint color alone, made a huge difference in the looks of the bow.......as well as the stern. :im Not Worthy: I am 'soooooo" convinced!
  17. glad to see your back Ben...........congratz on your achievement! if your going to be cutting larger parts, you would do well to buy a small band or scroll saw. I got my scroll saw by way of a friend.........he knew I wanted to get one, and he frequents a pawn shop in his neighborhood. he saw it and picked it up for me
  18. I gotta say.....it looks good Rob as for the upper hull, I thought you'd plank it with thin strip or something. I am amazed how good it looks simply painted. wonderful job so far
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