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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. gray........that's an aircraft color..........leave it to Revell! Well........now that you let 'er out of the box........let'er rip!
  2. will do.........I may have already it'll feed my Frankenstein until you resume on this build I enjoy your work.
  3. one solution you could have tried was to leave your transom planking a bit longer, and plank the bulwarks down to the wales. at this point, you could have trimmed and sanded down the edges of the transom to meet the sides and then cemented on the taffrail pieces. with doing this though, you'd need to decrease their thickness, so they don't stick out too far. this would have given you a good surface to cement them to, and it would have hidden the tell-tail planking joint.
  4. a lot of great idea on making cannons...I'm sure you'll come up with the ideal solution soon great job thus far my friend!
  5. I don't know Mobbsie........perhaps I should have used the red primer it was a good day yesterday......it was supposed to rain, but it held off for the day time hours. it decided to rain when I went to work though.......made for a soggy evening at the airport oh well..........it could have been snow >shrug< I didn't get too much done......but I did get a second coat of filler on the Tree Boat. it was sanded and given another coat of white primer. taking a quick look at the hull, I'd say it's somewhere around 90 % ready.......maybe just a little more fiddling, and it should be ready for rub and cap rails. the white under the light......such a terrible sight! I swear........to stare.........is such a blinding glare! perhaps if I used the primer red, there wouldn't be so much glare, if I used it instead.
  6. I was relieved to see that the pirate doing the "Capt. Morgan" didn't come with the rock..........hard one to explain on a deck I've seen that kit...the admiral loves pirate ships too.......I still have the Jolly Rogers to build. so you haven't opened the box.......let me guess....it's molded in black plastic take a poll........molded in black, white, or brown {yes, tan is included in this} looking forward in seeing the start of your build
  7. thanks Patrick.........didn't get much done today. I did take advantage of the nice weather........although it was supposed to rain, and got the second filler job done on the tree boat. I gave it another round of sanding, and then a second primer coat. I still need to look the hull over, but I think it will pass muster this time.........not making any promises. if it is.......then it can get the cap rails and rub rails.......and then maybe some paint perhaps I'll have a better time of things tomorrow
  8. that's some good work there Michael the only place I know of around these parts that has something close to that would be HobbyTown.......darn place moved a town away. they use to be in the same mall as Hobby Lobby......made it very convenient. HobbyTown carries the Plastruct line of building plastics, and they have quite a selection.......they also carry a lot of brass and HO related stuff. gonna have to hunt them down someday Hobby Lobby does carry a few things, but not as extensive..........they don't carry a lot of brass and metal stuff either. stairs and stairwells are interesting... .......there are many different types used in ship building. I wonder if tulle could be used as well? I did it this way, only because the ladder was a molded part....the treads were solid. I matched them up to the upper fore deck landing....now I need to make a railing for it. I was in the process of doing just that when I got the phone call. I have to work tonight, but I took the week end off {Mo' playtime for me....Ha.....Ha!} I've been on the ladder 'kick' for a while now. perhaps it's my subconscious telling me I need to reach new heights. thanks Bob.........I hope to get more done today. the weather seems to be a bit better than was forecast........perhaps I should put a move on the tree boat hull and get it squared away. thanks for the good word
  9. never really gave it a thought.......I guess you could call it Indian...it's doesn't look like fiberglass with print on it if I gt around to it, I'll snap a photo or two and post them here can't even spell the tribes we had around here at the time thanks Piet.......your like way too kind still a bit raw........soon as I get some rub rails and paint on her, she'll look more the part. thanks for the good word!
  10. OK........here goes. The windows were a trial to trim.........took a lot of fitting to get them to go into place. the rest of them are in now.....I just need to clean the 'glass' to get my finger prints off 'em. I still had a strip of the thin planking that I had painted brown.......I used it for the lower structure railings. I ran some along the helm room as well. to answer your question Mobbsie, I used CA to cement the stanchions in place. wrapping the lashing along the top wasn't bad......it was when I lashed each stanchion along the bottom....a few of them came loose. they didn't lose their position though, the luck was on my side. as for the canvas covering the railings, the texture might be better seen in these pictures. I got a small roll of this material in a kit, but it wasn't enough to do all of the sails. I'll substitute another fabric to make the sails for that ship, and I'll use this stuff for small tasks for the ladder that will lead to the fore deck, I wanted to put some of that metal HO train sheeting on the treads. it would give it the appearance of a 'no slip' finish. I cut a narrow strip up into short pieces........I didn't use these, since they all are too short.......I cut some others. they are sitting on what I'm going to use for the roof of the helm room. I'm not going to go crazy and make a visor for it, but I will make it look interesting. I began to add some color to the anchor winch the last thing I did was to add the tread coverings on the ladder. it wasn't too bad to do. I hope to do more tomorrow........I have to work at the airport again. it'll be nice though.......I have the Wally work week off. home for the week end!
  11. well......I did it to myself again........wrote out this big post to answer all your questions and a huge thank you for all the kind comments.......and I hit the wrong button! it's all gone!~ had a good night at the airport, in spite of the fact I had to work........but I made the best of it again.....thanks to you all for the kind comments and to those who hit the like button I definitely will be checking out that product Bob.......I like the bottle and the applicator, better than the Testor's bottle. I used CA on the railings Mobbsie.........it was OK at first, until I started to lash the bottoms of the stanchions...a few came loose then. luckily, it was not enough to knock them out of alignment. glad I could make you smile John thanks Pat....glad I could make you smile too. I'm beginning to outfit the helm room......figured I'd let you know any time we can share info and techniques Piet.......it's a win / win! which reminds me........I gotta make some of those metal pulleys. reviewing some of your work is a must! I'll explain more in this next update. {now if I can hit the post button without botching it}
  12. I'll have to check that out........does it dry clear? the window maker is made to cement canopy's and windows in tight places. I use it for portholes. the window maker I have is very old........ I tried to use it up, so I could get a new bottle. I still have a little bit left. I had an emergency call.......got to go to the airport. the fellow who is covering tonight is ill and wants to go home. so I will go relieve him I'll be back!
  13. good to see your back at the table Jan........don't take the frequency of the build to heart.....no one said these models we build should be done in a day. a lot of folks don't have the time to devote to their builds......it's important to take care of the world around you. this is , after all, a hobby I can't wait to start mine......I have all three hull frames assembled. 1:64 scale sounds about right for them, since I didn't take out the extra 10 mm from the length of the hull. I haven't planked anything......since your finding so many mistakes in the plans....I'm glad I haven't. take your time my friend.....it will pay you back ten-fold when you gaze at the finished ship
  14. nice work on the sails Ron. I did reef lines on my America build. can't remember exactly how I did it........take a peek there and I'm sure I showed how I did it
  15. gee Den........been wondering where your at........find anything good so far? I'll have to check on your revenge build.......I assume you have a build log
  16. you really moved your keister in turning all that around! wonderful job to bad you got one more hurdle to get over though..........piece of cake for you !
  17. thanks Mobbsie.........yes, I'm feeling better appreciate the concern. your not missing too much......I've been bouncing around on two projects at the moment. even if I had a room with nine tables.........I could still only work on one at a time I'd be saddened if you didn't follow along to get something going yesterday, I started off by painting the other window frames. the ladder and the anchor winch also got a coat of paint a few days ago, I painted a strip of sail material with white primer. this cloth had a good canvas look to it. after trimming it and cutting it down to a usable width, it was sewn to the upper aft deck railing along the bottom edge, it was then sewn to each of the stanchions. from here it was brought out to the porch, where it got another couple coats of white primer some of the stanchions were still movable........I was worried that they may have shifted on me.......but it wasn't the case. it was then dry fitted back onto the model. the doors were cemented in place at this time. the ship's wheel was also cemented in place. I won't be going too crazy in here, but I have a few bits to add to it. the binnacle was painted......I added some height to it as well I settled on the window maker to cement the frames to the clear cello. I'm hoping that the adhesion is strong enough cutting and trimming them isn't too bad.........that is, until I got to the point of fitting them in the helm room. it's a tight fit, so I'll have to trim them some more to get them to fit better. I did get the first of six in place so far.......... still much more to go Mobbsie..........got some scratch building in mind should get more interesting from here.
  18. thanks Mobbsie I wish the wood supply was that easy..........I still buy it, like most folks. although I did try my hand at a Birch bark canoe.....got a good supply of bark from a tree out where I walk Gibbs. it's not much......just a half frame covered with the bark.....I still need to make the ribs for it. I did it about a year or so ago........stored away in the template box. at the moment, the tree boat is somewhat slathered in a light coat of filler........waiting for a nice day, to bring her out to the garage. silly me, I thinned out the filler too much. it won't hurt it......it's water based so, I'll need to adjust the consistency. as soon as I can get the hull squared away, I can start bringing her up to speed with the Jingle Belle. your suggestion has been put in the hat........
  19. stumbled onto your build........very glad I did fantastic process and very well done! very nicely detailed too
  20. awesome looking wheel house and wheel Nenad..........ya done good!
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