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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. Nenad.......the stand looks awesome! I love the two color variation. with a few strips of felt, ans she'll be complete BTW.........whoever made that second throne was ill!
  2. hello Daniel...........well, your right about the mad part the windows were a bit of a quandary...but I'm getting a handle on them. now I'm trying to steer her towards calmer waters..........there, a quicker pace bit of progress can be made. thanks for the kind comment my friend
  3. thank you very much Mike.........I hope you do I love building older kits...I used to do plastic models. but even with wood builds, adding in bits of detail that the manufacturer left out, enhances a model to a higher level....more depth and complexity. even though the rigging might not be totally correct, it adds to it. I'm still working on the back stays and then the braces.....when this is done, it's going to add even more. imagination is the mother of creativity, and research is it's father.......put together, you can't miss
  4. looks like all you have left to do is the shrouds.........surely made tying the hoops easier. when I did the AmericA by Billings, I tied them after the shrouds were in place. with no ratlines involved, they weren't too tough a pill very nice looking Bluenose.......can't wait to start mine
  5. after comparing your recent picture here, with some of your past pictures.......I'd say you've made some decent progress on her you've done a fantastic job so far........love the fire power!
  6. love the diorama effect John .......I'd say though that you had more fun with the whale boats, than the Morgan herself......I think awesome build my friend.......and gonna look sweet on the mantle
  7. whoaaaa.......I was just gonna say.......wuz that lipstick on the main mast top?!?!? then I saw the red paint and said to myself.....OK kidding aside, the first mast step and tops look super! she coming along great! keep up the good work
  8. thanks Bob.......the creativity is nice, but yes.......the experimental stuff tends to throw one into dark waters. once these questions are answered, I'm hoping to get into things that are easier to do. things will go quicker that way
  9. thanks Greg........yea...narrowing down on the windows.......I'll have to check to see if I have any food coloring. as for the roof.......agreed....it would make the chimney look better too it will start withe frame.......location tabs for ease of removal.......and MORE SHINGLES!!!!! got an idea about that as well stay tuned. we all lost a friend......he touched so many folks here.
  10. you'll need a bigger shelf I have the instructions on my desk.........there is a plausible rigging section {and I'm laughing}. there are hardly any nautical terms for the lines. I am surprised that they show sheet and clew lines. do you want them?
  11. yes I did Tom....thank you. I've got such a hankering to do some paint........trouble is, I've been looking for an easy way out in painting the rub rails....I want to do them gold. I wanted to find some pin striping.......but so far, I haven't found any in the width that I used for the rails. I don't really have the means to cut anything down to the width.........I may have to resort to painting them on. my other view of the windows is not that great either.........may be time to break out the future
  12. I have this one in my stash Daniel. if you need the instructions.....give me a shout. to put it simply.......rigging is all logic. for every forward support, there is a backward support. I also heard some scuttlebutt, that the kit has some flaws in it. checking it out, I found that it's not the best made kit........but see, I like that. it's odd that I haven't pulled it out sooner because of it you have a good hull to work with....I know you'll have a swell time of it
  13. I wish there were termination points on this model..........then I could do just that! but, the more lines I add to it, the better it looks thanks George........actually, I think it's going to shock my son more
  14. well......I thought one more update would wrap her up.....but I thought wrong. other duties took over and left me working on the fore mast, the last time we spoke. before I put the lifts on the yards, the other two masts were cemented in place.....I said awwww, what the heck! so I did the fore mast lifts, simulating a pulley assembly on the lower yard {looks strange, but effective}. then the main stays and the lower mizzen stay.......both of the lower stays are doubled up. next, all of the yards were installed......even the lanteen yard. the lifts were done on the other yards the lanteen still need to be done........and I've begun work on making the dead eye assemblies for the back stays. then it will be the braces.......and that should finish it off.
  15. yes sir........so many options. I thank all of you for your suggestions. I do have a couple more to try, before moving on to one of them. I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine, and I began to doodle, taking the gray scale print of the netting and coloring in the facets. lots of uh huhs and one word answers....bet he thought I was being cryptic when I was finished with the phone call.......I took one of the windows and gave it a try I kinda like it........but coloring in the rest of the netting would feel very tedious. but what would it look like with a light behind it? I haven't tried it yet, although I did get to see what it would look like with a light inside. I saw packages of these battery operated tea lights...they even flicker. I bought a two pack.........they had a six pack, but the admiral thought it would be a waste. setting them up.......it looked pretty cool, imagining that there was a roof on the house and I had both front windows in place. then one of them fizzled out........cheap piece 'o %#@* ! since it would look better with two in there, I'm going to get another package.....unless I see another brand that looks that it might be of better quality. I will try and get a shot of this for you. we headed out again today.......more errands, which took us near a Michaels craft store. we had no luck finding anything that might work as a backing......not even in the doll house section. poking around in the scrap booking section, I came across something else that might work. I'll let you know how it goes with trying it. I did manage to begin work on the roof.......framing out the bottom. now to decide........peak or flat
  16. dropped in here this morn for just a quick browse........didn't realize that I would be here all day! I read your build from front to back Tom......and I must say, what a super job you've done with the Connie! lots of unbelievable detail....very nicely done. hard to pick out any particular part......she'sall good! now that I commented, your build will be in my watch list.......won't have to stray anymore to find you did your daughter move to Manchester?
  17. I'm not sitting on no throne of swords! kings don't last long excellent stand Nenad! looks great!
  18. very nice job on the parrels Pat.......your latest update on the ship itself is super........Endeavour is looking awesome!
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