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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks all for looking in and commenting.........also to all who hit the like button thanks George.......it could be for anything......except for a heli-pad......don't think the beams could handle it no sweat Greg........nothing to admit or apologize for......we're all having fun here. being crazy is a lost art........just getting too hard to work at it {that's me} funny you mentioned that Bug.......I was looking for scale figures last night. found some that were taking a bath! now.......wouldn't that be rich!!!
  2. is it less crowded 'after hours'? I'm sure later in the evening, there must be a lull in the operations. they must surely sleep in shifts
  3. gee.......I made a set of sails for the Bluenose.......just gotta finish them. they're for a future project that I have stashed in my closet.......I will be making more sails for it........a lot more I was under the impression that you hadn't made sails before.........my bad.........glad to hear the latter
  4. hey Jack.........lot done since I last looked in you've come along quite nicely. dying sails is a good idea......but there is a problem with some dyes....they do tend to break down sail cloth over a period of time. I have been wanting to try this, but perhaps cloth that has already been colored might be a better solution. I, at one time, went out in search for the perfect sail cloth. the lady I spoke with at our local Hobby Lobby was great.......she showed me god knows how many types of cloth......until we found one that met my requirements. I did see a few skeins of cloth that were red and blue, as you are trying to do.......and they seemed thin enough to pass muster. that is the key here.......thinner cloth works best, since most supplied sails are somewhat out of scale anyway. hand sewing is good......but I chose to be lazy and use the admiral's sewing machine.....darn near drove her crazy giving me a crash course. making your own sail isn't hard.......just a learning curve. just throwing it out there...there's a lot of info on the subject.
  5. I finally made it to the front bulwark of the upper deck..........bordered it off, except where the stair well is to be more sanding......squaring it off....making sure everything was flush. then I could fit it in place on the cabin structure, to see how it all looked. I never show the starboard side....... from here, the upper deck went down into the cellar...........primer coat time!
  6. I'm beginning to like this 'days off' thing...........I should do this more often I have another update for you all to see. I was working on both ends of the build.......the boat, and it's newly made deck. as I mentioned earlier, I was shingling up the front wall. I had already laid down the base row of shingles......so I began to go up the wall.......but in a very strange way.........upside down! I got this far last night and this morning.......the darn things sticking up slows down the process. when this was dry, I went further. ........and even further than that...... what I meant by upside down........that was how I had to work. it was better to have the boat in this position.... almost done here........ until finally........I was done! I even gave it a coat of flat clear lacquer. it seemed to make a difference. I wanted to dec - up the upper deck, so I bordered in all the side fields.......just like I did with the cabin structure in between doing that, I clear lacquered the other three outer walls of the cabin structure. {flat clear lacquer} now, with those other two jobs drying, I decided to paint the cap rails around the bulwarks......on the boat. I had a boo boo with the front window divider on the pilot house {damn....there's that word again....I said I wouldn't use it}, that needed to be fixed. I'll be glad when I can get to this structure
  7. Mobbsie and Carl : don't feel bad......if that's what your doing. we're adults here........I saw the key words and acted accordingly. yes, I could have done a stanchioned bulwark, but we're out of stock at the moment....made do with what I have. even I, thought the roof was a bit over the top {there's that pun again}. this brings the proportions back to normal. we're all constructive folks here......and I have a thick skin. I think we're a good fit sure Mark........I'll download a target emblem right away.......put 'er right in the middle the admiral would really like that tried to run a dance floor by her ........she shot that down too I like your idea Jack we'll see what happens.......
  8. your pull'in my leg............get out! they look GREAT!!! paint'em.........with what....a micro brush??? I can just see you with a magnifying glass and a tinnie tiny brush.......OK... no more joking.......they do look fantastic Patrick....the shape.....the handles.......perfect! now.....I don't want to sound like a back seat driver on noth'in.......but could you make that other engine. with only a starboard side engine.....I'm tires of going around in a circle
  9. you told me you were away.........you didn't say where......saddens me to hear about it. I told the admiral......we're both glad to hear things are better and hope they stay that way nice to see your back at the table.....the booms and gaffs are sweet....look great
  10. well........at least you cleaned the area up a little looks better sitting there like that. you made some visible progress Bob.....don't kid yourself. you got more on the deck and the wheelhouse looks great. your doing a swell job. lots of times Bob.......they don't look like much. cripes, I look at some of mine and I think what a mess I'm making. but then......you put that one piece on, or you do that little bit of paint.......and it all comes together little bites.......chew, swallow and repeat one fellow told me that there's only one way to eat an elephant........and I thought......EWWWWWWW....and the trunk too! {I won't say the part I REALLY thought}
  11. thanks Bob........I'd love to put a canopy over it, but I don't want to go back to the impression of height. I'm going to have to think of something else. I do have an idea in mind, but the admiral started shaking her head when I told her. I can't describe what she did next.......you'd have to see it in person......and then perhaps not, from rolling on the floor. she is a great sounding board though.........she has a good sense of what is too crazy. only problem is....my sense is farther out there she ends up lov'in it anyway it's like the spaghetti thing.........throw it on the wall.......if it sticks, it's good!
  12. hi there Piet.......I'm glad you like it stanchions.........you know I did think of that. I went down to the local Home Depot and bought a roll of wire.......a bit late, but I did. don't know if the wire will fit in the Billing's stanchions......gotta check to see if I have any first. If I don't, I guess I'll be ordering some........need some for the syborn, my trawler. there's always the Christmas tree boat anyway, I did a bit more refinement on the upper deck. figured I'd better get a front bulwark up and done I even set up the stair well. I didn't even give these post time to become loose.........on went the planking. it didn't take long...........all that's left now, is to build up one of the inner stairwell walls I finally took care of that short crack line on the floor. ...and then the cutout for the stairwell. flipping it over, the opening was beefed up and the front cap was laid down across the underside......all this does is prevent it from sliding back and fourth on the structure. the borders around the sides and this cap are the locator 'bracketing'. at the moment, the front wall is getting shingled up..........it's late though and I'm beginning to poop out
  13. nawwww, if that were me.......I'd be too busy eat'in ....a poor man with a full belly.........errrr, where's me grog? hey! I might even have somewhat of an update here somewhere.......hang on a moment
  14. there's a long list of pros Michael.......my thoughts exactly I'll save the pitched roof for something else........like a Gnome village or something {I'll get on that right away } love that movie as well Bug.......anything that Robin Williams did was good.........yes......even Popeye one of these days I'd like to do the ship that his pappy owned.....so far I've found little info on it. very interesting job....here's a trip for ya.......try to write it the way he says it I'm working on the front bulwark and the stairway. in hind sight.......I should have made the front part stationary, and made the back part removable. but it doesn't matter, I can make the stairway and roof as an assembly. will see what happens
  15. awesome Dr. Dafi...........simply awesome! there is a prose in here somewhere......but I dare not write it, for fear of busting a gut I had to show this to my admiral......she was awe struck by those who crossed their arms while on the loo. I simply said.......what, you have something you like to do? total genius.........I love it!
  16. love what your doing Bug........the wheel looks fabulous! you did a great job of house keeping aboard ship........she's spotless
  17. the chain plates are a misconception on the Cutty and the Thermopylae. looking on the top rails, tabs can be seen to suggest that the dead eye assemblies be cemented there. actually, they are to be cemented on the pin rails themselves. I too found this out later...........makes them look better too I saw the Avante.....wonderful looking diorama........did you even detail out the power plant too?
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