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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks Piet.......I think it would be a good remedy for those who wish to build their favorite ship.......even if there is no kit available
  2. really like the deck shot..........the nests came out very good!
  3. we still have one home.......already went through the initial shock from the first one. I patted him on the back one day......looking over his room, I said......."my table would look good over there".........he knew I was kidding with him. truth be told, we will probably keep it as a bedroom when the time comes....for the grand kids....or should something happen. you've persevered....which brought you to this day. I'd say you folks did quite well congratz!
  4. really super job Nils........you have such an incredible way with those fittings {another kudos on the traveler}
  5. didn't envy you with your coal situation .........I remember the day when we had to bring in the wood. the ring came out really nice! great job.........rudder assembly looks super!
  6. sorry to hear that Ed.........hope it's nothing serious and she feels better. I'll do my best to make it interesting...even funny to make her laugh hate it when one of my star followers is laid up. let her know I'm pulling for her and thanks for following along thanks as well everyone for the likes....I'll try my best for a quick update!
  7. thanks Omega that is the plan........unfortunately, only the Christmas tree boat will have lighting. the hull is still open, and I will hold off on finishing the planking until then. I will have to show you some of the decorations I've found so far....I promise you.......there will be plenty of BLING!! while I am on the subject of the Christmas tree boat, I did a bit of research a while back. I had found that there was a play done under this premise.......I may have posted it a while back in the log. when I was doing the new log for the Andrea Gail....I happened onto something else. in creating these types of boats, I like to make them as believable as possible. the M&M boat was a bit different though......it was more of an 'admiral's whim' I'd like to think that somewhere in this country, Christmas tree are being delivered by boat. I found this 'you tube' video about a ship called the Rouse Simmons......check it out here are a couple of pictures.... I thought I had two.......copied the wrong one...........<darn> I also saw what looks like a converted lobster boat......mine is going to look quite different, but it's the general idea. it just makes me happy to know that I was right here is a picture that I think would look really cool as a desktop picture.....or even a 1000 piece puzzle! as for the Jingle Belle.......I'm sure that in some seaport regatta, a certain 'float' {literally} can be seen in the lineup, with carolers on board...singing that Christmas classic "Fruitcake ain't for everyone" just kidding..........don't know what the stigma is about fruitcake.......I like it, but only in small pieces over a long period of time seems to be the brunt of a lot of jokes........kinda like wedding cake. you know the tradition.........take the top and stick it in the freezer. on you first year anniversary, you take it out and eat it. we did it..........probably the reason why we're still married today.....won't do that again, I can tell you that!.EWWWWWWW! tasted like everything we ever had in that freezer! I digress......sorry. but it just shows how wide open this medium can be. you can model something that is probable.......you might not see it every day......or you can go out on a limb, and do something that is fantasy. you can take any basic hull construction, and see the comparison to other ships of that type. I hope you follow along .........you'll see what I'm going to do to these two
  8. once upon an idea...........there was a concept to build three boats, all with a holiday theme. they were part of an experiment, to replicate hulls, using kit parts panels. in my opinion, it was a success....the M&M fun ship being a completed build, the trawler 'Syborn' well on it's way towards being the second ship to be completed. the 'Syborn' is unique to me, because it was an added experiment in making the hull longer by adding in copies of key ribs, stretching the hull. these two were created using the hull from the Billing's Mary Ann.......or even the Cux 87. when I assembled the hull for the Boulogne Etaples, I saw possibilities yet again.....and the three hulls were created from the parts panels from this kit. I originally had three themes for the subject of Christmas, but as time went on, one of the themes fell through. I was left with a hull without a theme in building these boats.......I at least want them to be somewhat logical {although the M&M boat was more of an 'admiral's whim' }. when I was making these hulls.......I had thoughts about the Andrea Gail. I looked her up in the Billings catalog.....the bones were there...it could be done. I kept her on the back burner.....I have projects started already...enough to keep me busy for a while. maybe later. months past............... it was during my two month hiatus, that the idea surfaced again. I had downloaded the instructions for the R/C version of the A.G. and thought I would look at them. I also found that there was also a static kit out there as well....smaller scale, but just as detailed. I thought about the Gundalow, and how a simple article I read, stopped me in my tracks. perhaps that is the same problem here......can't say for sure......but you know it's pretty chronic, if the admiral starts to take notice if you've been following the Holiday Harbor build, you've seen the modifications that needed to be done, to create the basic hull. I found an interesting article: Perfect Storm, The - THE ANDREA GAIL seeing the movie about the Andrea Gail during the time frame made me want to attempt this, all the more. I wish i had saved a copy of the search records.......they never found Capt. Tyne or his crew. ....and so......to where I am now. the hull and the pilot house has been created. the hull needs to have the external rails done, and soon the paint. I'm using the Billing's plans as sort of a practicum, so......if you see something that may not be exactly correct, it's just me keeping the copyright monster at bay {but it will be in the ballpark though}. here is the hull and where I am now I only had a chance to sand down the roof line of the pilot house so far....more needs to be done. the ice maker looked too deep to me.......I took about 1/4 of an inch from it, so that it would sit under the cut - a - way on the starboard side. lastly.......here is the boat that they used in the movie......you can see on the bow where they had changed the name.
  9. OK.......so to cut the confusion, I will be putting the Andrea Gail in her own log. this past week, I only got to do a few things......winter prep and duties calls here is what I've done on the subject at hand. if I am to do some lighting to the Christmas tree boat, the deck needs to be installed. a lot of what is to come needs to be removable, so the hull can be finished and painted. as was shown earlier, I found that I could not do the idea of full bulwarks......so the bow will have a bit of a fore deck.. it starts with the last printed sheet of flat stock........I had made three of these earlier. the bow was sanded a little to get the shape back for the deck beams......I had some 2mm strip stock. to fit them in place, slots were cut into the ends and cemented in place, with gussets for added support. they are not totally flush, so I will add a strip of flat stock {.5 mm} to level them up with the two that run lengthwise as for the Jingle Belle........I still need to get her out to the garage for sanding more to come..........
  10. I think it looks great! you did a fantastic job on her thanks for showing us how to persevere through a difficult kit! glad your MUM was pleased!
  11. "I'll try and do better on the next one" ............still the critic talking.....eh, Den? the level of craftsmanship you've put into this ship Den, is nothing short of outstanding! the time you've put into this build....well worth your effort. may the R.W. be another crown jewel, of your creative talent! Best to you my friend.......CONGRATZ! :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy:
  12. jeeze Dragzz.......sorry to see your doing all this. it appeared to me that the aft deck platform lifted on you in the front. all you would have had to do is correct the angle of the platform by shimming it in the rear, or remove material in the front. the aft platform should flow along with the main deck. I also notice that there are bulwark panels.........with this in mind, I usually run the first plank just below the main deck line, so when the panels are installed, the mating between the planking and the panels cannot be seen on the inside. of course, your taking into account if there are bulwark posts, and the height of the panels, because that will change where the first plank will lay as well. I see that there is a stern panel......if it is taller in height than the bulwark panels, it will make up for the gap left left by the first plank, in relation for how it will lay at the stern. the plank line being straight all the way to the stern, will dictate how the rest of the hull planking will run........even with tapering. taking into account for all of this, will also determine, whether or not you'll even need to double plank the hull. the best way out of this problem would be to correct the aft deck platform, so it flows with the main deck line, then add the bulwark panels. keeping the panel lines flush all the way back, will set up the plank line, and make it easier for you.
  13. that is a sweet idea......clamping the planks in place as you go. I did something like this with thin mahogany.....something I would definitely do again I'll have to try paper....looks neat!
  14. catching up is really the pits! I didn't even notice the problem with the foot ropes..........but you got it sorted out and now your full steam ahead! Fonzie is looking great in the new threads.....ayeeeeeeee!
  15. very nice progress Daniel........the upgrades and detail really adds to the build. those depth markers look great!
  16. the stand looks super Mobbsie.......plenty strong enough to support that bad girl! I've seen Donnie's stand.......it's a great idea!
  17. nice progress Wayne! I've never seen this type of construction before, so I'm finding it very interesting really neat concept!
  18. yes, I'm well aware Rick.......from what I've read here and what I've gathered from different articles, this is one of those kits that should have come with a contingency manual actually, I'm glad now that I held off on building it....I will know better when I do How did it go Brenticus?..........did your MUM like it?
  19. very unique on using a plug.......I'll have to try that the next time I make 'em
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