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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. can't believe I did that!!!!!!! sorry Hank........I really gotta cut down with the amount of builds I look at Payback.......just call me Denise!
  2. Piet.......never though of making a ladder like that! looks so cool! you must have some mixed feelings, getting so close toward being finished. I've enjoyed this build a lot!
  3. thanks Ed.......it will look even more worth the effort, once I get 'er cleaned up thanks for the good word!
  4. thanks everyone for the good word and the likes! it was a toss up.......but I didn't like the snow plow look here {come to a point in the center} from the looks of the leaves and the raw damp feel outside.......we might see that crap sooner that we would like I did get a little done.........the bow has been lowered {now I can see the center line in the road } and I did two attempts at making the ice maker. the first one.......awww, I'll save the drivel for the update.......you'll see Keith: yes, the box cutter works very well, if your like me and don't have a saw. I'm very good at cutting straight lines on flat stock. I have quite a few......if you can't find yours, let me know......I'll send ya one BOB: that was a pain! due to the angled front, the fascia edges along the sides are angled as well to compensate........that's what changes the arch vectors. bisecting the fascia into two quadrants was the only way to keep it sane. I think it's about time I introduced you all to her.......what say ye?
  5. the second set of pictures was worth the like button saw the first set and said to myself.....oh...my! but the solution and fix was quick and easy..........great recovery! that's why this site is SO great.........the people in it!!
  6. nice looking deck Larry........if it's that plank on the starboard side edge, it might be covered with a cannon. I wouldn't sweat it sand + a nice light stain for tint + nice clear coat = a sweet looking deck!
  7. IN the beginning pictures, I thought about Sjors..... "so, that's what happens to cottonball cannon balls when they get wet!" so....now to apply all the learning to the build! gonna be fun to see very nice Daniel!
  8. the rudder should follow the hull Sjors......it's more uniform if you've already done the posts in that fashion, then I think it best to leave it. having never coppered before, it's hard for me to say........I would think it would be easy to do the stern if the keel itself was done in the horizontal fashion....you'll just continue up from there. but from the keel to the turn of the bow.......from here I did a visual;) I looked at the hull of the United States.........the stern post is blended into the rest of the hull....there is no distinguishing feature.....the keel is done in the same fashion as the hull.....horizontal. it stays horizontal, done in step to the rest of the hull....there is no vertical to it. it's a plastic hull.....I know......and I'm not totally sure if it is correct. if you wish to change this......do be careful. you've done such a great job with your coppering, I would be saddened to hear that it got marred by a mistake.
  9. I was hoping a mod would come in and give you the info for the Gallery {thanks Mark}. I am so glad your going to put her in for folks to see.......it's a testament to your talent your so close to being done.........I'm tipping one in your honor.......as we speak!
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