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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. nice progress Matti, very nice shroud work. I'll look forward to your next update......sounds like your really busy!
  2. looking better and better Ron.......beginning to look busy! tiller rigging is sweet
  3. wonderful work on the antenna Piet! man! I really like the full view shots of her! simply an outstanding build........I'm in awe of your talent!
  4. so true about instructions Nenad.......they are simplified. some detail has been omitted......it's up to the modeler, if they want to put it on their build. makes for a more interesting model, in my opinion for the portholes and windows.......have you looked in the sewing section of craft stores.....or even hardware stores? I have these eyelets for shoes, belts {and other things}. they come in all sizes, but I only have two sizes that would work well with it. a few weeks ago, I was down in the cellar, looking through the cabinets the landlord stores his supplies. I found a nice sconce light to replace the one in our laundry room...........and I ran across a box full of eyelets........all different sizes! they would do well for hawse holes, port holes, sheave holes.......god knows what else! what you did to make them is pretty cool.......it worked quite well, and really adds to the hull's beauty. for the glass, I use Testor's 'window maker and cement' for plastic canopys. it dries clear, and is almost 100% see through. at that size, you could also use white glue.......it will dry to a smoky window finish. not see through, but it will give you the look.
  5. thanks Mobbsie not to worry about the ladder.......not even considered a set back, really. I've given it a bit of thought, and that type of ladder can be done. folks like the original ladder {even the admiral}.......so I'll just make the rest of them like that one. I do have another style to make.......sounds easy enough....I'll make one and post it for others to try on their own. done with my work week.......I'll see about getting more done
  6. I had no idea you were still working on the beauty had no idea why I haven't seen any updates, until I realized it wasn't in my watch list. you in there now...........by golly! very nice work in laying the keel so far, and I'll be very interested on how you build the engine. have you given thought as to how you will do the fuel / spark deliveries? too bad a lawn mower engine is too large a scale.....you could scoff the magneto and carburation systems, and make life easier
  7. thanks Omega.......haven't done anything with R/C as of yet....these are going to be static builds. more for the admiral than anything else. thanks Lawrence........it's going to be a fun subject.......I'm seeing so much stuff out there that can be used {I've already started my scavenger hunt} the M&M boat was a lot of fun to do........this is the first thing that came to mind, that would be equally as challenging. still too soon though.......they are still pretty bare boned. it will get even more interesting when the hulls are painted and finished out glad to have you follow along
  8. thanks Omega.......that style of ladder would be seen on navel ships, but it is also used on commercial fishing vessels. if I had done that using white glue, I wouldn't have had that problem. if I had also used a metal backing, the drill wouldn't have gone into the Formica {it didn't go in too far.......most just nicked the surface. I'll do it again...be sure of it....it is kind of a cool idea. thanks Piet and Frank.........I will be using the ladder.......I have a couple more to make. I was out with the admiral at hobby Lobby yesterday......got some more small dowels, and something that will add some neat detail to the reels. they used to carry a 'grab bag' of metal and brass parts...odds and ends. I couldn't find it {I have a few other places I can look}. anyway, the admiral asked me if I wanted to take a look in HobbyTown.......it's in the same mall. didn't find it there either, although I did buy some different size brass sheeting and a few other things. I took a look in the Plastruct and evergreen displays, to see if I could use anything from there. a lot of this stuff applies to HO scale.........I showed her the ladders. she got visibly upset.......and even called me a cheater! "you can make the ladders.......you don't need to go buying that stuff!" I got a good giggle out of it thanks for posting Lextin.......glad to have you follow along. best I can say is 'that's the cinema for you'....there is a lot of articles out there on their story.....I'm also sure that the relatives and families would rather know and have their story told, that to have folks speculate in the guise of gossip and lore. it miffs me more to read folks critiquing the movie, pointing out every thing that was wrong with it.
  9. your getting there Frank....that's what counts. it'll be smooth sailing when you get 'er where you want her. keep smiling Frank.......she's look'in real good!
  10. set backs aren't cool.......but they gotta be dealt with do it with a smile!
  11. thanks Mark........it doesn't do to get angry. I'll just remember to use white glue the next time
  12. thanks Michael, Augie, Sjors, and Nils I'm getting there.......got a long way to go though. thanks to those who hit the like button......glads to have you all following along!
  13. thanks Bob.......it's the same one....I just gave it room to breathe glad to have you following along thanks to those who hit the like button!
  14. thank you Nils.........now I'll give something to really laugh about {go ahead.......I did } another sub assembly I decided to play with, are the ladders {we all know how much I love to play with ladders}. first off though........it's not in it's proper place, but I though I show you this photo of the assembly I just made.........I just like how it looks with some 1/16 square stock, I made the ladder that will go up the side to this part.......it leads to an upper platform. I sanded it and took the squareness away, but I'm not really happy with the rungs. their not as clean as I would like them to be. I then thought to make one like I did on the Nordkap, using staples. first starting with two equal length pieces of 1/16 square stock.......marking them in 5 mm segments. then drilling the holes and cementing in the staples when all was said and done.......it looked like this I like it.........but wasn't happy with the fact that some of the staples weren't all the same height.......as if the holes in the Formica {all around there} wasn't a dead give - a - way to what was to happen next. I had to keep in mind that I was using CA...........usually when I do some bone headed move like this, I use white glue.......much easier to pry off the table. the admiral saw me doing this earlier.......thought it was the coolest thing in the world.........she doesn't know about the outcome yet. she liked the wooden ladder and thought I was nutz for thinking it wasn't good enough. I think with a little tweaking on my method I think it would work . these are staples that fit in the mini staplers. of all the best laid plans..........this one was too good....NOT....to show you :D
  15. the rack.........nice......but it's wrong. I had assembled it relying on memory....look where it got me. there should be a few more pegs on the top......so I will add them. I didn't allow for the podium and a lower level, and set the racking back another 1/4 of an inch after all is assembled. to start the correction, the appendage needs to be cut off. I have to say one thing about this bamboo dowel.....it is a bit tough to get a clean cut, without causing slivered splinters. I'm having to repair them as I go along. more on this soon. I had cut a couple of lengths for the main part of the trawl rig. I wish I could show this in place, but it is not free standing, in it's present state. it's attachments are on the upper deck and the pilot house roof. in finding the measurements and angles....they are odd increments......too much for the sophisticated tools that I have, so I had to improvise. the top of this part is a larger dowel, drill indented, to accept the upright posts. compounding my angles, I was able to comply with the required increment of angle. the rule fixed to the table, gives the bottom of the uprights the spread it needs.......the magic number is 190 mm. the spreader bar is added.......set high enough so it will clear the roof of the pilot house. in the space above, supports were added, using smaller dowel. it was assembled with CA.....but later filled in with white glue to remedy the small craters and divots. I can add more later after I sand and see that it needs it. I did both sides. at the moment, I'm playing with these sub assemblies. the rub rails need to be added....and then maybe.....just maybe, the hull can get cleaned up enough for paint....whooooooHooooooo!
  16. there's a bit of an update to be had here........this was done the other day I has used 2 mm strip stock for the deck beams........in making the tab slots on the ends, it meant that the beams would need to be shimmed, in order to bring them level with the rest of the deck framing. I have some mahogany thin strip that will do the task quite nicely. it's a bit wide....so I cut some down. I have one side trimmed to fit and cemented in place at the moment. I got carried away with other things. ....and as for the Jingle Belle. I'm happy to report that the hull finally made it out to the garage. it still needs some touch ups........but I gave it a coat of primer, to begin the sealing process. before I do more to the hull, I want to do the scuppers and rub rails. then I can sand and re-prime.
  17. you used those pictures for the gallery..........Super! again........wonderful job.......I wish I could weather that well
  18. everyone is fearful of the day when the build proceeds upward {and outward}. on ships of this nature......especially! if the work is complete on the outside of the hull, perhaps a cradle fastened to a large pine board, with a protective railing built around the bow, would ease your fears. then you could work from aft to bow, without too many mishaps. of course, sleeves would still need to be buttoned I'm not being funny.........if I were doing one of these ships, this is probably what I would do.......it would most likely happen to ME!
  19. very nice update David.....fittings look great. the looky down the deck is neat
  20. simply a beautiful model Kees............your depth in the detail is just amazing. I tried like heck to see inside the pilot house....I can just imagine what you did in there I hope you used these pictures for the gallery.....they are stunning! congratz, my friend on a superb job! glad to meet you
  21. looks great with all her masts.........to my knowledge, all mast should have the same rake {slant}. it irks me a little to see that most instructions do not give the increment. there are ships though, earlier period, that the fore mast has a different rake, depending on the country that sailed her.
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