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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. not to mention the height of the bulwarks........nothing to save you if you got knocked over probably where the 'all hands on deck' comes in
  2. you've put a lot of work into her........such a wonderful job!
  3. for a first build, your doing a fine job there.........the mix of wood grain and paint is really nice, there's a good balance between the two aspects.
  4. I changed them to match the relation of the bulwarks......I had cut them down a little and flattened the curvature. the waterline is down far enough.....it should be good I do seem to be a bit too far astern on the last scupper........I'll see what I'll need to do when I do the rub rails
  5. way to go....ED! the Hannah Boden was her sister ship. the movie, 'The Perfect Storm' is a very good movie, although I found a site that tried to disprove some of the theory's. I have a very cool article about her......I'll add it to the new log thanks for playing........Vanna gives you a big hug! thanks Piet......yea, they look much better.....the boulogne build had them already lasered out.....and they suit that boat better. the holiday boats will sport the smaller ones as well...they don't need the big drains. thanks for the good word
  6. thanks Omega........ohhh, there's no denying.......quite the contrary......I'm amazed! this particular hull embodies the subject quite well, after my little nip and tuck well worth the effort, and I do apologize for the confusion. absolutely Bro......she loves the boats......cripes, I can't even touch a plastic kit without her complaining. she my sounding board and color coordinator....she'll have a say in the Holiday Harbor build. I could mention the captain's name........or the color, that might tempt someone to guess....but no one has to......it will be clear soon. hope you and Tammy are doing well under the circumstances, I know it's tough. thanks for the kind word. thanks Bob......yep, that's scratch building. I imagine.....that this reality needs her proper name. to do that, she will need her own log, since I don't have to do any more mods on her. your looking at the basic F/V hull. I'd like to leave her here, but it would be just too confusing. I might not do it this week end......but I'll let everyone know when I do. thank you for your very kind comment it will all become clear soon
  7. Mark: I see it too, it's going to be confusing if I leave this one in here.......I think the direction is pretty much in place. I hate to, but I think it's time to put this one in it's own log. then I can call her by her real name, instead of 'Miss Penny'. thanks for the good word! hello Vivian thanks for the good word. glad to have you follow along.
  8. Frank........awwwww...your not a culprit......if the admiral saw me working on 'em, she'd be jumping for joy! should have seen the look on her face when I told here they wouldn't be done this year. she was out with me today...love the way her face lights up when she looks at the Christmas stuff she was helping me pick the decorations out........gotta get her familiar with scale though......WOW! she picks up this pine bough, with ribbons and berries.... No honey.......it's too big well.....you can cut this off and..... it's still too big...the bristles are too big it took a bit of doing, but she got it...{I think}. I do love it when she gets involved. so Frank....if anything, I should thank you. you made me think of them.......I had some free time, so why not try out one of my ideas. sad it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, but some thing work, and some don't. thanks my friend
  9. I'm not sure anyone noticed, but the 'Jingle Belle' has been on the other table. I wanted to start sanding the hull, but I failed to get to her yet. While 'Miss Penny' was in the Garage drying, I thought to bring the Christmas tree boat out, and look into the full bulwark theory.. it can't happen to do it, with the way the first rib is situated, I would have to chop through a lot of plywood. worst than that, it would make the bulwarks too deep at the bow, therefore, I would have to lower the curvature of the bow, the construction of the hull...and it's viability, would look terribly off. I settled for some of the bow section though......I will sheer the rest over and install fenders to handle the break water {hope I called it correctly} the main deck will stay the same......there will be a step - up for this created section, and I will still be able to have an open helm. first, the two tabs need to be cut out. they were marked, the top of the rib between them was leveled off, and I readied the Dremel with the cut off wheel. the smell of burning wood and the sound, Made Gibbs run under the admiral's desk! he doesn't like the sound. after consoling him and opening a window, running a fan, I did the bulwark post cuts with my deep miter saw. the sheer was cut out and cemented on the top of the bow. if I'm going to light this......this would be the best time to run the wires. I can lay the deck platforms and drill all the holes I need. I can finish planking the hull.
  10. I made an adjustment on my pictures.......what I used to use on XP does not apply to Vista......they were better than 500kb! anyway.......I had to run out to Hobby Lobby to get more wood. as I mentioned in one of my replies, they were out of the four inch wide flat stock......I could only get three inch I was going through the clearance shelf.......they had a bunch of balsa strip stock there for .10 cents a piece...different increments. too bad I don't do balsa. I may go back......perhaps I can use it for non stress framing I also began to pick up Christmas decorations.......pretty......pretty so.........when I got back, I did the scuppers for the starboard side.......but I didn't do them like I did the port side. I remembered that old Irish proverb......"don't du that ag'in Jimmy, er I'll whack ye up the backside wit' me shillelagh!" then......time for the filler.......not so much of a repair this time more work was done to the rack part...still more to go......add the podium etc.... there was a short break here due to sanding....and then quickly out to the garage to be touched up with primer, to clean up all the battle scars. what transpired in this time is Franks fault {not really} I'll get into all this in a moment the primer is dry, so I can show how the scupper job came out. I like them better this way. I have found no information on the 'Miss Penny' as of yet. I do know that she hit the water in 1978. I believe she was renamed when she was purchased by the Sea Gale Corp. in Gloucester, Mass. she became this boat....her last day was 10-28-1991.
  11. thanks John........I didn't think I had left that much of an overage...but I lopped off 5mm or more at the tip! better safe than sorry, I guess thanks for the good word! hope you enjoy your holiday
  12. it was an easy adjustment......took about 1/4 inch off the top, and glued it back on after it was cleaned up. it will make more ice than the smaller model....more to do to it though there is a rack, connected to a raised podium of sorts. this is the beginnings of it. before I could get too carried away with that, the scuppers needed to be cut out. grabbing a punch out for the boulogne Etaples scuppers, traced them out and cut them. what a mistake......looks like I took three volleys broadside! I needed to remember that the bulwarks have been cut down.....not as tall as they used to be. what looks good on the Boulogne, look terrible here. grabbing some wood of the same thickness, the holes were squared up and partially filled in. filler was applied both in and out.
  13. so, this week's progress started with the bow getting a hack job. I took quite a bit of it off. ...and how it looks with the pilot house on there....... the ice maker started as a piece of balsa. I got the bottom square and glued a basswood plate on there to get rid of the 'end wood'. no matter how many times you paint these areas, they always seem to suck up the paint. getting the top square though seemed next to impossible. adjust for one corner being off, only to check again, and find another corner off.......grrrr. thinking that there must be a better way, I made one. I didn't allow for the top and bottom panels, so it was too tall to fit under the aperture.
  14. thanks Ed......glad I can make someone laugh if I were to put a book together, you'd likely find it in the comic section.....even got a title picked out: "outlandish prose of the sea" whadya think? Carl.....so good to see you here I couldn't think of a better way to get over a two month hiatus. I know what your saying about Vista, but it's all I had at the time. one day.....windows 7
  15. Frank......I am so sorry I missed you! I thank you for the kind comment it's funny.......I went out today and started to pick up some of the Christmas decorations for the other two. I'm afraid that I will have to go somewhere else, if I want wider flat stock......Hobby Lobby only has the three inch wide stuff {I think I bought them out of the four inch}. they don't seem too good at replenishment. I mentioned Micheal's, I may look there next the worst part is the hull work........get over that hurdle, and life will be a lot easier. thanks Mobbsie for the kind word........you touch on something, that I do have as a thought. there will be an S.S.Olive Oyl, but it's on the back burner, because I need to decide which way to go with it. I can do it as a cartoon-ish style build, or I can go all out with it. I have pictures of the boat in the 'Popeye meets Sinbad' movie short......it's pretty bare bones. hopefully, by the time I get to it, a few of these builds will be done. there are other thoughts and considerations.......but for now, I'll leave pandora's box closed It'll be good to 'ave a ship 'o me own a place fo' me hammock an' a sail to be blown if I start another without the admiral's consent you'll all be wonder'in where Popeye went a tombstone so gray to mark such a day When Popeye met death, by a boat
  16. beautiful work Matti........I had forgotten you put lighting in her as well.........looks great!
  17. I do.......couple coats of semi gloss lacquer. decks are usually a flat shine anyway......it sucks into the deck and is pretty much fully cured, by the time I do the fittings. I like to leave the structure placements unplanked...when they are set in place, you won't see any separation lines. it's a real pain to get them to sit flush on the deck....to me, anyway. smaller fittings, I may use pin locators....but for the most part, a little CA, and they stay put I've not tried a wipe on poly.........it's a urethane, so it may seep into the wood and cure. I don't use a varnish, since it deals with mineral spirits, rather than acetates. the suspension in varnish, I believe, would sit on the surface of the wood, rather than seep in. an unprotected deck would attract dust faster and invite scratching. you've done a beautiful job on that deck Larry
  18. you didn't use the sails that came with it.....I know that might not have been what you wanted to achieve, but they would have had a little better detail for you. the thing about sails at this scale, is that it's too small even for the use of a sewing machine. lines could have been drawn on them to imitate the pleats, would have added a little.....but them there's the edgings to take into account too. I see where your going with it.......for what the kit is, you have done a great job of her. I intend to use the supplied sails for mine.....I'll just paint them to look like canvas. my admiral wanted it.......now I have to build it. my reason for doing it.......I say I may not want to put my heart in it, but my creedo as a model builder, will override.....and I will do the best I can on it you've done a really good log on her......left me some damn good breadcrumbs to follow. I just wished the admiral liked battle ships
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