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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I has done the cutting, but I hadn't taken any pictures of it. the windows still need to be evened out, and the top edge needs to be sanded down.....but the pilot house is now roughed out. it's late.......gents and ladies. the admiral has called 'lights out'. have a good evening
  2. thanks for the kind comments and the likes....and a special thanks to Anja! sorry for not getting this up earlier { like this morning}.....I got side tracked before I knew it, it was time to go to work......all I can say is.........one more day here is the rest of Friday's update.......I took stock of some of the dowel I have on hand. this is the bamboo dowel........the real long one is basswood......I think. in drawing the windows out on the fascia part.......I wasn't quite sure it would work out. truth is.......it didn't. doing the dry fit to see what I would have to do...........I heard a snap.....and saw that the door opening had broken. it was easy enough to repair.......to strengthen it up, a piece of strip stock was run along the upper edge. having the front fascia at a slant is a bit tougher......the curvature changes. get the measurements for the main curvature........then toss'em, because they don't apply further up. once the new marks were made {without breaking anything else} the new curvatures were traced out with the compass. then the windows were marked and cut out the curvature at the base could have been used to cut off the extra material.......but I wasn't taking any chances.......I'll make a template and mark it later. the jig was made and the extra was marked out.
  3. thanks Piet.....there's more to show. I try and put the rest of it up in the morning. I'm being shooed off to bed....3:30 Am comes quick! thanks Omega for the likes
  4. Friday got a bit more lively......I need to get the pilot house fleshed out, so I can better gauge the apparatus for the booms {cranes}....I'll get the terminology down....sooner or later it starts with the base.... it has a curved front wall, but I gave it a bit of a twist, with the side walls.....it will have an angled face. the back wall is going to have a framed in door.......hence the larger opening. you'll see a lot of pencil marks......after it is assembled, they can be sanded out or erased. when assembled, it looks like this..... on the back wall, there is a housing for the stack....it will have a louvered vent in it. here are the parts and the door insert. I put the darn thing together.......but forgot to cut out the vent. it's OK....very easy to do it at this time.......it was assembled onto the back wall.
  5. MARIO!!! so glad to see you {via text} I was thinking of you the other day. I hope you continue to follow along........and it would be super to see a project in the future! Keith, Nils, and Bob.........I recently found a really cool article on this boat.......if there was a clue I could give you, this would be it. the name of the boat, before given the name of the subject, was "Miss Penny". I saw pictures of her in 1991......she had bulwark 'shields' that went almost to the transom.......don't think I'll be doing them though I did a bit of work on the built Thursday........I made and installed those 'extensions' I mentioned earlier. I still need to blend them in. perhaps I can decant some primer to paint them after wards. I also trimmed and installed the fore deck support {stanchion} thanks to all who posted and hit the like button
  6. that's a very interesting question Nils.....I've had some time to think about them as I've been doing this. this boat won't be here much longer.......it's getting closer towards having to give the build her name.......far apart of the subject, she will splinter off on a subject of her own. as for the other two......I switched them. I know.....some are scratching their head....."How can he tell them apart?" it easy.......I flip'em over! the hull that already has the deck platform set in place....will become the Jingle Belle {the caroler's boat}. the pilot house will be in the forward position......mid ship will have benches, most likely a tree in the center...and of course, I'll need to find carolers of proper scale. aft....will be a small cabin {I'm thinking shingles}, with perhaps a pitched roof and chimney. plenty of detail....and perhaps lighting {I'll have to do some brainstorming, since I closed the deck in. the other hull is going to be very different........it will not have the fore deck, I'm going to cut out all the extra wood and do full length bulwarks. the pilot house will be forward, but it will not be a full structure.....open concept. there will be an aft house {office}, based much the same way. I need to look into the tree wrapping table, to see what it looks like, as well as all the tools that a tree salesman would need. I am thinking on planking the decks on both boats......they are not work boats, so.....what the heck. well.......that's enough daydreaming.......if I put too much into them......I'll never get'em done! then again, that's what I said about the M&M boat.............about five months later
  7. she looks great Piet! did you put on the port door.....I don't see it there fantastic workmanship! how did you do white on transparent paper Remco.........oh, Louis Pasteur of decals ?
  8. I was going to mention that Kees! here I am fighting with it........then the admiral calls telling me she's taking Gibbs to the field! so I had to leave the bow as it was till I got back that's when I remembered the jig I made...... I had to use CA to glue them on.....I was picking it off my fingers as we walked thanks for the good word! thanks for the like and kind comments.......didn't get to do much yesterday, so i'll have to move it today
  9. you must reconsider Denis........your build is much more worthy than you realize! all those in favor......hit the like button
  10. that is the support for the deck extension. there is a lot more where that came from thanks for the likes and comments I got into another aspect yesterday........something I could have done when I made up the fore deck additions, but in thinking of all the added measuring I would have had to do.....I just did it in this manner. the fore deck calls for fenders {I think this is what you call them} around the bow. I didn't get pictures of this as I went along.......just picture the stern being between my knees, and me trying to cement these buggers on there........at the same angle as the bow, and as flush as I could to the edge. this is a rough cut of one of the sides. after shaping it, I made up the other side and commenced to gluing them on. let the battle begin! of course, I won....but the tip of the bow kept wanting to split. to defeat it, a piece of square stock was cemented in the corner of the tip, and used the little jig I made to help out. the angle isn't quite right, but that's OK. filler was applied to help hide the seam of the deck and such. it was sanded at this point, to bring it down and lessen the angle. to fill in the minor defects, it got a second application. then it was sanded again, doing a bit more to lessen the angle at the bow tip. this was a good thing, because it gave me more time to fix that slight bulge on the port side. it's hardly noticeable now....I can live with it any other small adjustments can be done when I finish out the rest of the hull. one thing I want to do, is take the bow tip down some more. I made this over sized a little, so it could be sanded and trimmed....it didn't need as much as I thought it would. I got it to where it is now, and gave it a shot of primer to seal it up. I still need to fill the gaps along the deck line. chop that tip down a little........and I'll be in business!
  11. rudder looks fine Nenad! you've done a super job! nice way to go into 'telescopic mode' I try to use what my camera offers......but it doesn't work out most of the time
  12. .....and to think I looked all over the place, trying to find stuff like this! I have been settling for tulle, when all the while I could have been using the admiral's ..........ohhhh.....your gonna get me in trouble for sure! I really like the crane.....such a superb ship! love it!
  13. nice work on the gratings.........really like how you did the beak head
  14. jeeze.......thanks gentlemen! done with the work week......perhaps I can get more done. I do want to get with some of the other builds though....some are like loooooong overdue. this two month hiatus I took really didn't do me any favors in this respect. thanks Kees........I'm following your build...you got a very interesting build going on there! thanks Piet..........I think you know more about ships than you let on........that sub is knock'in my socks off! thanks Omega.......I think it's kinda funny.....in the series, Curly was the one that got replaced.....Shemp, Joe, Etc. unfortunately, the Holiday boats aren't going to get finished this year......still way too much to do. this hull was the most logical to use, since it had a couple of flaws, that needed to be fixed. that's all done now though it's sad to think that the Holiday build has been reduced to a dual build, the direction that this hull is going to take, is going to be just as much fun to do. ever since I first saw this hull design, I had this idea......it was just too good to keep bottled up any longer thanks Bob and Adam I'll try not to leave ya hang'in for too long. there is a lot of dowel work ahead on me.......glad to know that I have enough from the kites. I do have a couple of pictures here that show one little feature. I have to narrow it by 1/8......just a hair too wide. I left it in this position all weekend......when I went to take it out, it had formed itself in the shape. I have to change it though, because the posts are now at a slight angle........I'll fix it this gives the extended deck more of a purpose now. I should have more on it soon
  15. with these ships.......the hull is only half of the build.......the masting and rigging is the other half so there's something to look forward to Nils.........when your done, you'll have a "completely beautiful build!"
  16. Denis........those are some fantastic pictures of your build........she look absolutely stunning! the layering of detail and rigging overlay, really shows depth into the build. you've put quite a bit of yourself into this build! your so close to the end of this build......I'd love {and hate} to be a fly on the wall when you finally say those immortal words "I'm finished!" I'd hate to see a grown man cry.........the "let down" release is going to be quite traumatic!
  17. I've seen that.........parts that are made {laser cut} from too thick panels........makes the part look too chunky to use. I'm sure you'll come up with a remedy for it looking at this build you've created.......I have no doubt!
  18. if that's what you did.......I really don't notice it I see stuff like that a lot........very shiny with the initial application, but as it cures and dries, it might tone down to a more natural, neutral finish. looks very nice....really adds to the super build you've done so far
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