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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Nice start, but none of the bulkheads should stick up below the center 'keel'? Also, the third one from the stern look as if it's in the wrong place. Check if it is correct.
  2. To prevent curling due to moisture in white or yellow glue, dampen down the upper side of the sheet to equalize the moisture content both on sides of it.
  3. All this dye discussion, while interesting, is way beyond my pay grade! I'm sorry that you invested heavily into thread that wasn't already dyed.
  4. I concur with Bob's comments and assessment. It is an interesting historic artefact.
  5. Sorry to read of your loss, Paul. It was a tough call. I had no idea cats were prone to strokes or blood clots until we had a similar episode with our Kit Kaboodle some years ago. He was only seven. My sympathy.
  6. Richard: your app looks like a great one. If available, I imagine a lot of folk would use it!
  7. No, I wasn't messing with you, Gregory - it's the rope manufacturers that supply line in metric that are!
  8. Also, irritatingly, 0.6mm diameter is not helpful when one is working in a feet and inches scale! On needs to make a metric-to-duodecimal conversion, then factor in the proportion (e.g. 1:24 scale). Aaargh!
  9. On the other hand, rope is usually measured by circumference. A fair approximation is to wrap 3, 6 or 9 turns and measure across, then divide this measurement by 3 as appropriate. (Rope circumference to diameter is a factor of 3.1416.)
  10. As Bob says, first test any new paint or combination out on a surface other than your model!
  11. I'm sorry to read of all the stress that you and your family have been through. I'm glad that things are improving. Another small project might be one of Chuck Passaro's Syren Ship Model Company's open boats. The Medway's longboat has a modest amount of rigging for you to get your teeth into.
  12. This glue is used in paper conservation as it is also pH neutral as well as reversible.
  13. Apart from all the good advice above, sand down the poly, or you will have adhesion issues later on, if not sooner.
  14. Sam: scenic painting techniques work in miniature. However, in place of a Hudson sprayer, a spatter tip on an airbrush achieves the same effect. The lo-tech alternative, but less easily controlled, is an old toothbrush!
  15. Well done to get through your first build successfully. A great learning experience for you, I'm sure.
  16. Outstanding result using Gallery Glass, Gary! I was not aware of this material or the uses it can be put to. Very impressive.
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