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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Nice summer project, with those long daylight hours you have there. And a lovely story of Scandinavian lady choristers or, in this case, one particular Swedish one.... Look forward to seeing your progress.
  2. Oh, my. She looks great in the water (and Jude does, too!). You are going to either get insurance against a hernia or, more reasonably, build a rolling launch cradle.
  3. I've been pondering that length problem, Alan. As 168' 0" was never crossed out on the contract and replaced with 175' 0" and the 'as launched' draught states 168' 0", I'd say the longer measurement is a red herring. Fergeddabahtitt!
  4. A curious skeletal approach. Spectral!
  5. Why bankruptcy? Charles Dickens had it right: "Income per annum, twenty pounds; expenditures nineteen pounds, nineteen shillings and sixpence, result, happiness. Income twenty pounds; expenses twenty pounds ought and sixpence, result, unhappiness." Presumably Mr. Greaves' expenditures in business exceeded his income, despite all the extra payments.
  6. Yes, any increase in measurements (and therefore tonnage) had to be approved by their Lords of the Admiralty or - no extra monies!
  7. I sometimes view my work in a mirror. Things can pop out at you that way. Glad you've corrected what could be a huge headache down the road!
  8. I have a scintilla of doubt, Toni: could it be that the model is leaning slightly to starboard on its baseboard? Sorry to be OCD about it! I'll shut up now.
  9. Good going, Toni: but the starboard end of the transom seems higher than the port end. Compare it with the wing transom: or is it the angle of the photo?
  10. Sometimes builders 'stretched' the ship's dimensions slightly, if it was a merchant yard building for the Navy. Why? Because they got paid by the ton. So, if you are working from an 'as built' draught....
  11. Again, Hornet, it all depends on time period, type of ship, etc. Generally speaking, you would find scuppers between gun ports and never above any other port or opening in a ship's side.
  12. I realize that after a long day's work one's focus may not be the best, Alan. But we are cheering you on, nevertheless!
  13. I go away for a couple of weeks and find out that you've had to make a major save, Toni. Isn't it amazing what we can sometimes miss? Glad it was fixable!
  14. What you describe sounds so familiar. As Ben pointed out, the learning curve is steep but, rest assured, the payoff eventually is very rewarding if you stick with it. And you are fortunate enough to have a mentor at your shoulder. Hang in there, Alan! Now, take a deep breath and start by checking everything in a calm and logical sequence. Let us know how it goes.
  15. If you could post images or sketches of what you are referring to, it would help formulate an answer for you.
  16. So, it's sitting on the table with some miniature furniture you've made, right? Impressive, to say the least, Michael.
  17. Glue is only one factor in the equation, as is humidity change. How much contact surface is there between the planks and underlying framing? Bulkheads spaced too far apart will not provide enough bearing surface for planking.
  18. R.C. Anderson's book on rigging (the original version) gives details of rigging from this period for Continental as well as British practice.
  19. No matter how experienced, we ALL have re-do's in our models - whether we admit them or not! P. S. You may wish to check the upper sill of the bridle port while you are at it: it looks out of line in your photo.
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