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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Hi Elijah....... just catching up on your progress....... you are off to a very good start...... you are in good hands here at MSW, if you ever get stuck on some part of your build , you have many friends here that will help you through.... the main thing is to have fun with your build.... Congrats on your new brother!! Frank
  2. Beautiful !! work Denis.... love those doors and windows... looks real cool when it's lit up....... are you going to lease or move in yourself frank
  3. Karl...there are no more words left to describe your work, so I'll just say thank you for showing us your magnificent talent ,,,,, Frank
  4. Nice build Jack.... you did a good job on the hull planking.... I like these type boats, if I do another build I think I'll try something like what you are doing... Have fun!! Frank
  5. Wow! that looks like a pretty big model.......... the decking looks awesome Denis, Nice work there!! Frank
  6. Great!! videos .... thanks for posting those Matt..... the rigging on those ships is amazing!! ..... if I order some rope from Chuck in the future I'm going to see if he can do white , that way i can color it to get that nice grey look to it. Frank
  7. Yeah, those cleats are nice , I used some on my Alert, I needed 12mm so Chuck was nice enough to make them for me.... your build is really looking good... Frank
  8. Looks like you've been real busy...... She's looking real good Sjors, .... like the shelf too!! Frank
  9. Happy Birthday Dave.... your build is coming along nicely, regardless of the setback! Frank
  10. Great! build Bob, you did an excellent job .... love those Japanese boats Frank
  11. Very nice work on the decking Mike......the ships boat came out real nice too..have fun!!! Frank
  12. Like the way you did the rabbet.... I hear you on the fragile part, I have a Baltimore clipper from them sitting in the cupboard with the same problem I like basswood ,but not for the keel or frames , I dropped a frame on the floor one day and it broke in half. anyway , yours is looking good. Your work bench is looking good too..looks like decking. have fun,....it's nice having you back!! Frank
  13. Nice work Denis.....I'm sure the kids will love it, ....watch out that those little rascals don't surprise you with a "Victory":for an encore :D Frank
  14. Sorry I missed the completion ceremony ...... Bug you really did a great !! job on this build, like everyone says "just fantastic"... the aged look was just the right ticket for this one..... and those ropes WOW!!, they really give it that worked look. nice job Bug...Have fun with the stage coach.. Frank
  15. Sure is looking good Frank.... good luck on your kitchen re-do!!.. HAVE FUN!!! Frank
  16. Nice recipe Tony, I've used the tea steel wool and vinegar to weather, but you've taken it to another level. Very good substitute for the Ebony . Frank
  17. Very, very nice build....... at the rate you're going you'll be a master modeller in no time!! Frank
  18. Thanks everyone for looking in..... next update should be completion ( wishful thinking) frank
  19. Hey Mike, you ought to ask your brother to order you some drill bits that they use , they are really small, i tried to get some from my dentist but to no avail. Might be just the ticket for what you're doing. ( just a thought). Frank
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