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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sjors!! .... are you a senior citizen now?? :P Frank
  2. Nice model David.... card models really fascinate me!!..... this looks to be a good one. have fun!!!
  3. HI Bindy..... thanks for your input.... yeah, I'm really liking this method of planking now, planking has always been a hang up for me, but trying this way has opened a whole new "planking world" . There's a little more prep work and time involved but I think it's worth it. Frank
  4. Tony, your rigging skills are to be envied!!...... beautiful work !!..... your build is looking so good. Frank
  5. very nice work on the pins and truss..... hope you're feeling better Frank
  6. NO wonder it came out so good......... I forgot about the heritage thing... I should've know
  7. Thanks Sherry....... I'm really enjoying the planking this way, hopefully the rest will be as enjoyable!! Frank
  8. Matti..... Thanks for stopping by, hoping to get a little more done today (maybe ) Mike....... Go for it....read Chucks tutorial... take lots of time lining off the hull... the money you save on filler will buy you another tool!!! :D Frank
  9. Hi Denis.... just went thru your fabulous log, what an amazing build you have going. she looks just beautiful!!! Nice work Denis!! Frank
  10. Wow! super job on the brick work Augie, great way to do them ... they look real ! Frank
  11. Augie..... I'm confident enough that this will come out OK so I won't have to plank it again.I had purchased some boxwood strip from Jeff awhile back with the intention of using it on this build, but since I decided to try spiling I couldn't use it. I checked on the boxwood sheets and they are considerably more expensive than the bass sheets, so I'm staying with the basswood. I'm thinking a worn looking type wood hull down the road ,so the basswood will work out OK. maybe next time around I'll go for the more exotic wood. Sjors...... I have enough trouble using hand tools . Hoping you guys have a nice holiday together!! Have fun. "GO NETHERLANDS" Mobbsie...... It looks like there's a radical twist at the stern , but not really. The planks are laying real nice at the stern. Once they're shaped they sit good. Have a nice holiday with Sjors and Anja. Popeye...... Yeah, try the Titebond, I think you'll really like it. It sets fast, so the clamp time is very short. Ive been just holding the planks just with my fingers most of the time until it holds then I'll use some small clamps to set them a while longer. Pete..... Thanks for your comment Pete, appreciated !! To All The "Likes"...... Thanks to all of you for look'n in . I love the Likes !! Frank
  12. Nice work there Mike.... I've been ck'n in now and then and I see how you are really enjoying this project. You are definitely headed to the dark side!! Frank
  13. Hi Denis......... Yeah. I really like the Titebond, man it really sets up fast, no need to use ca, and it cleans up real good too. Thanks for look'n in. Hi Mike...... This is going to be a single planked hull. The kit supports a double planked hull. That's what's nice about the spiling, there is really no filler to speak of and all the planks fit properly, so there is really no need to plank it again ( I hope ). Thanks for stopping by. Frank
  14. Dave B...... thanks Dave for your input, it's not perfect yet, but I'll get it down after a couple more dozen planks Hi Russ..... Glad you looked in, you're right.... there is a little dip there, tomorrow I'll loosen it and shim it some. I've been trying to watch that , I've had to shim a few bulkheads , that one slipped thru. Thanks for the heads up! Hey Augie...... thanks, .but no thanks on the thickness sander, I've got enough tools already that I don't ( know how to) use
  15. Well here we go again.... another UPDATE!!!!....... I think I left off showing the first two planks being set, I've made some progress since then, the first band is finished, port and starboard. Before I started to do the planking I had ordered some basswood sheets from National Balsa. While waiting for it to come in,I found a sheet of basswood that I had purchased from Michael's. ( 1/16thx 3 x24 ), so I thought I'd get a little head start before my main supply came in. Well my supply came in and I started up again, I had finished 3 rows before I notice that National Balsa's 1/16th and Michael's 1/16th were a little off, just enough to p--- you off, so out came the alcohol, the removal was easy enough, I'm glad I did it, it looks better ( to me) I think once the planking is finished and the hull is sanded some, It should look OK . Another nice thing about spiling is that there 's not much room for fillers. I've been beveling one side of each plank that butts up to the previous one so they get a nice tight fit. Following are some pictures of the progress. By the way I highly recommend the spiling method for planking. I don't know what took me so long to try it...... FEAR!!!! :D this is the second plank being fit on the first strake you could never get this shape by just bending the following just show planking to the end of the first band Well that's it for now folks..... Thanks for look'n in Frank
  16. Hey Matti..... they came out perfect...... and everything that surrounds them is just FANTASTIC!!... your ship is just awesome looking !! Frank
  17. Nice job on the redo of the chain plates...... really look good! Frank
  18. She looks great Ron...... nice work!! Frank
  19. how 'bout hiring a mason..... it's a small job... shouldn't set you back too much!! ( nice work on the deck fittings Augie..look'n good!! )
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