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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. A small update..... My first ( and I hope my last) Alert repair!!...... I was just starting to set the last 2 strakes and when I started the star-bord side I ran into a little problem. while trying to fair the bottom plank I took off to much on the top of the plank, so when trying to fit the one on top of it it just wouldn't sit right, so I decide to yank that plank out and start from scratch, because I know that would have really bugged me, but as things go, while removing that one I screwed up the one beneath it ( and I thought I was so careful) well what was supposed to be a band aid treatment became minor surgery. For fear of screwing up any more planks I soaked that one real good with alcohol . As you can see in the last picture the procedure was a success !! Now all I have to do is get it back together again. I'm so glad this is scale planking!! :P Frank This is the first plank removed, as you can see the next plank had a piece chipped right near the stem, Thats what prompted me to remove that one also This is where I carefully soaked and started to remove the second plank Operation finished!!! Like I said before , I'm glad these are scale planks!!! Frank
  2. Matti that last image is just beautiful!!!... awesome ! work there Matti. Frank
  3. Real nice work Mark...... the framing looks very intimidating ..... but it looks like it does'nt seem to bother you any..... again.....Great !! work Mark. Frank
  4. Hi Brian , looks like a real nice build you've got going on..... I had the same problem with my ME Baltimore Clipper bulkheads , I got so frustrated with it that I put it away. One day I'll pull it back out ( maybe). Just take your time with the fairing , I think that it's probably the most important part of the build. Have fun!! Frank
  5. Nice work on the extensions Mike,.......... your thinking on this project is impressing, I like the wood painting idea, this is going to be a very interesting build. Frank
  6. You'll have no problem with the ratlines Matti, with your skill you'll breeze right thru. Follow Mobbsie's advice on not over tightening , and you should get the sag you're looking for. Have Fun!!!!! Frank
  7. Thanks Tony.... and.... single planking it is going to be!!
  8. Michael, you know,.... the more I read about some of these old ships the more I find out no ones for sure about anything. As far as your build goes , your choice of different color woods and the subtle colors you used to paint with and of course your amazing skills of putting this all together, puts this build above and beyond. This is one fine looking Wasa !!! Keep up the good work, it's appreciated by everyone here at MSW. Frank
  9. I know everyone is busy with their own projects, so I'd like to thank you... Mark.. B.E... Dirk... Nils... Duff... Ron... Alistair... Popeye... Grant... Mike... Scoot.... and Sjors... for looking in and supporting mine... Thanks again Frank
  10. Like I told Sjors last month ,"I will return", well, I'm returning..... with an update that finishes up the laying of the Alert's hull. Still need to sand it up and doctor it up here and there. It was a lot of fun planking the hull this way( spiling). There's some goofs here and there but after all is said and done, I can live with it ... it could have been a lot worse!! . The only thing I was a little disappointed with was the basswood. It's not that it's hard to work with,it's ...ah,... just not that good. .... I don't know if there are different grades of Basswood available, but I certainly didn't come across any. Although I shouldn't complain , the price was definitely all right!! Thank God for stains and paints. Well enough complaining .... following are a few pictures confirming that I really did finish ! All comments good... bad.... or indecent. are welcome!! This shows the transfer of the outline of the plank to the basswood . I then used my ships curves to make the final lines. this is the last stern strake being set on the s.b. side final strake being set on p.s. Following pictures are just different views of the completed hull . Thanks for looking in!! Frank Thanks again Russ for all your help!!!! Frank
  11. I've said this before, but I'll say it again... this is one beautiful build!! Frank
  12. look'n real good Adam...... like those dead-eyes, might try them myself when the time comes. Frank
  13. like your cradle Sjors..... your build is looking real good, as is your new avatar!!! ..... Frank
  14. Hi Jason.... nice build you've got going, glad to see you have every thing straightened out to your liking. I'll be look'n in on your progress from time to time. Frank
  15. Interesting build you've got going Wayne.... like your ideas for the display, will be following along. Frank
  16. Real nice work Tony....... wish my work was as neat as yours..... must be an English thing..... right? frank
  17. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Matti .... glad to see you back at the table !!! Frank
  18. Hi Michael....... I'm sure I've said this before, but I'll say it again .... You Sir, do amazing ! work. This is one great looking ship you're building!! Frank
  19. You're thinking outside of the box Dave......... very, very nice!!! Frank
  20. Hi Denis.... just catching up on your progress,man...... that is one beautiful !! job on the rigging, looks like it was a very complex process .... I''ll bet you're glad that's over with. ... looking forward to your start with the RW..... Nice work Denis!!!! Frank
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