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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Beautiful!!!! Augie..... Frank P.S. Oh yeah!... Have a nice vacation!!
  2. Excellent work on the rigging Tony...... how did you square off the center of the yards ?.. they came out real nice! ! Frank
  3. :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: Nice!! work Sjors :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy:
  4. Dafi... with all due respect,if you're not satisfied with that great looking buoy, you might need glasses :P Frank
  5. she's look'n real nice Adam..... your scratch work is a big improvement over the metal ones... good show!! Frank
  6. Hi Dafi... I'm sure I've said this before , but I'll say it again....... your work is just outstanding!! in every respect, and your presentation is most entertaining. Thanks again for posting your talents for all to enjoy!! Frank
  7. Hi Wayne ... nice to see the Emma back up on the table.... Don't you just love that work table?.. I bought the same one a couple years ago and it suits me just fine, the space is good and the price is right ! Frank
  8. Nice Augie, real Nice!!... like all the others, I too like the pear, good choice!! Frank
  9. Hi Sjors......... I'm still here ..... I'll have an update soon ( I hope !! )..... I've been really busy trying to finish up planking the hull, I've got one more band to do p&s, then I'll be finished. I have to do this while I'm still in the planking mood or else I'll never get finished . so hang in there,...... in the famous words of our beloved Gen. D. MacArthur... "I shall return".. I don't know when , but I will Frank
  10. Excellent!! work Dave....... the bamboo turned out to be a good choice , I really like the way it looks , glad to hear you didn't have any problems working with it. The trim patterns came out real good as did the rest of the painting of the hull and rails. I think you might have started a new outlook for planking material . Walmart will love you for all the bamboo business you've thrown their way, who knows ,they might even offer you a part time job as a "greeter". Frank
  11. Look'n good Ron.... what kind of wood did you use on the natural looking planking ? It looks real nice.( as the rest of the planking too!!) Frank
  12. Look'n real good Sjors....... this will keep you busy until you retire!! :D Frank
  13. Nice start on the plates Sjors.....I don't envy your task... that's why I like smaller ships!! Frank
  14. Nice to see you Back Doris..... as usual your work is just outstanding !!! Frank
  15. Hey Mark.... you're getting pretty good at this shipbuilding thing!! :P Frank
  16. Nice going Ron , she's looking great!! Frank
  17. It's about time you got back!!..... I was starting to worry about you, thought maybe Tony was keeping you hostage!! :D
  18. Thanks for the info on that one Wefalck Frank
  19. I want one!....
  20. I thought this might be of some interest for those who make their own sails https://www.gethandystitch.com
  21. HI Denis..... looking forward to another outstanding build from you, must be nice to work with a nice quality kit !!. I'll have to try that sometime!! Frank
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