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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Lou, The guns are going to be a problem... Seems that the way they sell these things is in a two pack but one gun is for the door, the other goes on the ramp. Never happened back then. We experimented but still would have had both guns up front (door and left side window). So... after scratching my head, straining my eyes and and doing some faceplants while sorting out the bits and pieces... I'm rethinking the guns a bit. She will have them. What I'm going to do is I have ordered two guns per the below photo (now why I never found them over a month ago is beyond me). Then I'll do a combination of the kit parts from the first batch and scratch build the mount for the other side of the bird. You saw the quality of the Reskit parts and it's not great. But I'll use it for a starting point. My guns should be here by Saturday. Beats the hell out of waiting a month for them to come from France.
  2. Wahka, Please open a build log for this instead of posting your work here. This is the Terror kit, correct? If so, open the log here: https://modelshipworld.com/forum/10-build-logs-for-ship-model-kits-members-only/ Read the pinned post at the top of the first page on how to name your log. If need help, PM an Admin.
  3. Here's the state of the build. Many subassemblies built, exterior of the fuselage isn't not painted yet but holes have been filled. I probably won't paint the exterior until the deck and fuselage are assembled in case I need to fill some gaps. And those guns are tiny and will be a challenge. After re-looking at the after market, what would need to be scratch built on the interior, I"m sticking with the basic kit. I just don't think my skills are up too it.
  4. Well said, Lou. I try not go there in my mind with the Dust Off flights we did. Saw too much stuff that one should not see.
  5. Welcome to MSW, Wahka. Looks pretty good from here. I'd suggest you start a build log as it's the best way to get help when you need it.
  6. Other than blade tension, I don't know of any other adjustments. I did have older saw early one that wore out the bearings and blade wobble was very bad. See if the top blade holder wobbles and same for the lower. If they're wobbling, that's not good.
  7. You're not beaucoup dien cai dau. Would I spend the money? I'm not sure what the price is, but no... I don't I would and I'm not sure why I feel that way.
  8. Bill, I'm attaching a file. While it pertains to the Byrnes saw, it also applies to other small saws like Micromark's. He has a page in there about tooth count and wood thickness. Byrnes Saw Operation.pdf
  9. I think you're doing the right thing with picking and choosing the parts, Lou. Paint... I know sip about. And I loved that video.
  10. That wicker seat looks great. Too bad it's too big.
  11. Stunning work, Craig. Looks to me like one could actually step into her and fly away. The details are amazing.
  12. Well.. got sidetracked again... Guns came into today, so I'll tell a few people to leave me alone tomorrow so I can take photos.
  13. Eberhard, Check a stationary store for cardstock. I've seen some very smooth and very thin stock in assorted colors.
  14. I do understand your view, Lou. You obviously know her well. I'm doing pretty good, Lou. She's where she needs to be and with the issues, I'm not about to go and stir those up again. I'm finding peace. Now that we've run this topic into another dimension of space/time....
  15. Glenn, Google is your friend... https://www.google.com/search?q=Pear+wood+filler&rlz=1C1ZCEB_enUS832US832&oq=Pear+wood+filler&aqs=chrome..69i57.2735j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  16. Hmm.. 11 hours one way. I want to but do I dare? Haven't been to Oxnard in maybe 50 years. Seems about time.
  17. Lou, Consider a tandem bike. Between you and your lady, you be able to putt right along. It will take some work to get things to come together though. Janet and I used to have a tandem and for her it was perfect (leg amputee). Called ourselves the 3-pedal tandem team. I miss those days and miss her, but such is just the way it is.
  18. Thurston made great blades (I'm still using them) but when they closed they recommended here; https://www.malcosaw.com/ If you're using a slitting saw, there's no offset to the teeth so that is a constant source of heat build up. I've found to not get into a big hurry... cut a plank, check the blade, if hot... wander off to get some coffee.
  19. Phil, Take zu Mondfeld's book iwth a grain of salt. There are errors in it. I use it a lot but as a starting point to confirm or deny that I'm on the right track.
  20. Here's the results from a quick search.... https://modelshipworld.com/search/?q=coffee sticks&quick=1 Yes, modelers do use them.
  21. If the blade is moving from side to side it sounds like something is out of alignment. You could also clamp a sheet of wood to the top with smaller diameter hole for the blade. Might be faster and easier to do that. I took that darned fork off very soon after getting my scroll saw. Was too big and in the way for what I was cutting. Just have to make sure to put a bit of pressure on the wood being cut, a sharp blade and a slow and easy feed.
  22. Check the thickness of the blade Bob. I've found the thin ones really get warm on long cuts and do distort where as the thicker ones seem to work better. I agree with high speed and slow feed. You might also periodically try backing out of the cut an inch or so. Seems to help from I've seen with mine.
  23. Do be advised that any scanner will not scan at exactly 100%. This is done by all companies making them so as not to have their machines used in counterfeiting money. So it make take some fiddling with the scanning and printing to get a perfect copy. I stand corrected... the paper roll fed machines used by architectural firms for printing building prints are an exception.
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