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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Welcome to MSW, Allison. There's good advice above but I'll add to it a bit. I suggest a kit with one mast to start and work from there. MSW is a huge repository of informatoin. The first article in this part of the database might help: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-plans-and-research.php Also, do by all means, open a build log. It's the best way to get help and encouragement and make some friends which also helps you finish the model. Looking forward to your first build.
  2. As for the breeching ropes, weren't the English at that time using a hook on the end on the end of the breeching that fit into an eyebolt? That shows up on many of the French ships but I'm sure about the English. As for not being in any plan... "why put it in the plan, we know how it goes" would be the answer if you went back in time and asked.
  3. Welcome to MSW Rich. There's a few Oliver Cromwell builds in the scratch build area. Also, look for Beaver's Prize. The search function at the top right of any page should lead you there and the search can be refined after the initial search.
  4. There's a lot of good machine tutorials here: https://littlemachineshop.com/Products/product_new.php The learning tab has them but the other tabs also have topics of interest. Another good one is here: http://www.mini-lathe.com/Default.htm Again, links for their other machine tool tutorials.
  5. I have a set of the brass planes from MicroMark. The blades don't hold an edge very long and need constant attention but if better blades are available, they are a nice small size.
  6. If you want to sell it, you should do it here: https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/41-traders-dealers-buying-or-selling-anything-discuss-new-products-and-ship-model-goodies-here-as-well/
  7. Pat, The stack doesn't rise through a grate like many warships? Even with a stack there would be smoke and heat that needed venting. I'd guess two part as telescoping would need some way of holding up fully extended.
  8. Hi Mark, Welcome to MSW. I do like the attitude. When you're ready, give some thought to opening a build log as it's the best way to get help and also make friends on the way. Yeah.. I'm another Mark.
  9. Eric, Here's my take... there's nothing definitive except the mule was tied to some sawmill equipment. I doubt that the equipment would be at the very stern. There's no photo evidence, just a painting. Both types of sterns were used. I think you should go with what you feel is "right" or at least pleasing to your eye. If there's evidence that builder mainly did "stern type a" or "stern type b" that might help with the choice. There's always the fallback plan... flip a coin.
  10. Wonderful results, Steven. Both your men look very much the part. The detail work adds to the quality.
  11. Definitely some damage to the chassis. Maybe tell folks it ran out of race track when the chute didn't open and now needs a rework.
  12. They don't that I can find. If you us Chrome, you'll get a pop-up window that asks if you want the page translated. For IE and Firefox, copy the URL and then open Google. Right hand side of the Google welcome screen, there's a 9 squares forming a box. Click on it and pick traslate. Paste the URL into the left translate window and it will translate the page.
  13. You can set the posting order, CDW. After uploading, put the mouse in the text box where you want. Then go down to the thumbnails of the uploaded photos and hit the "+" (lower left hand side) on the photo you want to insert. Rinse and repeat as needed until all are in the order you want.
  14. Wonderful work RGL. Have a question... why would the cranes be hanging over the turrets instead of the boats?
  15. Interesting bit here (as are the rest of what you're thinking and finding). One thing that struck me was that considering the era, I'm wondering if the forecastle was too high (to limit visibility from the poop deck by the officers? Or perhaps it was a balance problem and the bow was too low in the water? Just musing out loud as it were.
  16. Sad times but good times to see the children set out on a life of their own. I'm relearning to enjoy the life after the last year and although there's stumbling blocks, my goal is clear. You seem to have that point also, my friend.
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