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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Congratulations on a beautiful build, Hennie. I'm looking forward to seeing her on the dolphins.
  2. Could be easier with a disk sander but my disk sander just spins away merrily at high speed. This little jewel is mounted on it's stand and has lower speeds. It worked for me but your experience may vary.
  3. I too love the lights. They just set a model off and add something special. Wonderful work you've done on her.
  4. Another way would be find a small pin (sewing type). Drill a hole in the bottom of the mast and put in the non-sharp edge of the pin (cut it down to length but not the point). You woudn't need much of the pin sticking out of the pin to poke it gently into the keel/false keel. CA it in place. This would work if there's only one deck. If there's two decks, then a bit of clue on mast to secure it to the decks would work.
  5. Les, It would be a bit small but not much. The catch here is that many times the kit manufacturers use parts that are out of scale due to cost so you'll probably be closer than most of the kit items. I'd say go for it.
  6. Nice work, Sjors. The devil is in the details but I know you'll get through them just fine.
  7. Time to take a deep breath and have an adult beverage, Greg. The guns look good... and numerous.
  8. My condolences on the loss of your mother, Ulisus. It's never easy to lose a parent. Beautiful work on the cannon rigging.
  9. I went back to the beginning and then up to where you are now, Michael. Just "Wow"...... You've made a lot of progress.
  10. Just beautiful, Kees. Those photos on the beach... if it weren't for the stand, one would think they're of the real ship.
  11. I liked the post not because I like it but to acknowledge it. I remember the Thresher disaster with respect and sadness....
  12. It's great to see you back, Danny. You were missed. I'm happy that all went well with the treatment.
  13. Brian, They're really only a temporary type of product used during storing or shipping. The problem I can see is getting them out to bake any collected humidity which should be done periodically. Maybe hidden discretely in a display case might be better. I'm also not sure if they would draw the moisture out of the wood and cause premature aging.
  14. O'Brien reminds me of James Mitchner in that sometimes the story gets run over by the details. Even still... excellent reads.
  15. I love the ship work... But I hate the news about your health. Damn I wish there was a cure for this as I know of two others (not shipbuilder) with it.
  16. Ken, Go here: https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/47-questionsinstructions-on-how-to-use-and-post-to-this-forumsite-problems-or-suggestions/ and ask. This might be something that only a admin can do.
  17. And poof!, it's a mill also. My mind is truly boggled.
  18. Dave, What Tony said... it's a normal problem and just about every scratch model builder runs into the problem of tolerance build-up. Back during the early days of this project, the rule was "cut thick and sand thin".
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