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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. The Latina kits (and indeed some of the older kits by other manufacturers) have the problem of "scale". Scale is what fits in the box and piece parts are what is standard across the product line. But the Latina kits do look pretty good when done.
  2. Hi Jesse, Thank you for your service and welcome to MSW.
  3. Thanks for the comments, the "likes" and just looking in... At last, a real update as life (the Admiral's health) got in the way. The frame extensions have been removed and she's starting to look more like a frigate. I still need to sand them down to the sheer strake but I'll be doing that when I need a break from the gundeck work. Here's the pictures... as always, a click on them will open them to full size (or what constitutes full size on MSW). The last two are more of a reference shot for examining things on my part but I thought I'd toss them in anyway. Sorry about the sawdust and mess.....
  4. NIcely done, Erik. I've tried that picking the "wall side"... but the Admiral usually has other ideas when the project is finished.
  5. If you're using IE11, Rich, get Chrome or Firefox. Known bug about copy/paste in IE11 and MS isn't going to fix it.
  6. Kevin, If you're not doing so, annel the brass before cutting and bending. It makes it a lot easier to work with.
  7. Here in the States, one can go to the Dollar Store and pick up a nice size bag of them for a dollar. I find a variety of uses for them. My problem with going to Starbucks is, I hate their coffee.
  8. Everything goes into the scrap box. Come winter and fireplace season.. the small stuff gets used as fire starter. The problem is, I've not been able to clean the box out... it fills up too fast.
  9. Gabe, Whitewash was used extensively in the lower decks and hold. However, it's Captain's choice on what the crew paints.
  10. Bruce, I don't know for sure but Dusek Maristella might have some "starter" kits. From what I've seen of the models being built, they're pretty good.
  11. Do a search from the main page for Dusek.. Quite a few builds going on.
  12. Hi Bruce, You've got some great input from the others. So I'll just say "Welcome to MSW".
  13. As I stated.. "to my eye".. and yes, inclusive of 1:64. I just don't see how one can go that small for an accurate model. Yet, there probably is a lesser pattern and might work. That's tough question about are there builds of larger size without. I can't say for certain. I made the decision on my Licorne (1:64) purely based on what I could do within reason and still look right (she's not plated as she never was plated). At a normal viewing distance on a real ship, I'm not sure these items would even be visible. The treenailling is often used as the example. Plating is a different beast. If one looks at a photo of say, Victory at some viewing distance, there's dimples (not nails) visible on the copper. Same for Constitution. Maybe those should be referenced?
  14. Nails on copper and treenails for planking seem to have the same problems. Too large (or large enough to handle with drill bits, pounce wheels, etc.) and they look way out of scale. To my eye, on anything 1:64 or smaller, treenails and plating nails look out of place. I would go with what you feel is best, Phil.
  15. Looks good Ulises. Knotted ropes hanging down is what they used. They were only deployed when the steps were to be used (ranking officers, officials, and dignitaries). The crewman used ropes hanging off the sides (but not the steps) or climbed out one of the gunports on the lowest row. Or at least that's the tale that I've read.
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