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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. That's a place I have never seen chicken coops (houses) in before. Very different. Many times, the French put them on the quarterdeck behind the mizzenmast and wheel. I was under the impression is was because the chickens and eggs were the property of the officers.
  2. Have a look here: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-materials-and-tools.php What the others said applies. There's two articles. The first is Basic Hand Tools... as Druxey said, buy them when you need them. The second article is Tools Not To Bother With. There's others than what's in the article but it's a good primer. Edit.. I just caught this.. I pasted the wrong link in here.. <sigh> I'll go stand in the corner for penance.
  3. Bob, Here's the best explained definition I could find.. But I'm not sure if that's what the drawing means... http://ezinearticles.com/?Rigging-Blocks-for-Model-Ships&id=7684885
  4. Have you seen Doris's Royal Caroline? We have quite a few builders here doing that level of work.
  5. No doubt cutting away planking and framing is going to be mentally hard, but I think you'll be up to it. I don't think I would be, however.
  6. It will take some time for those things to come in. A lot will depend on what kind of Guard units are in your area.
  7. Sorry to hear about the re-do's Denis. But the fix for the rigging looks great... from here, I can't tell what was broken.
  8. Matt, good work on the serving and that's a good looking serving machine. How are you making the blocks? I might have missed that somewhere.....
  9. Pat, I was on the verge of cutting in grooves but in looking at it I realized that sanding might hide some and maybe all of the grooves. Part of the "problem" is that these frames are so small. I'll have fiddle some with this one and give it some thought. I do have 2 more ship's boats to make and they're a lot smaller than this one. I'm just applying what I've learned so far and still have much to learn. On those holes, I fit a piece of dowel through each one to lock the pieces into alignment when gluing. I came up with that as I've found when clamping, sometimes the clamps shift things a bit. I've been using the other logs for inspiration... Danny's, Archijofo to list two. And basically everyone else in scratch and kits as there's great ideas and methods. The hard part is sorting out which ones work for me.
  10. Tom, Locate a copy of zu Mondfeld's "Historic Ship Models". It's pretty comprehensive, there's a lot of generalities in it for both sides of the Atlantic. However, it is reasonably priced (you'll have to shop around a bit) and does a good job of providing an overview of the tall ships. The rigging section is pretty in depth but not to the depth of other books.
  11. I'm glad you made it back home with that drive. I guess if it was weekend trip it would be fun... Deckhouse is stunning.
  12. Thanks for the "likes" and the comments, one and all. I guess I need to clarify... this is a plug. I'm planning on adding the frames to the outside and then planking that. Sorry if I gave the impression it's a bread and butter build. I just felt this method "looks" better but that's me. Now to see if I'm up to the challenge. Jaager, I have a couple of old leather belts cut into pieces.. I strop a lot.. x-acto knives and now carving tools. Dan, I have a good selection of micro-burrs and micro-sanding bits. I've just barely scratched the surface on the next piece I'm carving...
  13. I guess more info in needed as every manufacturer has it's issues as well as it's good points. Also, even models of the same ships vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and present different challenges. What ships interest you? would be a good place to start.
  14. It's definitely an adjustment I'm thinking. You might have to look in the parts drawing (I hope there's one) and search for "gib screws" in it to find them all. I had an issue on my mill (not a Proxxon) were there was gib that needed adjusting and the only place I found it was in the parts drawing.
  15. Lovely pics and congrats on the changes and impending change of employment. As for the pics... seems iPads do that for some reason. Maybe start taking the pictures upside down? I'd think there would be a way to rotate the picture within the iPad software before posting... but I'm not a Apple person.
  16. It may not have been meant as tutorial but it is one for those little things. The guns, carriages, and caps look great.
  17. From pictures, painting and even some sketches, many times, there was netting over the shot in the garlands. This probably was, as pointed out, just "ready" shot and more would be brought up in battle as needed.
  18. Tom, You might ask that in the Rigging/Masting area. I think you'll get your answer. I know that the lines (I'm having a brain fart at this moment) at the corners would pull the sail upward. The crew would climbed up and then out on the foot ropes and manually furl and secure the sails to the yard. I'll dig around in my books as sails and rigging haven't been in the forefront of brain lately... I'm still planking.
  19. I bought a variable potentiometer and wired it to dim.. During the day, the lights can't really be seen, at night, they were too bright. I think it's a 100 ohm variable. But given the prices of LED's and the various forms they come in, one doesn't even need to add current-limiting resistors (like I did), they're built in.
  20. I'm not sure how many is the charm anymore, George. I know I turned the air blue and paint peeled off the walls when the keel didn't fit...and then I discovered what happened..... Even the dog hid.
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