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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Kevin, It looks like the problem started back in post 1021. Try running vertical lines to match the shrouds before doing the ratlines as point of reference. Yeouch... that looks most of them need to be reworked. I think a lot of us end up re-doing ratlines, if that's any comfort. Edit.. brainstorm.... brace the masts over and slacken the first deadeye...
  2. Thanks again for the "likes" and comments. I never thought of doing the whole strake, Druxey. I've doing that at the joints only. Thanks for the tip.
  3. Wow... you've packed so much wonder detail in such a small model.... and it's getting better and better every day.
  4. Hmm... I'm wondering if the pieces could be cut out of wood...???? There's some unique card models that might lend themselves to using wood instead of card.
  5. Nice deadeyes, Nenad. Life happens and gets in the way of the shipbuilding. And that is probably the way it should be. The "not good" part is the sadness that happens. Take care of yourself also.
  6. Nice looking whale boats, John. BTW, I've still not played with that sander yet... <sigh> But I will be ordering the vise.
  7. Thanks for the "likes" and comments. It's still fun... I'm thinking it's more creep than anything else at this point, Druxey. At the sternpost, the right side plank is higher then the left. I'm taking yours advise on adjusting. The sanding is/was very rough only to see if things were close. I made a newbie's mistake early on in this and grab some planking that was too thin. For a strake. Didn't notice it until I ran some sandpaper to clean a rough edge. If I find one too low, after the light touch now, I can still fix it. Thanks Dan, good advice from both you and Druxey.
  8. Ok Dave.. I'm hooked. Where do I place my order? Just get healthy. We'll sort out the writing, spelling, and grammar but not gramma'. While spell check is a blessing... it's doesn't using the wrong word.. much to my chagrin.
  9. Tom, Did you read the reviews? I'd be very cautious on this bit of tech.
  10. The kit will never be the 1797 version. That version had a different stern for one thing along with different lines, etc. Google a document called "Fouled Anchors". Pretty much explains everything. I'd still go with the Constituition style davits then. The one's in 1854 were, I believe metal, not wood.
  11. A minor milepost in the overall build but a major one for me... Six strakes have been added and to check how the tuck planking went, I taped the sternpost into position and took a few extra shots. Roughly sanded (sorry about the sawdust) and there's some gaps need filling. Overall, I'm feeling pretty good at this point. At the stern area, I'm off by about 3" (scale) which could be tolerance buildup or one side was of the transoms was off by that much. I'm thinking it has more to do with some tolerance buildup and the angle the planks came into tuck. The bow is about 2" (scale) off. I do like the way the lines are shaping up with planking. I need to re-mark off the hull and re-check the measurements and then do a few more strakes before putting the garboard back on. And sand, sand, sand.... <cough><cough>: Luckily the air filter system I've added to the workshop is doing it's job. Comments, questions, abuse is always allowed. Ok.. maybe not the abuse part...
  12. What Joel said. Keep it bent unitl cool and dry. \ I always made a throwaway jig for these using scrap. I couldn't find photo but all it was is some flat plywood with a piece of wood cut into the shape of the curve needed. Both pieces of the cut curved were glued down the appropriate distance apart forming a slot. When dry, the piece to be bent was wetted, heated and placed into the curved slot. I hope that makes sense.
  13. Nice work on the galleon... I'm going to follow also as this miniature stuff fascinates me.
  14. I think "Wow!!!!!!!!!!" is about all I can come up with right now. Just marvelous.
  15. Nenad, I would think that the rear entrance would have to be about the same as the front. The back entrance is "new"? I know very little about the CS to answer correctly. I'm just surprised there's no pictures of this. I Googled but didn't see anything that would help.
  16. Jeff You have an apples and oranges problem. The AL kit is correct in hull form for the 1854 Constellation but has the "modifications" for the frigate fraud that was in place when AL made the kit. It's no way related to the 1797 Constellation except in name and a couple of timbers. As for "rebuilt"... I think it's more "restored" since it is the 1854 Constellation. The two davits aft that stick out from the stern are, I believe, still there and were part of the 1854 build but they wouldn't have been on the 1797 ship due to the differences in sterns. What I'd suggest is use the davits like the Constitution. Boats... I'm not sure about as I originally planned on using some of the kits from ME.. the 5" and 4" as I recall. In the end, I didn't use any. Make a couple of mockups of the davits (cardboard would work) and see which works best. There's some scaling issues with the AL kit since they used a lot of "stock" parts in it. Go with what you like...
  17. Rebuilds not only build character, but also vocabulary... although I'm not sure that swearing like a sailor is called vocabulary by polite society. :P
  18. I'm just going to add to the kudos, Frank. I love the furled sails so much, I'm thinking of trying to do some myself. Yours are fantastic.
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