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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Ah....made it before all the seats are gone. Looks like a well thought out work area. Sjors, pass the popcorn, please.
  2. Excellent start on the planking, Augie. Will she be treenailed? Enquiring minds and all that....
  3. In my opinion, you can paint completely, paint just bits and pieces, or not at all. It depends on how you, as the builder want to represent the ship. Hahn used fabric dye on some of his kits to stain the wood. Others, stain or just a wash to suggest paint. And then there's the full blown painting including friezes, statuary, etc. There really is no correct or incorrect way to do it. You can also paint with wood, such as ebony, boxwood, swiss pear, redheart, yellowheart and purpleheart. When in doubt, follow your heart and do it your way.
  4. I think Grant is trying to pull the proverbial wool over our eyes. I think that just the same pile of blocks over and over again. He's actually sitting back and relaxing.
  5. Catching up... again. Great updates, Augie. Ok.. so don't plank it. Then if your Admiral is like mine, you be asked "aren't you going to finish that thing?".
  6. Good to hear you made it back home and into the shipyard, John. Fantastic work going on with the furniture. Very inspiring.
  7. That is one clean garage.... Don't forget to pack the workbench. I'm excited for you Rich. New adventures and all that.
  8. I'm no help on the history of this ship, but I will follow along on your journey. I hope you post some pictures of where she is today and older pics...
  9. John, Rule of thumb... you're the Captain, build it any way you want. There is no "wrong" way... Looking good.
  10. Per, She's the one who mentioned it when I was ordering ebony a few months ago... so I just added a stick.
  11. Harvey, Use it for whatever you want. You own it, it's yours. It won't make anything less scarce. Now that I've said that, it's a bitch to bend. I soaked, heated, and re-soak my wales 3 times to get the bend I wanted. Finally after the last soak, I jigged it and it stayed put (1/4 by 1/4 inch). I've done a bit thicker like 3/16 inch, but not going to try it again... The one thing I love about it... it's gorgeous in place. I have a 2-1/2" X 2-1/2" X 24" piece that I'm thinking of using to make my admiral a jewelry box, just for kicks and grins... and Christmas. I still think it's a bear to work with and after the current project, I probably won't use it again.
  12. Remco, Excellent progress and by all standards, your work area is still neat and tidy.
  13. Piet, This is just amazing work. I'm sitting here with my mouth open going "wow" as read and catch up on what you've done. BTW, no need to take a sledgehammer to a computer to get them to fall into line. Just do what I do: threaten to turn them into boat anchors. Seems to work very well. However, the sledgehammer is much more satisfying.
  14. Sweet work, Anthony. Not only a clean build but it appears to be very precise as well. Lovely wood choices.
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