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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Popeye, There's so many choices, and good choices for books about rigging. Besides TFFM, there's these: Rigging Period Ship Models - Lennarth Petersson Masting and Rigging English Ships of War - James Lee And the ubiquitous: Historic Ship Models - zu Mondfeld While he's not always accurate, he does provide a great overview of rigging and just about everything else.
  2. Very nicely done, Sjors. And you posted a picture so I didn't have to ask for some.
  3. Excellent work, Gigantesco. I'm happy to see an update as I was afraid you had stopped working on her.
  4. Wow.. wonderful work and so darn small... beautiful paint and brass work.
  5. Joe, As I recall, there's no rigging plan for the Confederacy. The Brits only took off her lines. Any drawings from the US have either long since been lost or were destroyed during the War of 1812 when they burned Washington D.C.
  6. The Navy was disbanded after the American Revolution as Congress didn't see a need to have one. Funny thing is, they left the charter for the Marines intact as they were to be stationed on certain merchant ships. (Trivia... the USMC is thus called the "Senior Service") A few years later, they realized their folly and chartered a Navy. I think the designation for the Confederacy was just the Confederacy, though Hahn refers to it as "Continental Frigate Confederacy" in his book. At that point, there really may not have been a designation as Len and Andy have pointed out.
  7. With brass, heat it red hot and then let it air cool. edit: per Wikipedia.. air cool or quench in water. Not oil.
  8. Only two? Rats.. I gotta' try harder. Sjors and others, Rocky Mountain Oysters are a real food item. Considered a delicacy by some. I won't touch them...
  9. "Typhoid Moderator"???? I like it. Ok.. I'll try to be good from here on out. Yep... I'll try....
  10. Alex, Thanks for the feedback on the test. It may not be a heat issue at all but a materials issue?
  11. Well... there are Rocky Mountain Oysters. I'll leave it to others if this needs to be persued and commented on.
  12. Ferit, I think Randy said it best in that we don't have an oath. Your work is wonderful. Very much top tier work, my friend.
  13. Just amazing furniture, Sherry. Thanks for the inspiration. Now to go find some miniature craftsman to build some for my ship.
  14. Fascinating stuff. One never knows where one will find a neat bit of history. Thanks for sharing this.
  15. I agree with Janos on the correction. Druxey recommends doing every 5th ratline first, then do the middles ones between those. Then do the rest. Seems to make the hour-glass less likely. And yep, doing the futtock stave first will help. I hope you have a great party!
  16. The rest of us just build mockups; fakes if you will of blocks. Yours are working and perfect but much larger, of course. Just amazing to see how these are done.
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