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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Guys, Hate to raise this issue but I count 4 Unicorns here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Unicorn All from the 1700's. Plus there several French ships that the English captured (French: Licorne) to further add to the confusion. The captured French Licornes were also called in some places "Unicorn". The trick here is to figure out which "Unicorn" Corel has and which the rest have. I know there's some issues because I went through a bit of turmoil with this for my Licorne since it was captured by the Brits and the lines taken off. In these cases, it was which "Licorne" became which "Unicorn/Licorne"? and which ones were French?
  2. Daniel, Sweet work on the guns. So tiny, yet so perfect. I'll be waiting with everyone else to see what stories will be told.
  3. Anthony, Have a look at this link: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2593-cutting-scale-timber/
  4. What a great tip, Maury. That should work on the bigger builds also. You might think about putting that into the tips and tricks section.
  5. Augie, Looking really really special. The word "majestic" fits very well. Hope the fishing is good while you're waiting for your line.
  6. Tim, Pedestal placement looks good and the rake with her bow high shows her lines being built for speed. One can almost hear the engines roaring....
  7. Well... at least everyone is having a ball... Post some pictures Sjors. They will take everyone's mind off things.
  8. Thanasis, Good to see you back doing your ships. You haven't lost your touch. Lovely planking and great lines. I'm looking forward to the rest of this build.
  9. I swear, that if there were miniature shipyard workers aboard, we would be seeing the real thing. Wonderful, just wonderful.
  10. Looking really great, Sherry. I'm with the others on cutting the ports now. Gives you some wiggle room if you need to backtrack, replank, or re-cut them. Also, have a cannon or a paper cutout handy to re-check them.
  11. Russ, The only comment I can make is a low whistle followed by a soft "wow!". Looks wonderful.
  12. Aldo, I feel that way too and I'm not even drawing plans. Hang in there my friend, there's enough folks to help you out of any holes you may dig.
  13. Thanks Russ, NenadM, and Juergen. Russ, You forgot: "and it's fun". The intimidation factor is always self-induced with me. Didn't take long to get over that. Juergen and NenadM, Feel free to use anything you find here. I found on MSW (and I think one was found on DDM) all the "special" tools I'm using.
  14. Bob, I'm enjoying this type of planking so far. Like I said, this is my first single-plank hull. But so far, so good. Plan is still... go up to the caprail line with planks, chain wale, and any decorative plank.. I think there's one.... then head south and do the garboard strake, the wales and then fill in the blank area. Yup... simple. Uh.. treenails? I'm not going to as from my view 1:64 is too tiny to see. Those 9" inch hull planks I'm using are only 1/8" in real life.
  15. Thank guys. Ah.. the pressure.... the carvings... YIKES!!!!! One plank at a time... one strake at a time.. Yup... grunt work followed by liquid refreshment... I like it!!!!
  16. Gaetan, Was base tar Stockholm Tar? or the black stuff we see on roads? If it's Stockholm Tar, probably just a finish with a brown tint maybe????
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