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Beef Wellington

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Everything posted by Beef Wellington

  1. Looks fantastic Eamon. Where did you find info on the kingplanks - I've been searching high and low for pictures/diagrams a can't find a sausage...
  2. Thats the one Eamonn, you got it. Was trying to be sneaky there with the dazzle camouflage. USS Cyclops (AC-4) was one of four Proteus-class colliers built for the United States Navy several years before World War I. The loss of the ship and 306 crew and passengers without a trace within the area known as the Bermuda Triangle[1] some time after 4 March 1918 remains the single largest loss of life in U.S. Naval history not directly involving combat. As it was wartime, there was speculation she was captured or sunk by a German raider or submarine, because she was carrying 10,800 long tons (11,000 t) of manganese ore used to produce munitions, but German authorities at the time, and subsequently, denied any knowledge of the vessel. The Naval History & Heritage Command has stated she "probably sank in an unexpected storm" but the actual cause is unknown.
  3. Joe shes looking very nice. Thanks for the heads up on HobbyMill - I'm trying to pull the trigger on my next build and would look to replace wood in that, this maybe gives me the nudge I need to do it so I can plan well ahead.
  4. I'd love to say "Correct Eamonn, over to you!" .....but no. By the way, that one took a fair bit of digging on my part, maybe I went the long way round. Next up. Image of ship itself is untouched and unobscured - other than the name...don't want to make it too easy. This old lady has an interesting tale to tell.
  5. SS Aenos, sunk in 1940 the battle of the Atlantic?
  6. Stergios - I think you put your update in the wrong log (Jim's Ballahoo log), suggest you remove that and repost it here. I'll put my question here though, did you decide not to make the top of the masts square? That is how they would be on the real ship, the round hole for the main mast needs to be squared off and the of the mast made square.
  7. Slog, congratulations! I'll give it to you although the ship in the photo is not in fact the HSwMS Altair, but seems silly to go through the rest (Nigel/Eamonn - you can probably figure out which of the class this particular photo is of now ). There are 5 ships of her class in operation, all training vessels, and all indistinguishable without pennant number. Altair was the first, and the name of her class. Over to you.
  8. You've got the country David...
  9. Lettering looks great, well done. Think the size doesn't look way off at all, and will probably look even sharper once you get the other decorative strip in place. I'm sure Alistair is right with the full stop - it maybe goes into the same category as painting the ends of cannons red which seems to be commonly omitted - historically accurate, but distracting when looking at a model with modern eyes. I wonder if time period plays into this, I see Victory doesn't have the full stop on her, but her name looks a lot better since they got rid of the horrible cartouche some years ago.
  10. Beautiful ship you're building here Augie. Silly question, I do get a litle confused with how some of the wood types are used, what is the wood used for the exterior planking? Thanks
  11. Wayne, this looks like a very interesting kit, haven't seen to many similar kits with the provided moldings. Shame this kit isn't availalble anymore. Are you planning to drill out the window panes in the stern fascia?
  12. Well, all I hear are crickets chirping .... Northern hemisphere navy, not Austrian, Hungarian, Swiss, Luxemburg, Czeck, Slovakian, Serbian, Belorussian, Andorran .....or Irish.
  13. Hi Sjors, nice shots of the hull! Sorry to bring this up, but I wonder if you have a couple of the windows upside down? (could just be the photo). Looking at the window second from the left and the two on the right - seems they should gardually get thinner at the top to match the vertical moldings.
  14. Nice customizations Popeye, interested to see how this all turns out, a very interesting model.
  15. Next up...flags and number removed
  16. Its not "Our Lady of Arklow" is it? If not , then must be "Granuaile" - nice Gaelic pun.
  17. Cheers All. Mort - the bullseyes are item F0340 in the BlueJacket catalogue (1/16" inch - scored), I also got some of the larger 1/8" ones as I'm hoping they can be used for the slings.
  18. I like it Jim, think there is definitely evidence for the frapping, its a much more workmanlike solution than the coiled ropes which look nice but not very practical for a variety of reasons.
  19. Indeed it is Eamonn! Your turn.
  20. Realisation dawned on me after I'd posted this. I'm just looking for the name of the ship as it appears in the picture - one could apply tortuous logic to make this much more difficult than it really is....so don't
  21. OK, well here's one that definitely qualifies as a "first to the buzzer" ....I need to get some ships lined up in advance to not hold the game up
  22. Atlantic Conveyor?
  23. I'd leave it as it is Eamonn, nothing wrong with how it is and i slooking great. One thing to consider (I goofed this up), is to ensure that you know where the coamings end and not just use the holes in the deck as a guide. I had a couple of instances where it looked a little odd having a hatchway and a butt very close - luckily I could hide it with a couple of judicious small tweaks.
  24. Thanks BE as always, and all the 'likers' - means a lot to have so many excellent modelers looking in. Mizzen topmast stays have had me thinking for a while - it just doesn't seem to make sense to have standing rigging attached at both ends with no method of adjustment. I followed a general principle seen elsewhere and made the stay up with a loop to go around the hounds (not served around the hoop as its only 0.5mm line - need to draw a line somewhere, and seems tricky at this thickness). At the other end, I inserted a bullseye (sourced from Bluejacket) and attempted to simulate a splice. This was lashed to a ringbolt on the maintop as per plans - this would allow adjustment. I went with thin black line for the lashing to avoid looking too busy, don't think its too much of a stretch. Stay before installation The bullseye lashed to maintop The completed mizzen standing rigging at the hounds.
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