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Papegojan 1627 by mati - FINISHED - 1/48

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All,


"Cucumber season" is on so as many others I had some break from the model. Nice weather outside so not much motivation to sit behind workbench 

Anyway... I have some small progress.


Bowsprit and spritsail yard rigging has been almost completed. Missing sheets will be added later... now they might obstruct space and knowing my luck i will knock off something ROTF


I hope photos will be clear enough to see how each particular rope has been fixed.
















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That is beautiful rigging, almost a shame to "set sail" to hide all the lines.

But with this outstanding rigging I guess the sail will look amazing as well.


Please, visit our Facebook page!




Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry

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Hi Nirvana,


Thank you for your nice comment.

Regarding sails... after many days of thoughts, some time ago I've decided to omit sails on my model.

I really like "no sail look" on the models, especially with all the possible ropes rigged on the model.


Even If I would add sails to my model... even that, sails would be fully furled to present rigging. 


In the end... that's why I'm spending so much time on rigging and trying to replicate as many details as I can... to be able to clearly show it... and not to hide it under the sails :)


However... if one day I will decide to add sails, running rigging is rigged in that order to be able to loose necessary parts... so no glue has been used.... just tight knots on belaying pins and cleats... and enough rope to extend it or manipulate.





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I really like that you are not adding sails.  They are very hard to make to scale, even at 1:48,  and in the end they will  block the view of a lot of your beautiful rigging.


PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


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Hi All,


Thank you Allan. 

That's true... sails in that scale are really hard to replicate to be in correct thickness. I have few different super thin materials, which are looking good and more or less will match the scale... but still I prefer to have no sails. 


Another small update...


Mizzen mast is nearly fully rigged. Just ratlines missing.


As you see model doesn't have sails, but still I would like to keep as many ropes as possible.

That's why you can see clewlines and sheet on mizzen mast yard.

With sails clewlines should be attached to sail cringles and sheet to clew... but without I have decided to keep them in the way as you can see on the photos with excess rope belayed next to the blocks on the yard. Sheet block which is attached to mizzen clew has been attached with knot to the yard.











You can see also parral, which is slightly different to parrals on main and fore yard.








...I'm jumping from one yard to another just because to not get bored I was missing fore yard parral.
It's almost the same as main yard, but slightly smaller.







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Hi All,


Another small update 😎
In order to complete wooden sticks  I had to hung last two yards. Main and fore topsail yards.
Both yards had slightly different type of parrals.
I saw few different "designs"... but I have decided to go with Herman Keeting "look".

Photos might be not that obvious, because of obstruct and tight spot so I'm attaching also drawing how more or less it should look 😉

















Having all yards in place I was able to start with other rigging.
















Topsail yards lifts...











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Hi All,


Thank you for all your likes!


It was time to make fore and main course (sail) rigging.
So first I had to make blocks... one of the biggest on this ship.

...quick milling of sheave imitation on piece of wood.
Then just cutting individual blocks and shaping them by hand using files, sanding paper and sponges, et voilà, blocks ready.





Then I was ready to make fore and main sails tacks, sheets and clew lines.

Fore course 








Main course








Also I've finished spritsail rigging.
You can see also big bulls-eye block attached to one of the fore shroud. Sheet pendant goes thru this block and then forms tackle fixed to the hull by ring and then rope is belayed on staghorn seen in the background on the photo above.

You can see also first ratlines on the fore shrouds. This will be my next task... to complete them.
...and beside ratlines... only bowlines left... and rigging will be nearly done. 
After that it will be this time where I have to "organize" whole rigging. Trim ropes excess , belayed them on corresponding pin, cleat, kevels and staghorns.





...and at the moment model looks as below 😉






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  • 1 month later...

Thank you Ron, GrandpaPhil and Sam.

Really appreciate your comments. Thanks! 🍻🍻🍻



It's been a while without any update... but I've made some progress...
...few steps closer to the end... ;)

So... after 674 clove hitch knots later... all ratlines are done.
Fore and main shrouds: ~0.20mm rope
Mizzen and top shrouds: ~0.14mm rope

Ratline ropes should be a little bit thinner... but I was not satisfied with the look of the rope made of 2x1 and that's the thinest 3x1 ropes I was able to make  so it has to be this way... maybe nobody will check this with micrometer 😆













My goal while rigging the model was to include all ropes. As many as possible... even when model doesn't have sails.
So it bring us to few ropes called bowline, leechline and buntline. As you might be aware, they were fixed to the sails cringles... but no sails = no cringles 
...I had to improvise... and those ropes were fixed to the yards using bowline knot.
I have little bit hard time to get good quality photo of those ropes due to quite small diameter and amount of other ropes around... macro lens and focusing it's a little bit of challenge, so... sorry if it's not clear enough. If someone will need better shot let me know I will try to focus on some specific detail.













I've also managed to rig the staff on the aft.
I will not hang flags (at least now... maybe one day I will change my mind 😆)
However... I've tried to still include partial rigging.
With flag... visible ropes should be attached to the flag corner cringles by toggles... and flag itself should be secured by rope run spiral from top to bottom around the staff.
In fact visible ropes were use only for rising or lowering.









...and to conclude this post I will drop few photos of general look.

















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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All,


Thank you JJ for your nice comment 🍻


I've started painful process of arranging ropes around belaying pins, cleats, etc...


Not much place for hand or fingers so it's really 🤬🤬🤬

...biggest drama will be to reach belaying pins around main mast 🥴


I was thinking for long how to lay the ropes... and I've decided to go with coils laying down on the deck.

Rope was first laid on the pin around 3-4 times and then remaining rope was formed into coil.

















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On 8/25/2021 at 5:28 AM, mati said:

Hi All,


Thank you JJ for your nice comment 🍻


I've started painful process of arranging ropes around belaying pins, cleats, etc...


Not much place for hand or fingers so it's really 🤬🤬🤬

...biggest drama will be to reach belaying pins around main mast 🥴


I was thinking for long how to lay the ropes... and I've decided to go with coils laying down on the deck.

Rope was first laid on the pin around 3-4 times and then remaining rope was formed into coil.



















Hung your coils onto the pins, like it is shown in this video.


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Hi All


Thank you @BobG @Hubac's Historian for your nice comments!


@Dziadeczek Tomek after looking at my work above... right after when I've posted photos... I came to conclusion it's not how it should be done. This is the time of the life when you know you are doing some stupid thing... but you still carry on 😆😜

I knew it from the beginning... but I guess I've tried to cheat myself 😆

Coils laying down on the deck were quite easy... and let say it was great shortcut... however bit messy I must say.

So right after I've decided to do it right way... and to stop 🤬 around...


All belayed ropes are mostly hanged on the pins like they should... so it's more organized.   

It gave me huge hard time... 🥴🤬  nerve wrecking process...  no chance to fit hand between ropes web... but after many insults it's doneROTF


All coils were prepared off the model... then coils were tied using excess of relevant rope. No glue. Just tight knot. 

Very similar way like shown by @Dziadeczek on the short clip... small loop passed through coil and hanged on the pin.

Why? No idea ROTF Probably just in case if I would like to change some rope one day...  but I'm pretty much sure it won't happen anyway ROTF


Here and there some of the coils look little bit messy... but I will arrange them after "hoovering" deck from all kinds of debris.






















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Good lord this thing is a stunning piece of work! I want to build it but I don’t think I could come remotely close to these results!

Current Builds: HMS Winchelsea 1764 1:48 - 5th rate 32 gun frigate (on hold for now)


                         HMS Portland 1770 Prototype 1:48 - 4th rate 50 gun ship


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Thank you All for many likes!!! 🍻


Thank you @ccoyle Chris for such a nice and generous comment :) really appreciate it... 🍻  gives me a lot of motivation to not mess it up 🙃


@Dziadeczek Tomek I have similar tools... even with them in such a tight spot it was a challenge to make all the loops and hang coils... but it's done... Thanks God 😆 Thank you for your comment 🍻


@Backer Thank you Patrick! 🍻 Really appreciate your comment

This time I'm ready to show you how I approach anchors subject.

I had another "toughie" about anchor buoy.
I've decided to go ahead with O. Blom visualization.

One more time I've seen at least 4 different kinds of buoys... but I bet on the simple look... simple vessel = simple buoy 🥴















...and because when I did above photos I forgot to attach anchor ropes 😜😆  I have another session with ropes.

Two different knots for big (1) and small (2) anchor.















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Wonderful work, mate! What book or source are you using for the detailed drawings you have posted?

Bob Garcia

"Measure once, cuss twice!"


Current Builds: 

Hms Brig-Sloop Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models

Pen Duick - Artesania Latina 1:28


Completed: Medway Longboat 1742 - Syren Ship Model Co. 

Member of the Nautical Research Guild




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He uses at least three books: I recognize (in 180) the book by GC Dik, on the Seven Provinces, the book by Ketting (in post 187), on Prins Willem, he mentions Hovings book on the ships of Abel Tasman, but the pics in post 203 I don't remember seeing them, so that is probably from a fourth book.


i can look for hours to those pics in the last post. New details every time I look.



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I should have read Matti's post somewhat closer: the depiction f the anchor comes from the manuscript or drawings by Otte Blom, who studied the Zeven Provincien (like Dik) However, Blom never published his work. After his dead, his manuscript and drawings were published on this site (Dutch only)



The anchor drawing can be found here: http://www.otteblom.nl/tekeningen/tekeningen/95-00-06_t.m._95-00-09.pdf/


Btw this style of 'simple buoys' is also found on the socalled Hohenzollern Model of a Dutch two-decker, i.e. a rather large ship.



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Thank you Bob!


Thank you Jan... hopefully you find these details interesting and you won't find many mistakes 😏


Regarding books or sources... as Jan already mentioned I'm using few books or sources.

It's impossible to find any source describing in details model, which I'm building... it's just simple pinnace.

So I have to support myself with some other publications regarding Dutch ship building "school" and others.


G.C. Dik - De Zeven Provinciën

O. Blom - De Zeven Provinciën - drawing above with anchor buoy - http://www.otteblom.nl/tekeningen/

A. J. Hoving - Ships of Abel Tasman

A. J. Hoving - Nicolaes Witsen and Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age

J. Harland - Seamanship in the Age of Sail

R.C. Anderson - The Rigging of the Ships in the Days of Spritsail Topmast, 1600-1720

H.M. Kamer - Het VOC - Retourschipeen Panorama van de 17de- en 18de-eeuwse Nederlandse Scheepsbouw

H. Ketting - Prins Willem

Willem Van de Velde paintings


...and many more... 






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1 hour ago, amateur said:

Btw this style of 'simple buoys' is also found on the socalled Hohenzollern Model of a Dutch two-decker, i.e. a rather large ship.




That's right... I've seen it too.




This was another reason, why I choose this style of the buoy.

However, this is another subject, where is really difficult to establish fact, which one is correct...

It's really easy to find at least few different kinds or looks for the anchor buoys...


I was also thinking to make buoys like the buoy in right upper corner... but I bet on above type. Is it right? No idea... but I choose to believe it 😜




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Hi All,

So I'm done with another painful step 🥴
It is no secret that I'm poor sculptor... but I had to carve these two little fellas to complete stern decorations.

Of course it could be better... but I think this is a peak of my skills at the moment 😆
That's why I'm trying to avoid vessels with carvings 😜

I still have to do two soldier heads for bow decoration.

Anyway... this is how it looks now.
Carving made out of Laotian boxwood.









I've made also rudder pendant (preventer)





At that stage I could also install lantern.





...also last pieces of armament - two bombards...








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27 minutes ago, mati said:

I think this is a peak of my skills at the moment


Pretty darn good if you ask me!

Bob Garcia

"Measure once, cuss twice!"


Current Builds: 

Hms Brig-Sloop Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models

Pen Duick - Artesania Latina 1:28


Completed: Medway Longboat 1742 - Syren Ship Model Co. 

Member of the Nautical Research Guild




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