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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Very nice work on the mortar Grant! Thanks for sharing the "how to's". Cheers
  2. Nice job cleaning up those blocks. As with the rest of the build, you're doing a fine job with your rigging Michael!
  3. Didn't know you liked Pink Floyd Nenad. If you like wild, Their album Ummagumma has a song on it called "Several Species of Small Fury Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict" that will either inspire you or drive you nuts.
  4. Thanks for sharing this Matt! I'm sure a lot of people will find this useful. I know I will!
  5. I like the black stripe on the gold too Vince! Nice work!
  6. She's looking great Ken. One would never guess this was your first wooden ship build.
  7. Nice work Jesse! Pretty amazing. A square peg does fit in a round hole.
  8. Amazing work Piet! Those tiny details look difficult to say the least.
  9. Fantastic work Matt! Looking forward to seeing the step-by-step. Cheers
  10. Outstanding Matt! Love the iron-work and contrast with wood-tones. Cheers
  11. It turned out splendid Richard. Your daughter will love it.
  12. Wow, some of this stuff is so small, you need an electron microscope to work on it. Cheers
  13. Very nice work Danny. Especially on a scale so small. I'll bet building the little cutter for Vulture came in handy for keeping those "miniature tooling skills" honed.
  14. The final decision is yours Dave, but speaking for myself, I'd go with the "natural" look. It seems to match a little better to the natural main-rail and planking.
  15. I think you're doing lovely work on her Sherry, and try as I might, I can't see anything wrong with the railings. Cheers
  16. Looking really nice Vince. The stern is shaping up beautifully.
  17. Your shamisen and other details turned out splendid Clare. Nice work!
  18. Lookin' good Dave! You must have a great method for doing those gratings as they all seem pretty square and neat looking.
  19. Dremel will work with any 1/8" shanked tools. Not sure what size comes standard with Proxxon.
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