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Ryland Craze

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Everything posted by Ryland Craze

  1. Wow Ben, that is really nice work. Your joinery is very precise.
  2. Your Glad Tidings turned out beautiful. I have enjoyed following your build and your videos. Be sure to post these pictures in the Gallery for all to see.
  3. Beautiful model. I have enjoyed following your build.
  4. Thanks Chuck. I am looking forward to finishing this model. Thanks captain. I enjoyed following your AVS build. I hope to finish my AVS someday. That is quite a nice comment. I am just trying to replicate Chuck's fine model. Michael, early in the build I removed the rigging line from the packages they came in and wrapped it around some cardboard tubes. This has helped to straighten out the line. Thanks Grant. I am glad you have restarted your Medway Longboat. With your attention to detail, it will be a highly crafted model. I look forward to following your build.
  5. It happens to all of us. Wait til you get to the planking. I am glad that Chuck included extra material at the bottom of each sheet of planks to be used to make replacement planks.
  6. You did a great job on your dory. Your spreadsheet shows how picking up a tool or supply here and there adds up. I would hate to see how much I have spent over the years picking up odds and ends. I seem to have the mindset that I may need this later when picking up something. Most times I wind up not using my purchase.
  7. I have started rigging my Medway Longboat and it has definitely changed the appearance of the model. Most lines are temporarily installed and will be permanently glued when all lines have been installed and re-tensioned. I also made up the pedestals from the display base kit and fitted them to the hull prior to the mast being installed. I would recommend this being done earlier in the build, possibly after the planking is completed. I was afraid I would break the thole pins on the cap rail as I had the hull upside down while fitting the pedestals. Here is the progress to date: Making the thimbles was a lot of fun. I had many failures before I finally got the hang of it. Here are a couple of blocks with the thimbles made and blackened and some extras for later use. The mast bands were made using matte black chart tape. Next up is to work on the shrouds. I plan to serve these using my Syren Serv-o-Matic ship model rope serving machine. Thanks for checking out my build log.
  8. Beautiful and highly crafted model. I have enjoyed this build log and the videos and have learned so much from your techniques.
  9. Nice to see another Medway Longboat build log. You have made a good start. For the false keel at the transom, I removed some of the laser char. I aligned it to the keel by using the squares on my cutting mat. I placed the transom on a vertical line with the keel following a horizontal line. You have to make sure that the keel is square to the cutting mat. I used a small machinist square for this. The laser etched slot on the transom helps with the alignment. I also measured the bottom of the ears on the transom with the keel setting upright to make sure they were both equal in height. It looks like the floor on the two piece frame #3 might be too low at the edge. It could possibly be the effects of the photo, but felt it worth mentioning.
  10. Hi Dougal and welcome to Model Ship World. Your trucks are very realistic as well as excellent photographic skills. I do hope you start a build log on your Endeavour Longboat as we would like to follow your progress.
  11. Good job on the square tuck. Your Cheerful is coming along nicely.
  12. Your Bounty is coming along nicely. The extra details you are putting on this model are paying off. I like your attitude. Your build of the Bounty will be a model you will be proud of.
  13. Congratulations on finishing your first build. You did a really nice job on your Lobster boat. I am sure that you learned a lot that will help you on future builds.
  14. Congratulations on completing your Lady Eleanor. You have a highly crafted model of a work boat. I look forward to your HMS Flirt build.
  15. Jerry, You are off to a good start. By following Olha's videos, you will do just fine. You can add photo's within your text. After downloading your pictures, just place your cursor in the text and click it where you want to add the photo. Then click on the plus sign on the photo and it will be added within the post. After you post your picture, you can add more text and repeat the process to add more pictures.
  16. Check out the rigging instructions for the Medway Longboat, which is a larger scale version of your longboat. It is chapter five download on the Syren website. Here is a link: https://syrenshipmodelcompany.com/medway-longboat-1742.php
  17. Nice job on the hull. If you purchased the Longboat display base from Syren, now is the time to fit the pedestals to the hull. It is a lot easier to fit these at an early stage of the build.
  18. The amount of detail at that scale is just amazing. Thanks for the photos.
  19. Absolutely Beautiful! I feel like I am looking at pictures of a full scale Alfa Romeo. Your work is going to be a inspiration for future Pocher modelers.
  20. Welcome to Model Ship World Mark. Chris and Mark have given you good advice. I think it is important to start with a not too complex kit to build your skills. If you see a kit you like in the kit reviews section of this forum, check out the build logs by using the search function. MSW contains many detailed build logs that will help you in your build.
  21. Congratulations on completing your HMS Terror. It really turned out nice.
  22. Your Kate Cory is looking real nice. The deck details look very realistic.
  23. David, The 18th Century Longboat is not the easiest model to build. Based on the pictures you posted, I do not think you would have a problem building any of the kits you mentioned. It sounds like you have learned a lot and improved your skills from your previous builds. I would build whatever kit that appeals to you the most.
  24. Nice work on the weathering. Everything looks so realistic.
  25. Welcome to Model Ship World. It sounds like you love to sail boats. I am glad you are interested in starting a build log. Here are a couple of topics that may be of help: You will find a build log very rewarding when you post about your build.
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