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Ryland Craze

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Everything posted by Ryland Craze

  1. Hi Captain, Your Bluenose is coming along nicely. I also use diluted wood glue and it has always worked for me. The simulated caulking will have the right effect once you sand down the deck and apply a finish over it. I like Wipe On Poly clear satin as it puts a thin protective coat over the planks. It is also good to use to finish unpainted deck fixtures. It really brings out the wood and does not give it the heavy look. I look forward to seeing your progress on this build.
  2. Congratulations on finishing your Albatros. You did a great job on your first ship model and I am sure that you learned a lot of new techniques and skills.
  3. John, You are off to a good start on your Bluenose. I can see that you have done your kit building research well. You are using construction techniques not normally seen by beginner ship modelers. I am looking forward to seeing more progress on your build.
  4. Welcome to Model Ship World. John Earle's instructions are a good supplement to the kit instructions. Another good source is the book Ship Modeling Simplified by Frank Mastini. This book is written for the beginning ship modeler and he uses the Bluenose kit as a basis to explain many of his modeling techniques. Your progress to date looks really good.
  5. The 1/16" notch at the transom wings is for the cap rail to fit under the transom wings. I had to open the gap between the top plank and the transom so that my cap rail would fit under the transom wing. The end of the cap rail will be flush wit the outside of the transom. When you do your final sanding of the hull, that is when I would fit the pedestals to the hull. The reason I would do it at this stage is because it takes a lot of handling to get the proper angle of the pedestals to match the hull. This is my preference as others have fitted the pedestals with no problems at the end of their build. You have to thin down the interior frames, which will remove most of the laser char. I referred to the pictures in Chapter 3 and tried to make my model match them. I recall that it was a lot of sanding, especially as the inboard frames are faired. You have to thin them down so that you will be able to fit the sheer plank. The goal is to have the cap rail with the sheer plank installed to be slightly under 3/16". You have a lot of sanding to do. I had a few places where sanding opened up small gaps between the planks. I used Minwax natural wood filler thinned with water to fill in the gaps. I wish I had used it on some of the wood where I joined two pieces together and then painted over the joints, such as the cap rail and cockpit seats. Finishing the planking is a major accomplishment. Now the fun starts.
  6. Very lifelike. Your son is a talented individual. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  7. Welcome to Model Ship World Mike. The older Caldercraft kits had "sketchy" instructions. I am sure you will find MSW members are more than willing to answer any questions you may have.
  8. Welcome to Model Ship World Randy. Lifelong Virginian here. You live in a beautiful part of the state. I do hope you start a build log on your Rattlesnake so that we my follow your progress.
  9. Congratulations Cap'n on finishing your Yukikaze. You did a good job on building this kit. I am looking forward to seeing your Mikasa build as this is one of my favorite ships.
  10. Grant, I did not use a clear coat over my paint. I did spray Krylon Matte Finish over my friezes before I cut them out and did not use WOP over them for fear it would yellow them.
  11. Sorry to hear that you are having health issues, but it sounds like you have a handle on them. These issues can come upon you quite quickly. Take care of your self and we will be here when you are ready to return to modeling.
  12. The cap rail and bolsters look great. I like the color you chose and look forward to seeing it applied on the model.
  13. Your Pram is coming along nicely. I checked out your dory photos on the Model-Expo site and you did a good job on building that model. It looks like this series of kits are a nice introduction into building wooden ship models.
  14. Welcome to Model Ship World Tom. You have come to the right place to learn and broaden your understanding of sailing ships and modeling. It looks like you are off to a good start on your USS Tinosa and we a glad you have started a build log on this sub.
  15. Olha, I was just looking at your pictures in the Gallery and thought that I would share the link to your album. Your pictures are really crisp and clear and bring out the many details in your Glad Tidings.
  16. Important information for adding your photos in the Gallery: This Gallery section is for completed kit models only This Gallery section is for completed kit models only. If you have any in-progress photos please post them in your logs or other appropriate forums. All in-progress photos will be deleted as this gallery should not be used a duplicate build log. ONLY PHOTOS OF YOUR COMPLETED MODELS PLEASE. YOU MUST create an album for each completed model and upload your images in that album. Do not just upload images to the gallery that are not contained within an album. These will be deleted. Thank you.
  17. Thanks for your reply. I deleted your test album.
  18. Backer, You must create a new album before you post your pictures. Once you click on the "Create Album", another screen will pop up and this is where you add your photos. I have created an album for you and moved your pictures to it. It can be accessed here:
  19. I could not figure out what happened. I studied your starboard picture and it finally hit me. My "senior moment" for the day.😊
  20. Nice build log. You are off to a good start. I moved it for you.
  21. Congratulations Greg on another fine model completed. I am amazed at your work.
  22. Welcome to Model Ship World JC. The Scientific Models Yacht America kit has been around for a long time. This should be a nice build. I am glad you have started a build log so that you can share your progress with us. Good luck on your build.
  23. I like you explanation better.
  24. Hi Holly and welcome to Model Ship World. The photo is of a half hull ship model. Per Wikipedia: "A half hull model ship (also known as a "half hull" or "half ship") is a wooden model ship featuring only one half of a boat's hull without rigging or other fixtures. Prior to the twentieth century, half hull model ships were constructed by shipwrights as a means of planning a ship's design and sheer and ensuring that the ship would be symmetrical. The half hulls were mounted on a board and were exact scale replicas of the actual ship's hull. With the advent of computer design, half hulls are now built as decorative nautical art and constructed after a ship is completed." I hope this help out.
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