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Posts posted by captain_hook

  1. Thank you barkeater and Jean-Paul. Those are photo-etched parts made to my specifications. I draw them myself with Corel-Draw, create a template for all parts on one sheet and then they are made of 0.5mm brass sheets by a small company by demand. That saves a lot of time, especially when 200 eyebolts, 100 hooks and 50 iron bands for the guns are needed. But you have a several weeks waiting time for the parts, so I already designed the sheet in June this year.



  2. Thank you Edward. At the moment these are only small steps. Because I have to do a lot of unpleasant preparations first, I keep motivating myself with these little side-projects. Beside the enlargement I try to add as many details and corrections to the model as possible using the NMM plans as another reference but beside that there are limited information sources for the Badger. BTW the plywood templates will all be covered with planking later.

  3. Time to think about the second planking. I‘m going to use boxwood as I have still a lot of strips in stock cut by Jason of Crown Timberyard. I will certainly treenail the deck and cabin, but haven‘t decided if I will also treenail the outer planking.



    After compairing the NMM plan and the drawings of the Defence in the Chapelle book shown below, this is my proposed layout:  Planking will start with the upper sheer rail (2mm), followed by 4 x 2,5mm gundeck planking, followed by another sheer rail (2mm) followed by 2 x 2,5mm planking (with scuppers in the lower ones) and finally followed by the whale (6mm). These tiny strips may split or break if I try to drill holes for treenails.




    I also fixed the gunports and draw new ones to their final position.



    Experimented with profiled sheer rails and clamped a test-strip in position. Stay tuned..







  4. Hello everyone,


    this is my fourth kit-build and my first POF build. I couldn‘t resist to buy this one because of its beauty and grace. Some months ago I finished my last build and I thought some time about what to build next. There are a lot of beginner kits but I found it difficult to choose the right „intermediate“ kit. I started the Caldercraft 1:64 Granado kit I had in storage for a long time soon to find out that CAF is designing a 1:48 POF kit of the Granado. So I have put that build on hold until CAF has finished the developement. If it will turn out well, I will eventually start that one. But meanwhile? The Badger is more like an experiment, which will take a lot of time researching and I have to think about every step. How about a nice little side-project, that is challenging enough to keep me busy until CAF‘s Granado will be finished?

    Having followed the banned kits threat for a while I was afraid about buying a Chinese manufacturer‘s kit because I expected less experience with kits than established European and American companies already have. But CAF is something like a startup and I decided if I won‘t give a talented designer like Tom of CAF a try, other Chinese companies that still sell pirated kits in the first will never get encouraged to chance their attitude. So I ordered the kit, a barrel box and a cutter and got all items three days ago. My first impression was - wow! I have also ordered the Le Coureur book from Ancre and will use it as another source for reference, but it will take some more days to arrive here.




    James H. already did a nice and substantial kit review, so there is little left to say about the kit. It comes in two medium boxes, but both stuffed with lasercut wooden parts, stripe wood, accessoires and plans. As far as I can see, the quality of all parts is excellent, although cherry is not my favorite wood this might be my first kit it won‘t be necessary to substitute any wood. The keel is to be assembled first and then the cradle has to be done next. I made a small step first to assemble the bottom of the cradle and fixed that to a plain MDF-board with some screws. Will begin assembling the keel within the next days. Stay tuned...



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