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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Part of your decision will be based on your preferred building method. Bluenose and Pride II are both plank-on-bulkhead kits, Dapper Tom is solid hull. If you hunt around, you can find some other schooners available, too, such as OcCre's Esmeralda, Caldercraft's Ballahoo or Pickle, and some others.
  2. I think Aeropiccola used to make one back in the day. If memory serves, there isn't much information available on the original vessel, so any model of her involves a measure of speculation.
  3. If you are thinking of the Kammerlander kits, they are quite different in construction. I think that MK's technique is pretty unique at this point in time, but I doubt it will take long for other manufacturers to adopt it, at least to some degree. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so they say.
  4. It's a beast in real life and a beast of a model, too. Well done, Danny!
  5. This kit is still in print and commercially available. See here, for example.
  6. To get an excellent idea of exactly what is involved in doing a solid-hull model right, check out Chuck Passaro's practicum for the Model Shipways Sultana kit. You can download it here.
  7. First player uses colored pegs to create a five-peg "code" sequence. Second player makes a series of attempts at cracking the code. First player uses a second set of pegs to indicate 1) guessed pegs that are both the correct color and in the correct slot in the sequence, and 2) pegs that are the correct color but not in the correct sequence. Play progresses until the second player either cracks the code or runs out of guesses.
  8. Much of the "chaos" in kit scales is a result of the past practice of designing a kit to fit into a particular-sized box. These were referred to as "box scales".
  9. Add posts as you go. Whatever kind you prefer. I prefer acrylics because they can be cleaned with water. Definitely do as much as possible off the model, then touch up afterwards. Trying to do this on the model will be messy. Cheers!
  10. THE COLOUR BLUE IN HISTORIC SHIPBUILDING: From Antiquity to Modern Times Joachim Muellerschoen 2019 19 cm x 27 cm format, 200 pages 190 illustrations, mostly color SRP: 76.80 € Okay, raise your hand if, like me, your attention to the matter of which shade of blue to slap on a model is or was heavily influenced by whatever shade you happened to have on hand. Anybody? Well, perhaps I'm not quite as inattentive to detail as I've just suggested, but this book did enlighten me to the fact that there is blue, and then there is historically correct blue. There are several things that you will notice about this nifty little volume when you first lay hold of it. First is that the title runs from bottom-to-top along the spine in the German fashion, which makes sense since the author is German. Happily for all of us English speakers, the English version of The Color Blue in Historic Shipbuilding has been nicely edited by native English-speaker (well, Canadian -- close enough 😉 ) David Antscherl, so it reads very well. Upon flipping the book open to any page, one notices a wealth of illustrations, consisting in the main of various models, paintings, full-size vessels, and artifacts that demonstrate the use of blue down through the ages. If you turn to the back of the book, you'll find eighteen pages of references, which show that Dr. Muellerschoen is no slouch when it comes to doing thorough research, and the depth and breadth of the information he provides is proof of that. And finally, something that is not immediately obvious is that this very nice looking book is self-published and shows the high quality of product that is now possible when choosing this particular publishing option. The title of the book is perhaps a little misleading, but not in a bad way. The discussion is not strictly limited to the use of blue in shipbuilding, but covers a number of related topics as well, beginning first of all with historical context. I found it particularly interesting to learn that some cultures had no word for blue, or else lumped it in with green and/or gray. Today of course we associate blue with royalty, but Dr. Muellerschoen shares some fascinating insight on how very much differently blue was viewed, figuratively, by ancient cultures, citing diverse examples from Egypt to East Asia and points in between. The history of blue is followed by the science of blue, with particular attention given to the sources of various blue pigments. It's very interesting to learn some of the history of these pigments and goes some ways toward explaining why we see particular shades of blue in different time periods and locations. Dr. Muellerschoen also devotes page space to describing how blue was used in applications other than shipbuilding such as architecture and various forms of art. Not surprisingly, as Dr. Muellerschoen points out, blue and other colors were used in ways that might seem rather strange to our western notions of color, shade, and hue. The bulk of the book, as the title suggests, is devoted to an overview of blue in shipbuilding, from ancient times to 'modern', i.e. the early 19th century. This survey covers not only European conventions but those of other cultures as well, including examples from the Mediterranean, the Far East and elsewhere. There is something of interest here for builders of just about every kind of wooden ship construction out there. The photos in this section are a wealth of images of modern and contemporary models, preserved and reconstructed ships, and a good number and variety of contemporary paintings. This book is as much a pleasure to look at as it is to read. When the publication of this book was first announced, there were a few people who wondered aloud just how much could be written about such a seemingly narrow and esoteric subject. Folks needn't have worried -- Dr. Muellerschoen has produced a very engaging and attractive volume that is deserving of a place in any nautical history buff's library. Thanks to Dr. Muellerschoen for providing this copy for review. To purchase, head over to http://www.modellbau-muellerschoen.de/buch-en.htm. CDC
  11. An excellent review and a fine-looking kit! I can't for the life of me, though, figure out why manufacturers are still using the old-fashioned kit blocks, which look terrible, when much better blocks are available. That's a very minor complaint in this case, since the cost of replacing a whopping two blocks shouldn't break anyone's bank.
  12. Nope, no template, but there are instructions on how to start and name one pinned at the top of that forum. Good luck with your project!
  13. It depends on whether you're looking for true PoF or not. BlueJacket offer the Baltimore clipper Jefferson Davis, and though the ad copy says "true plank on frame", I believe it is actually modified from actual practice. Makes a great model, though.
  14. Those are all nice models, but all are beyond my commitment level, budget, and space availability. Hope you find a buyer(s) soon!
  15. Hello, Radek. Google Translate has much improved over the years. The meaning of your posting is clear. Cheers!
  16. I had a Cant Z 501 kit in 1/72 back in the day -- don't remember the manufacturer. It was partially completed when my 18-year modeling hiatus began.
  17. I'm just a teensy bit sad to see that the entire hull has been oiled. I rather liked the contrast between the oiled and un-oiled strakes above and below the wale -- perhaps something for subsequent builders to think about. Nevertheless, that's not meant to denigrate your work in any way -- you are really doing an exquisite job on this project.
  18. Great job on the dome -- petal parts are the worst, but you did a super job on them. Congrats on the finished project!
  19. Forgive me, I couldn't help myself. This is a wooden rabbet... ...and this is a wooden rabbit. Subtle difference. 😉
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