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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Ask all the questions you have, even though I haven't use the Lathe much I do have books and will try and help in anyway I can. I can always try what your asking about with my lathe and see how it turns out and then maybe be able to answer your question. The book is very very good, I seem to go back to it more and more for tips, I am sure you will like it. In fact I just order the 10,000 rpm pulley setup and some spare belts yesterday from Sherline.
  2. Mark, Have you given any though about trying Indian Ink, I know some others have try it and have had good results with it. Just a though.
  3. I don't think that they is really any words that I can come up with to say how Beautiful and Excellent your work is. The only word that I can come up with, that I can say here is "WOW UNBELIEVABLE".
  4. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you on this. Don9of11 has one way, which like he said is a lot more work. I will try and get some pictures for you this week. Personal stuff has come up that has keep be away from doing any work in SoildWorks this last few weeks plus the Holidays. I will be leaving for China in like 19 days so i will try and get something posted for you. Sorry guys.
  5. Rusty, I forgot one thing in the PM I sent back to you. Get some books and join the "Yahoo Sherline Group" they are also a big help. The best way to learn is by doing, trial and error, make chips and dust. Remember wood is cheap to learn on, bass wood is very cheap to learn with and then move on from there to other types of wood. There is a difference between soft and hard wood, and fast is not always the answer, you will see.
  6. WOW. Nice work Kevin, I like the idea about the netting, very nice fix. Keep the pictures coming.
  7. Gary, I got the first book in. It only shows a picture of the equipment and not a description of any of the stuff. But as far as Cannons and other ship guns it tell you everything which you already have. Sorry. I think "USS frolick" has gotten the best information for you this far.
  8. Rusty, Grant has made a good point. You need to have control over what you are turning. Your also going to find that you will be making your own turning tools, which is easy. I agree with the point of how much metal will I turn, well once you got a metal lathe you will find that you will be turning more than you had though you would. Just MHO.
  9. WOW. There is no other words to describe your work.
  10. Doris, I am sorry to hear of your health problems and also of the dingbats that don't like modeling. Your work is as Beautiful as always. You will always have friends here that enjoy your work. Please keep the post and the pictures coming. We always miss you when your not around.
  11. I had the wife translate it also. I think it is not what he meant it to be. I also did it with Google and it's the same as what the wife said. He got the words mix up. My wife does that a lot. English is one of the hardest to learn.
  12. Planking is coming along very nice, look like they are nice and snug, the clamps are the easy one to make and use, and to me they work just as good as any other clamp, but this is just my option. Your doing a good job. Keep the pictures coming.
  13. Gary, Let us know what you find and also what you decide to use for lengths. It is a good question and I would suspect that there will be more than one answer to it. I just order this book "A treatise of Artillery" it should be in sometime next week or the week after, just maybe I might be able to get an answer for you. I will let you know if I can find anything for you.
  14. Ask all the questions, the only stupid question is the one that you didn't ask. Someone here will have an answer for you, sometime it might take a day or two but you will get help. The LSS is more detail as to what your looking at. That is only my option. Wait and see what others say.
  15. Michael, I get that magazine every couple of months when I go to the Barnes & Nobel. I got some of the taps but not from the magazine.
  16. Well John she is getting there a little at a time. Very nice work. Keep the pictures coming. Hope you and the family had a nice Christmas and may the New Year be better than the last.
  17. Tony, I though he was asking about a "Cross Section", that is a full kit not a cross section.
  18. Beautiful work, excellent detail. I really enjoy watching this build. Keep the pictures coming. Merry Christmas and have a Happy and safe New year.
  19. Excellent. Love the detail. Keep the pictures coming. May you and your family have a very Nice Christmas.
  20. Excellent work, Beautiful detail. Keep the pictures coming so that we all can GAWK ( new word for the week ).
  21. Glad your back. I have to ask, is that something that you were working on? or did Christmas come early in your house.
  22. I know everyone here expected nothing less from you. Beautiful Work. I will be waiting to see this in person come April. Wish you and the family the best. Keep the pictures coming.
  23. In figure #33 it show them as being vertical, up and down. Is this what you are talking about?
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