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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Like others have said BEAUTIFUL. I love the way you show us how you are doing everything, it helps big time. Please keep the pictures coming, we are always watching.
  2. Maybe slow, but it will pay off when your done. Nice work. Keep the pictures coming.
  3. No sorry it isn't. Thats another set of drills.
  4. I also would like to know if anyone has a way of doing this since from what I have read about this suject in the past all say that it cannot be done. Can anyone shead some light on this subject
  5. Ed, Thank you for showing such an excellent way of using the rib band. I love it and think the tip should be put in the MSW Database, it is a wonderful tip that all can use for any ship. One might need to do it a little different but the idea is the same. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Michael, Where do you get your got taps and dies from, could you post a link please.
  7. Did you make these or did they come with a kit or did you buy them?
  8. mij, Do you have a link to there web site?
  9. I also agree with the point of going with your heart, and I agree with what Grant said. The choice no matter what we all agree with still comes down to you. The choice is yours and yours only. Good luck no matter which one you choice.
  10. Dan, everytime I read a new update she gets better and better. The decking looks Beautiful. It pay off big time checking the planks and it shows that by taking the time and checking the planks one at a time makes the deck more Beautiful. Keep the pictures coming, we are always watching.
  11. Start a log. And others here will help in any way that they can. Also posr plenty of pictures, like of the box and everything inside. They is alwaus someone here who can and be willing to help you if you run into problems. Are the instructions in English? And also Welcome to MSW. We are here to help one and all.
  12. Glad to hear that things work out for you Tony. The company seems to be good to take care of there customers the way they took care of you. Good luck with the new drill bits.
  13. I like this very much. Please keep the pictures coming, I will always be watching as I know others will also be watching. Thanks for the build log.
  14. Tony, I get all my bits from "Drillbitcity" and have had no problems as of yet. I am not at home so I can not give you there right web address, but I am sure if you do a search for them you can find it. Sorry to hear of this happening to you.
  15. Excellent wor as we all expect, just Beautiful. Keep the pictyres coming, I have bee watching from the beginning.
  16. Looking good Russ. Glad to see that your back working on her. Keep the post and pictures coming.
  17. Beautiful work. When I get back home I will make sure I save the new pictures, I have all of the since MSW1. Keep the pictures, I know we are all watching this. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  18. I ave volumes 1, 2 and 3 and I love them, they are excellent books with beautiful deatil. Maybe someday I will get volume 4.
  19. Excellent work Tony. I agree with everything that has already been said. Keep the pivtures coming, we are all watching.
  20. She is lookng better and better each time I see an update. Keep the pictures coming, I am always watching. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  21. Excellen work. Keep the pictures coming, I will always be watching this build. Thank you for saring with us.
  22. Excellent work, nice eye to detail. keep the pictures coming.
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