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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. They all come with the grease on them, it's for protection. My Sherline had it on the machine, on the bed and etc
  2. I am not bored with this at all. Keep the post and pictures coming. Your doing an excellent job, and I do know what it takes to do this.
  3. Excellent movie. I wish to Thank you for sharing this with us.
  4. The company Van Lays make a duplicator for the Sherline. I know I didn't spell the name of the company right but if you do a search on Google you will find it.
  5. I feel that Allan has given you the best answer, why fight it when you can make it to that shape. But there are write ups for edge bending you just need to do a search in the database for them.
  6. Excellent. She is one big ship that is for sure. Thanks for sharing with us.
  7. Before you buy any new tool check the data base for tools that are a waste of money, it will save you the headache of buying junk. We have all done it at least once but in your case you can learn from our mistakes.
  8. Beautiful machine work, the detail is excellent. Please keep the pictures coming, this is a very beautiful build and I have been watching this since you started. Thanks
  9. Beautiful work. Nice detail on the AFT section. Keep the pictures coming.
  10. Very beautiful build, love the detail you have done. I know from the pictures that when you do the boats they will also be excellent because of the way you do the detail for the extra step. Keep the pictures coming, and thank you for sharing this fine ship with us.
  11. Your rigging is outstanding, excellent work. Keep the pictures coming.
  12. Excellent work on the pumps, love the detail. Thanks for showing this. Keep the pictures coming.
  13. Excellent work, very nice clean and crisp detail. Keep the pictures coming.
  14. I will be watching this all the way. Please keep posting and keep the pictures coming, you have me watching so don't leave me hanging.
  15. You can buy Acetone at "Harbor Freight".
  16. You are the BOSS. Do it your way, you are the one building her. You can't please everyone all the time, so why not just please yourself. "Very famous words that are worth there weight in gold".
  17. I like this. Thanks for showing us how this is being done. Keep the pictures coming, I will be watching this to the end.
  18. What Mark said about it wasting wood is 100% right. The HMS Warrior by the Rev. is also done that way and I wasted a heck of a lot of wood that way also. Just my 2 cents.
  19. That's a nice write up about those books, now anyone that is looking for information on a certain ship now knows which book to get. thanks.
  20. Before buying anything like that look in the tool database and there is a post about tools that are not worth the money it takes to make them. Another way is to ask here before buying.
  21. Sorry I don't have that one, I have something else that isn't what you are looking for. Maybe someone has it and can upload it for you. Just have to wait and see. Sorry.
  22. Hmmm. I remember the articlel you are asking about, but not sure who wrote it. Maybe Chuck or Wayne could shed some light on this. I am going to look on my data drive to see if maybe I did download it, will let you know.
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