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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Thank Bob, it was nice of you to do the test for him.
  2. Paul, As always your work is out of this world, and the help you have given to me is outstanding as always. Please keep the pictures coming.
  3. I think your doing an excellent job. Keep the pictures coming.
  4. Very nice work Mark. Keep the pictures coming.
  5. Thank You very much. Still working on it. Hopefully soon I will start on it. Still a ways to go yet though.
  6. Maybe try drilling the holes first and then cut them up. Just a thought.
  7. Not weird, unless you getting hot and wet LOL, Couldn't let that one go by LMAO LOL LOL
  8. Andy, I agree with what you have said, but I do think that they were more towards the English way of building ships at that time but were starting to change at that time period. But this also can be argue back and forth all day long. You and me are both old ship builders of different types of ships. I first started off working on subs, 688 and tridents and then later the first two Sea Wolfs, later on after I got out of the IT trade because of job cut backs I went back into the shipyard trades but then it was fuel barges and tugs and then got move to the repair yard and work on almost everything but Battleships ( they were long gone by that time). The point I am getting at is things were changing almost everyday as to how they were made. Without an exact set of the plans for the Confederacy no one really knows for sure. Everyone seem to do this ship to the way they though it was done, so we will never know for sure one way or another. Now once Time Travel is made only then we maybe will know LOL. But do understand I agree with what you said 100%, but I am sure not everyone will agree with you and me LOL. Thank you very much. Oh before I forget ( which I did ) Thank you very much Russ for telling me and the rest the right name and spelling.
  9. Mark, Now that is the 64,000.00 question. Chuck knows Justin from my club in CT, he was the one who rig her in 91 but I do know he didn't do it all from those plans because of problems like Chuck had said. Also like I said they didn't match with what the NMM has either, and there is no framing plan anywhere either. I have been working on this ship in SoildWorks for well over a year and this is what I have done so far.
  10. Thanks Jan. Brian, as far as I know they don't take Paypal. I have bought a few books from them and I paid by credit card also. I am about to by the one about John Paul Ship, seen it when I was on the site the other day.
  11. Beautiful work. Please keep the pictures coming, I am always watching. What CAD program are you using, I look back through the log and couldn't find any mention of it ( but that could be because of old age LOL )
  12. The Crocker Brothers ( I know I spell the name wrong )plans have a rigging/sale plan sheet, I have the plans. I bought them before "Pearl Book Company" went out of business. Chuck also has a set. The cover of the 1991 "ModelShipwy" was of the "Confederacy" done buy a member of my club in CT. He use these plans also. Now as far as are they the real plans that can be argue back and forth, who knows for sure ( since I don't ). And I have found different things wrong with them when you put them up against what the NMM has. But the point I was making is that I now only know of two people who have rig her. Sorry if I said it wrong in the other post.
  13. Beautiful work and detail. I guess your happy with your new rope walk, beautiful machine. I was lucky enough to see one in person at the show in CT. Jim makes everything with pride. Keep the pictures coming.
  14. Yes I remember this build on MSW 1. Please post more pictures I was watching this from the beginning.
  15. Oh Crap, Thank god the wife is in China, and as I am writing this I am talking to her on the phone. Oh well it's my money and I love my books LOL. Thanks Grant.
  16. Is there no way you could make the rest that you need yourself. Can you post a picture of a plate ( as close up as possible) so that we could maybe come up with a way so that you could make them yourself. Just my 2 cents.
  17. WOW, I love it, your doing an excellent job. Keep the pictures coming.
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