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Bill Morrison

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Everything posted by Bill Morrison

  1. At last!!!!! A model of the Beagle that doesn't look like a slightly modified Bounty! Kudos to OcCre! And, kudos to Dean77 for a great job so far. Bill
  2. I appreciate the response! Bluejacket has already been a great help, although this kit is long out of production. They replaced the fittings, which were missing from the box. I love their kits as well. Their service is tops! Bill
  3. This is a real coincidence! I just came into the very old Bluejacket solid hull kit of the Half Moon in 1/8" scale. My cursory review of the parts shows that there are some missing, but Bluejacket does have replacements. I will watch the rest of your build with great interest! Bill
  4. Pawel, Have you made any progress on the Pandora? Thanks! Bill
  5. I have one more question. What specific fittings are out of scale? And, how did you attach the transom plate? I plan on using the heavy casting to make my own resin copy, which will be more light weight and easier to work. Bill
  6. Welcome! I love France! I've had great times there! Let us know if we can be of any help. Bill
  7. I, too, am building HMS Victory. But, I am taking a different direction. Back in the late 1970s, my wife and I were stationed in LaMaddelena, Sardinia, Italy. She bought for me my first wood kit, HMS Victory by Aeropiccola (now defunct). Now retired from the Navy and from teaching, I am tackling this model. Although it is a basic and simple model, I am adding many details as I go, trying to get a reasonable model of the ship before Trafalgar. The model is small, working out to about 1/180. Anyway, good luck with your Corel kit, and for relocating to New England! I look forward to your build! Bill
  8. Welcome to the Forum! Perhaps we can meet sometime. Bill
  9. Welcome, Will! Your models look great! Where in CT do you live? I live just north of New London, in the town of Oakdale. Bill
  10. Beautiful job so far! I will follow this! Confederacy was a beautiful ship. Bill
  11. Chuck,


    I know that you designed the Model Shipways kits of the USS Essex and Continental Frigate Confederacy as Admiralty models.  Is there enough in the kits to build them not as Admiralty models but rather fully rigged and planked models?





    1. Chuck


      I didnt design the Essesx.   No there isnt enough.  No masting or rigging plan is provided or materials.  You would have to scratch all of that.

    2. Bill Morrison

      Bill Morrison



      Thanks.  I could have sworn that you designed Essex.  Well, as I've said before, your Confederacy looks great!



  12. David, Your HMS Diana is looking fantastic! You made a great choice! Anyway, because you asked, I am working on an old model by a defunct company, Aeropiccola. The model is their simplified HMS Victory. I am taking my time and adding details missing from that 1/180 kit. For example, the directions have the builder simply drawing closed gun ports onto the hull. I have cut them out, put in frames, and will put in dummy barrels. I have also added a second layer of planking, using very thin planks to simulate real planks. I have also made my own copper plates out of copper tape, adding rivet detail to the plates. That is as far as I've gotten so far. I was stationed in La Maddalena, Sardinia, Italy in the mid-1970s, and my wife bought this kit for me when we transferred from there. So, I am trying to do it some justice and make it into a serious model. Bill
  13. I have always been intrigued by this ship and want to build a model of her. You are doing a great job! Anyway, I saw in your first posting that you were scared off of building either the SoS or San Felipe. May I ask why that is so? Bill Morrison
  14. Mark, I am very impressed with your approach and will definitely follow along! Y.T., your Victory is outstanding! Bill
  15. Harlequin, I will as soon as I finish my old Aeropiccola HMS Victory. Bill
  16. I love the Calder Craft kits, especially HMS Victory. The feature I like is the raised fo'c'sle bulwarks, the Calder Craft kit being the only manufacturer that has done so. Great job, so far!
  17. Beautiful job so far! I have this kit waiting in the wings, and you are inspiring me to jump in! Bill
  18. Thanks! But, your model is so beautiful, and your photography is exquisite! If I were to purchase a Caldercraft kit in the future, I have my eyes on HMS Agamemnon as being out of the ordinary. I have heard nothing but great things about their kits. Bill
  19. Excellent job so far! It goes to show that a serious ship model can be made from small-scale plastic ships. Well done! Bill
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