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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. This the start of my next build the “Trabakul” by Marisstella: First up I would like to thank Marisstella, especially Zoran, not only for this great kit but also for the fantastic service and patience of putting up with my endless questions some of which were not that bright. That being said two of the concerns I had were the instructions and the shipping from Croatia and to that Zoran e-mailed me the plans and instructions. They looked real good with lots of pictures showing pretty much everything one would need, then to top it off the shipping was free ( not sure if this offer is still on you will have to check with Zoran) so I went for it putting my other kits back a little further on the list. Time to Start: Upon opening the box I was first impressed by the amount material it contained. This is a single planked hull, my first, so I guess I was expecting a lot less wood. I’m thinking maybe they know my skills with wood and just sent lots of extra as a way of me not bothering them anymore . I went through all the packages and billets and everything looks excellent, one thing that did stand out is the fine laser cuts in the billets much finer than I have seen. The strip wood all looks real nice and of good quality even the dowels are straight (a real bonus!!). Reading the instruction book and going over the plans there is some challenges ahead, one being the interior which is completely finished (another first for me). My plan is not to bash this kit what so ever and just build as is, now I said this is the plan not a promise . Here is the box and contents: all pieces sanded and dry fitted. a little tough getting pieces out of billet but nothing unmanageable a glass kitchen table is indispensable for this hobby, everything so far has gone well. Lots of charring but easily sanded More to come, seem to have misplaced some pictures
  2. Looking good Mike. as for the thumb I find vodka works well. Some use it to disinfect the wound topically, however, I find taking it orally helps heal the gashing wound to one's pride which usually causes the most pain .
  3. The deck looks great, nice job. The gun ports are just fantastic, I would have had the grain going the other direction in order to hide the end grain but in this case it looks awesome. Good call and nice workmanship. Looking forward to seeing them all done, going to be a real treat. Defiantly going shopping for some that, where did you pick it up? Windsor Plywood? Going back now for another look
  4. One of our sponsors Modellers Workshop http://modellers-workshop.com/ has one in stock. Contact Rick, very good guy and easy to deal with
  5. In my opinion it looks like it might be a little too porous for the scales we work in. Wait and see how it looks when it is completely dry, maybe it will tighten up.
  6. She is looking good Dave. Your carvings and sculptures always amaze me and more so the speed you seem to achieve, however, with all your reconstruction would you mind if I addressed you as "ReconDave" rather than "SawdustDave" . Great work!!
  7. Looks good Rick, another big step done. What do I see in the background, looks like another build on the way
  8. Remarkable work, good luck with the sails. Are you using kit supplied ones or making your own?
  9. Hi Ian, things are looking real nice. As for the wood I have seen the purple heart used(in boat building) and it looks great, as for the orange padauk that stuff looks beautiful and I would love to use that on a whole hull . I think your choices sound good.
  10. Good morning Dave, I just spent the last four hours, pot of coffee and way too many cigarettes going through your log. Man you have some sweet things happening here. I woke up this morning with full intentions of tying ratlines, this was much "bester" . and a lot more informative(Thanks). Looking forward to seeing more, as for door rings I would say yes. If anything they would be useful for securing doors open while on deck sitting at table having a cool one...........you were planning on deck, table and chairs right?
  11. Hey Chris, not sure how I keep missing your updates, but things are sure looking good. That wood(jarrah?) is beautiful and will look awesome when finished. These bluff bows certainly are a challenge by the looks of it, lots of planning! Have a Good One
  12. You are a wonderful person, Bug, for doing a good man such justice. You have some of the masters offering help already, all I can offer is that I will sit back watch and offer my encouragement as you start this fantastic journey. I will also promise to stop in from time to time tip one in memory of Augie and another one for you for doing such a generous feat. Take Care
  13. Nice work Ian, it is really looking good. Do you find waxing the blade helps, I have never tried this before.
  14. I am inclined to agree with all aforementioned comments, however, on the negative side I would like make a mention of the lack of any sort of guarantee on these kits. My first build, one year ago, was the AVS(an awesome kit) and there was no guarantee. Since then I have bought the Connie, Pride of Baltimore, Rattlesnake and Fair American none of these with guarantees. I now want to get the Syren, but than again no guarantee. So could you please guarantee I will live long enough to build all of these fantastic kits. I for one love your kits and will continue to promote them. We are some times lost in the "perfection" of kits, but in reality it is wood that we are working with and it is not perfect and that is why we should love it, In closing all I can say is you are doing great and keep it up...........get new rigging
  15. Hey Mike: I've heard that about it turning colour over time, the board I have I bought 30 plus years ago and it still hasn't turned that much in colour, possibly mine has Alzheimer's and has forgotten to change colour . It is hard, as Greg has said, but extremely flexible, used to be used for making bows at one time. I would love to try boxwood someday but it is unavailable up here for some reason, the cost of it is a little high and then with the exchange rate the way it is now ordering from the states makes it almost gold like. Have a Good One
  16. Hi Mike, things are looking great. Those breakages truly do suck but I guess that's why we have ca glue. Just some food for thought being that you are painting with wood have you given any thought to using Osage orange wood for the ochre? I used it on my Mayflower to simulate a yellow and was quite happy with the results. I am actually thinking of building the masts for my Pegasus using it rather than painting or staining.
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