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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Over the years I have colleceted differnt sizes of tweazers and dental picks and I have found this invaluable when rigging. A bit of swearing helps to release the tension. David B
  2. I have to agree. It looks like a genuine hold ready to be filled David B
  3. Your Druid is really coming along Mark. You must bring to Manitowoc next year. We always get modelers from MI every year and they all have a good time. You would really give a big WOW factor to the show. David B
  4. Looking good so far the Virginia makes into a nice model and is open to heavy modification if you have the desire. David B
  5. Danny my boy you need to kick back and take a stiff one soon. Otherwise you are going to go to lala land and we do not want that to happen. David B
  6. Your model is getting better and better it becoming a work of high art. David B
  7. Chris, instead of steel wool have you experiemented with bronze wool? David B
  8. Should prove to be an interesting build. I read Napier's book and found this model interesting. David B
  9. Unfortunately I was preoccupied with being at the University of Iowa and the kind people at the Hope Lodge so I did not have much energy to get much done. But I am now back. I finally started on the bow. The crane, anchor and chain. Since I am working with just the stock itself I did the best I could. Though this would have been easier with other material. I cut out the sheet and glued it up This time around I soaked the pieces in CA in order to reinforce them. And once cut out I used a marker to touch up the color. Note to self always keep a pack of markers handy. By using CA I was able to make everything piable enought to glue to the hull. For this I used white Elmers. So far so good. David B
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