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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. I never heard about this in school. I thought subs were first invented in the US during the civil war. https://www.thevintagenews.com/2016/06/27/constructed-barcelona-1858-ictineo-recognised-many-worlds-first-fully-functional-submarine-2/ David B
  2. Those old catalogs are a godsend when you are looking for a shape or a part on old equipment. A neighbor of ours likes to model old farm equipment and he as a bookcase loaded with old catalogs. David B
  3. Dave can you use a different polymer in your printer for a stiffer and stronger product? I remember my supervisor said they were thinking about getting one and the sample was as thin as foil and very durable. Fantastic work. I have a feeling you will be doing a side business making scrolls and filigree as well as carvings for modelers who like me are chisel handicaped. David B
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRakH7TrE2E David B
  5. This should prove interesting. Are they going to be steam launches? David B
  6. How can you see something that small and work on it without losing it? Fantastic work. David B
  7. You have been a busy boy, David B
  8. On a trawler it is the details that really bring it to life. I remember going to a show and saw a couple models of Northsea trawlers forgot to bring a camera so no pics. but the details were what brought them to life. from the rigging and the nets to the donkey engine and a cup of coffe or tea in the pilot house. keep it up. David B
  9. I am surprised that you have any hair left and are sober after all that fiddling around. Looks great. David B
  10. I like your solution for the bell. This is the first I have heard of CA and solder together. A learning experience. I wonder if you would give me permission to send this to some club members to be entered into their newsletters. David B
  11. I am glad you are making a recovery. Please take your time and do not strain yourself. David B
  12. Wonderful workmanship Albert. How did you make your ships wheel? I have made a few but am always looking for an easier and neater way to do it The Green eyed moster does ask. David B
  13. You have done everyone proud. That looks great. What do you think will be your next build? David B
  14. I have tried using wire for rigging and rarely had decent results. I must be handling it the wrong way or using the wrong wire. What is best for something really small models. I remember miniatures I have seen where fly tying thread and a very hin wire was used. But I have forgoten the guage and material. David B
  15. I have heard of the stuff but have never seen it and would not know where to get it. David B
  16. One of the most important things when woodworking is how to sharpen your knives and chisels so they can do the job. The old saying a dull blade is dangerous is very true. I found this book very helpful in achieiving that edge David B
  17. Clay Feldman the former editor of SIS published a book on building the AVS along with a CD If I remember right. From what I have read it will steer you in the right direction. David B
  18. I found it hard to belive that something so small could cause so much damge. http://dawlishchronicles.blogspot.co.uk/ David B
  19. I have used Beech Poplar Maple with some weathering and a wipe on poly. At my scale the end result is nice. David B
  20. I find that design esy to use for using in a fixture to clamping it into a vise and moving damp wood over the head to bend the piece. I hope my sister found and packed it away when She moved me. David B
  21. Youtube has several tutorials on airbrushing from what to bet to how to use them. One of my favorite is by the owner of Badger. Long but a wealth of information. Introduction to airbrushing by Ken Schotfeldt https://youtu.be/tsW-vN0_lHw David B
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