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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi Alex. You are making a excellent model from a standard kit. There is a tutorial on making sailes someware here on MSW. https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/3944-landlubber-mikes-technique-for-furled-sails/ And some reading. https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/11861-how-realistic-can-one-make-sails/ Don't use your existing sails as you have used pva glue on them... mutch to stiff and would not look right. Regards Antony.
  2. Hi Martyn. Shame on you for painting such excellent planking.. Yes I agree the scarf joint looks 100% better than a butt joint. Well done U. Regards Antony.
  3. Hi Jack. What a fabulous build. Your modeling skill's are first class. MarisStella make some very fine examples and you have just boosted there sale's no end. Cannot wait for your next build. Regards Antony.
  4. Hi Jeff. Happy birthday m8. As Dan has said. Wood is easy repairable and Dan's examples on some of his repair jobs for other people are amazing. Save the bits. Scots advice is good. "Its shouldn't be too much of a repair. Just attack it bit by bit. As long as you are ok is the main thing " And it happens to most of us at one time or the other. Chip UP. Regards Antony.
  5. Hi Zappto. Here is a picture from the Web on yards and parts. Picture from Wooden Ship Modeling for Dummies There purpose is to allow the crew to stand on the ropes while pulling the sails in and reefing the sails. No safety lines in those days. Regards Antony.
  6. Hi Zappto. Very nice. Your footropes are a little lose.( the ropes that are under the yards) They run approximately 1/3 of a body length down from the yards. I have used millinery wire for this as it can be bent into shape and it limos the part.(wire with a cotton winding) You have made a excellent model for a first time builder. (You should have seen my first one. It looked a mess). All the best. Regards Antony.
  7. Hi J. Will follow along with this one if you please. Many modelers underestimate the quality and finish that card/paper models can acheave. As you have pointed out we have some very experienced and superb card and paper modelers on MSW. A vacation with my family and a model ship kit would never work out for me... unless I wanted a divorce. And taking challenge to build the kit while camping. You are one brave guy. Will look forward to your build and the scenery as you build. Maybe on your return to Internet access to post updates. Wishing you well. Regards Antony.
  8. Hi Jeff. Looking good. Taking your time and thinking things through is a really nice thing to do. And thanks to Dan for recommending them pens. Got some myself and they work a treat with no bleeding. Regards Antony.
  9. Hello Zappto. Welcome to MSW. Nice work on your Lexington. And yes it is not easy cutting the ports for the guns and getting them looking right. But what you have done looks great 😊 Will look in again to watch you progress. Regards Antony.
  10. Hi Jack. Wow your boat is truly a master piece. If weren't for the wood grain on your table I would agree with Yves above post. Real nice workmanship. Such a nice looking boat. With lots of character and style. Regards Antony.
  11. Hi Gary. Nice build.. gonna follow along with this one. Lots of bulkheads to help with the planking.. Can I ask... what are the cutouts just below the waterline in the bulkheads .In the last photo for ?. Regards Antony.
  12. Hi ? Nice start to your build. I like the idea of the blocks and they will make the model more robust as well as keeping everything straight answer square. The jig for the tree nailing is a good idea. Regards Antony.
  13. Hi David. Nice work. Like, like, like. Cuz the likes is broken. Regards Antony
  14. Hi ? It would be nice to have a Name 😊 Welcome to MSW. That a fine looking ship. And keeping the hull natural is a good choice. More photos please. Will follow along with this one. Seat booked. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi Techsan. Your workmanship is looking good from this side of the pond. I agree with Chris's Above. Just clean it up and put in the stub masts and it's a nice little model. Someone that is not ship literate would like it😀 Regards Antony.
  16. Hi. A nice build. Shame on Constructo for supplying such rubbish components for a basic model. Looks like you made a good job on the cannons. Regards Antony.
  17. Hi Pucko. Wow fast builder with very good quality. Very nice work with the decks. Regards Antony.
  18. Hi don. A very impressive build. Regards Antony.
  19. Hi Pucko. Have seen this kit built before. Turns out to be a real eye catcher. Following along with this one. What's the wood quality like ? Regards Antony.
  20. Hi Mike. Not easy to answer. I think you are right about"My understanding is the opening should be framed twice. Once with with a 0,5 thick plank. Then a 1,5 thick plank. " on Zoran Web site there are colour photos of the build. http://www.marisstella.hr/gotovi_modeli_galery.php?id=126&tip=2 Some close up of the hatch entrance . The 3 boards could be showing the side and the face of one board. Why the 0.5 strip stops ...no idea might be a drafting error. In the circle you have drawn... the 4mm is the width of the bulkhead. The 6mm is also looks like a board width.. 6mm X 0.5.. Again a drafting error (should show width of the 6mm X 0.5mm board.) Not sure on the 0.5mm. Don't know the kit so only guessing. Regards Antony.
  21. Hi Jeff. Nice progress. Nice to see that you test fit everything that can be test fitted then removed for placement later on. No advice from me..You are making a First class build 😀 Regards Antony.
  22. Hi Mike. This is a very nice kit.. and you have made a excellent start to the build. I will grab my chair and await the next scene. All the best with this fabulous boat. Regards Antony.
  23. Hi Doug. Not seen this kit before. Looks like a nice build. Got my premier seat booked. I like cross sections as you can add such a lot of detail. All the best. Antony.
  24. Hi Sal. I see what you mean about Gulliver's travels with the elastic bands. But it works 😀 It's a nice looking kit. Regards Antony.
  25. Hi. Look on eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Eaglemoss-Captain-Cooks-Endeavour-Issue-84-start-to-make-the-formast-/401198177958 BTW It would be a good idea to remove your email. List of items in part Issue #841 x 300 x 4 x 2mm Ayous wood strip1 x 300 x 6mm diameter Ayous wood rod1 x 300 x 5mm diameter Ayous wood rod1 x 300 x 8mm diameter Ayous wood rod1 x Fairlead saddle, foremast top, bibs and trestle-trees (14 pieces)1 x Printed plan for the foremast All the best Antony.
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